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Day 2, July 25, Kurmavatara

Jai Bolo Dashaavataara Murti ki Jai ! Jai Bolo Sriman Narayana Swamiki Jai !!

We are talking about Dashavatara tatva and yesterday we spoke about Matsyavatara. We learnt how He is glowing in our body as Paramjyoti - the divine light. All shastras spoke about this divinity. Chaitra Suddha Truteeya, the third day after Ugadi, He was born. When we look for Matsya Narayana temple, we find one in Nagalapuram. He is also known as Veda Narayana as he protected the Vedas for the first time in the form of Matsya Narayana. He protected knowledge. We often see Matsya yantra being used to improve our business. This Matsya Narayana also improves education among children. I remember going to that temple sometime in my childhood. I could not go after that. Now let us sing Madhava Matsyavathara and then enter into Kurma avatara, the next incarnation.

Jai Bolo Matsyavatara Swamiki Jai !

Yesterday, we spoke about the 10 important Avataras of the 21 incarnations of the Lord. Today we will learn in brief about 11th to 21st incarnation and then will talk about Kurma Avatara.

According to Bhagavata, the 11th Avatara is Kurma Avatara. This Avatara is very special. Some people grow Kurma in their houses. Now a days they are selling tortoise and many raise them up in their homes like how we have fish in aquariums. There is nothing wrong with it. But the only thing is that you need to provide proper food at the right time. When you grow any living being in your house, you need to show attention towards it. You should be concerned like how you are concerned about your children. So carefully, you must protect them. They wait for food. It is our responsibility. So we must protect. When un-favourable things happen to people, they will be asked if they are raising any animals at home and that proper care is being taken. As per dharma shastra, you need to take care of those animals and should not leave them in hunger.

When we talk about the speciality of Kurma Avatara, Yajurveda talks a lot about its significance especially in Yagnas & Yagas. Kurma - tortoise has great memory power. Once Swamiji went to a place where there are thousands of tortoise. They hatch eggs, hide them under sand and come back after 6 months. Thousands of toirtoise comes back and go to the exact location where they hatched. Such is their memory power. As per Bhagavata, this Kurma Avatara is taken as the 11th incarnation and carries the Manthara mountain on His back and became the source for amrutha, the divine nectar. Today we are going to speak about this Swami.

Next in the 12th incarnation, Lord Dhanvantari came with a bowl of nectar and blessed the world with Ayurveda, a branch of Medical science. When we say Ayurveda, we feel it is only based on herbs. Ayurveda is a shastra. In olden days, there was only Ayurveda and is considered as sub veda for the Vedas. The entire medical science is an extension of Ayurveda. The chemicals that we talk about these days also are mentioned in Ayurveda. It contains everything. Later, it was bifurcated and is called as Naturopathy or herbal medicine etc. The Ayurveda bestowed by Lord Dhanvantari is the main source for all other branches of it. We need to learn about this. The lord came in the form of Dhanvantari and removed all the diseases in the world. It is important that your disease is cured. It doesn’t matter if it is cured by Allopathy or Naturopathy or Homeopathy. Every one needs cure, not the details. Such is the greatness of Lord Dhanvantari. Very rarely we see temples of Dhanvantari. Our Sadguru, out of deep compassion on all of us, consecrated Dhanvantari temple in the premises of Datta Venkateshwara temple. It is very rare. He carries the divine nectar in a *** in His hand.

Oushadheeshaya vidmahey
Amrutha kalasa hasthaya dheemahi
Thanno dhanvantarih prachodayaat

He is the lord of oushadhi - medicines, and carries amrutha kalasa, a *** of divine nectar in His hands and distributed it to the world. He is the lord who came out of the churning the sea and gave the darshan of the *** of nectar. Such Dhanvantari is the 12th incarnation of Narayana and is blessing the world.

Next is the 13th incarnation. After the Dhanvantari Avatara, you know the story of demons who grabbed the *** of nectar. They are fools. They do not know the value of nectar. They thought Amrutha - nectar is eatable. Upanishad says Amrutha is what is seen. Demons didn't know about this. They grabbed the ***. There is nothing in the ***. It contains value only when touched by the hands of the Lord. Hence He took the Mohini Avatara. There is a temple in Andhra Pradesh in a place called Ryali for this Mohini Avatara. There you can see the feminine decorations in the idol. You must take time to visit such pilgrims. These pilgrim places are like the crown for our country. We see Mohini Avatara in which He puts the demons in delusion and gets back the *** of nectar and distributed to Devathas. This is the 13th incarnation.

Next, in the 14th Avatara, the Lord took the form of Narasimha and killed Hiranyakashipa. We will also learn about this incarnation.

In the 15ht Avatara, the Lord becomes Maya Vamana. Vamana means Lilliput. He is not Lilliput, but He appears that way. He carried the whole universe in Him. This Vamana got back the kingdom of the Devathas which was grabbed by King Bali. He is giving darshan to us in the 15th Avatara.

Next in the 16th Avatara, the Lord becomes Parashurama, and wanders around the earth for 21 times and killed the kings who egoed and protected the earth.

In 17th Avatara, He became Veda Vyasa and gave us all the shastras. Veda Vyasa is just not the one in who was there in Dwapara yuga during Krishna's time. There were 24 Vyasas born so far. Veda Vyasa means the one who divided the Vedas and gave to us for easy understanding. It is like distribution of knowledge in the form of subjects. In class ten, we study all the subjects. After 10th, we decide to go for Maths or select Science as option. Further when you go to graduation, even in Science group, you pick Chemistry or Physics or one particular specialization. Like wise, the Vedas were divided by him. It is a major task. So he is called Veda Vyasa maharshi. We celebrate Guru Purnima as Vyasa Purnima. He is the one who gave us knowledge. It is a great task of writing 100,000 shlokas. Such is the 17th Avatara.

In the 18th incarnation, the Lord came in the form of Sri Rama, crossed the sea and killed Ravana. Crossing the sea is not an easy job. He built a bridge on the sea and killed Ravana.

All these were explained in Bhagavatam. We cannot have a detailed description of each Avatara. For doing so, one Chaturmasya is not sufficient. Hence, we are only talking about Dashavataras. Hence, we are just remembering the 21 Avataras.

Next in the 19th Avatara, the Lord came as BalaRama and in the 20th incarnation, the Lord came as Sri Krishna. In the 21st Avatara, He will come as Kalki. This is yet to come.

Who ever thinks that their birth is of great one, and that their karmas are all of good virtues and those who believes that the divine incarnations and His Leelas are great, and that He is doing all these for the protection of the world, such people will not have further births. They are merged in the lord Himself. Even the basic awareness about this is sufficient. That is why we need to learn about Avataras and its specialities. By knowing this, we will know His power. Getting rid of re-birth is a great boon. It is not so easy. You get this boon after many births. Because, after being born, no senseful person will want to have another birth. Because we under go many difficulties of previous birth which we don't remember now. Do you have any idea how would your next birth be? If you have any such idea, every woman would want to be born as Miss India or Miss World only and all men would want to be born as Prime Minister or President or some Super Star. Birth is in no one's hands. It is only in the hands of Karma. Our Karma gives our Karma. Even in case we don’t try for salvation, at least try for having a good birth next and finally try for birthlessness. This is the quality of an intelligent man. This is important. But this does not mean, you curse this birth. Since you got this birth, you are using your body for gaining knowledge, for sadhana, for education, for business, for fame or for any other things. If this birth is not there, none of these are there. So, respect your birth, make use of this birth by doing sadhana for a better re-birth or for salvation.

The main purpose of birth is to have no re-birth. Many people question why are we born? What is the purpose of our life? Many question this. There is only one purpose. Either through our good deeds or through our sadhana – spiritual practice or by penance, try to have no more births. Since that is very difficult, the Lord has given easy ways. That is why Krishna is called Jagadguru. Not just simply He got this title. His upadesha is such. He made everything easy for us in Bhagavat Gita. Here and there He has given us tips and alerts, like we get daily pop ups these days. In such alerts, this is one important one. You must learn through Tatva. Tatva is to become 'that' and merge into. Tat like in 'Tatvamasi'. What a brief teaching it is!

If someone asks what is the summary of the teachings of your Vedas or your Sadguru in India, just say this one word - 'Tatvamasi'. This word is not used by any one in the world. Only our Upanishads in India used it. Who can give us knowledge in such brief way? If you ask Who am I, who will say that you are Paramatma - the Lord Himself ? People say, this is your name, you have born out of sin etc etc, but that is wrong. You are Paramatma. His consciousness is all spread in you. Who in this world can say this except our Upanishad. How much we are assured of this statement! How happy we feel! There is a great truth hidden in the statement Tatvamasi. It is difficult to reach this state. We need devotion for this. It comes step by step. But it will come for sure. Our mind should go towards that. But if you want to go in that direction and go in a different direction, Sadguru has the capacity to join both the directions and take us there. There is nothing wrong in praying to remove difficulties. But you must not be afraid that this difficult situation will remain like this for ever. Along with this prayer, also pray for knowledge.

Likewise, you must learn about the Lord's Leelas. Then you become Sat Chit Ananda. Sat means Truth, Chit means glowing with knowledge and Ananda is being in the state of happiness. Sat-chit-ananda - that is why our Sadguru's name is Sachchidananda. If you remember this name, you will reach that state. This is the secret behind it. These three words are very important for anyone. Guru Gita talks about these three words only. Anyone does anything for happiness only. Will anyone get into any business for loss? No. It is only for happiness we do anything. The entire universe is depending on these three. Hence Paramatma is called 'Sachchidananda Lakshanaha'. Who ever, understands this tatva in these stories, such people will have His blessings completely.

In some context, He has taken some form like Matsyavatara or Kurmavatara. Why are we talking about it till today? We watch serials and movies and some shows in TV. We don’t talk about it for long. Why? Because, there is no truth in it. But we talk about these incarnations even today. This means this is true forever. This is constant. He may not be visible in those forms, but these stories happen even today. Who ever understands His stories will get rid of re-birth. This must be read with utmost devotion. What is devotion? Offering a flower and prostrating is not devotion. It is karma. Then what is Bhakti ? Bhakti is not having Vibhakti. Vibhakti is division. Without being away from Him is devotion.

In one context, Swamiji said, 'for me Ganapathi is not different from Dattatreya. Then why so many idols and temples? It is for the people. There may be devotees of Krishna or Datta or Devi. They need it. So, these idols are consecrated. It is for those who do upasana of their favourite deities. You must reach the state of visualising your favourite Diety in all Dieties. That is how you must pray. In temples, they install Kurma peeta. Many doesn’t know about this. They stamp it and go to have darshan. They literally run to have darshan and come back just to say that they had darshan. They don’t know where the lord is. In Kasi, unlike in other temples, the Shiva linga is in a corner. People break a coconut on the head of the priest assuming to be Shiva linga and come out. That priest screams on them. They are in such hurry. When you go on pilgrimage, you must first discuss about that place, the Diety there and go. You must not go listening to film songs. You are going to temple. At least some
time, you spend dedicated for it. Don’t visit just for the sake of adding one more place to your diary's list of places. Visiting these places definitely have some power. Some places like Kasi, just going there also has some power. But by going there, you must also become knowledgeable.

In temples, where there is Kurma peeta, you must touch it and go so you get permission to go. To go to Shiva temple, you must touch Nandi and go. In Vishnu temple, touch Garuda, Dwaja stambha, the flag pole, pray to Hanuman and then go in. We say it is common sense to knock the door and go. There should be common sense in the case of *** also. By touching these, you get permission to go. Do not do senseless things.

A Tortoise withdraws all its parts inside the body when it is in danger. Once I have seen it in discovery channel. A tiger tried to attack a tortoise and the tortoise pulled all its parts inside. The tiger tried all possible ways but didn’t know how to eat it. The tiger was frustrated and went back. After seeing that, I felt that a true Yogi should be like that. When you try to do sadhana, you face many obstacles. At such times, you must be silent. Silence is the answer for many things. If you talk, that becomes a major argument. If you keep quite, they themselves will realise and come back and apologise. What makes them say that ? It is your yoga and patience that makes them speak that way. In such time, you must remember your Sadguru. Tortoise teaches us this. Every animal has some speciality. Usually a Leopard doesn’t eat monkeys. Once out of hunger, it killed a monkey and carried it on to a tree. While doing so, it heard a tiny baby monkey's cry. It looked down and found that this baby monkey clinged to its mother. By looking at this baby monkey, even in such hunger, the Leopard left the mother and came down and caught the baby monkey. We think it is going to *** the baby monkey. But no, it carried this baby to the tree top and took care like its own child. In the mean while a Hyena comes there to attach the baby monkey and the Leopard protects this baby monkey. When there is so much of compassion in a Leopard which is hungry, how much should we as human beings have? Tell me! This is where Paramatma is. The word 'all pervasive' means this. Tears rolled down in my eyes by seeing this.

Every animal has a feature. Every man has a speciality. Every object also has a feature. We must know about this and put to practice. It is applied to us. You must understand this. This mercy and compassion alone comes to our rescue.

We must learn yoga from Kurma Narayana Swamy. In the whole world, there is only one temple for Kurma Narayana. It is in Sri Kurmam. I have been there many times. There is a priest there by name Kurmachary. His name also is with kurma. He is a great devotee of Swamji. Every year he comes to Mysore. Every day, he performs puja on Swamiji's name and he says, there is no greater Yogi than You. Let me perform archana to Yoga Narayana on Your name. It is a wonderful place near Srikakulam. Take time to visit this place. We are going to talk about this Swami today. His Avatara comes on Vaishaka Purnima. Chaitra Suddha Truteeya is Matsyavataram and Vaishaka Purnima is Kurmavatara. Baisakhi is a great festival. Buddha Jayanthi also is celebrated on the same day. Such Swami is praised greatly in Dasarathi Sathakam.

Visualize all Devathas in your favourite deity. There is no difference in them. Each region has some specific ***. But you try to see your favourite diety in all of them. In fact this is easy. This is called Upasana. In this process of Upasana, visiting the temples of those dieties, knowing the Leelas, chanting the mantras of that diety are all part of upasana. Remembering about this diety constantly till you attain mantra siddhi is upasana. It reaches to a state of conversing with those Devatas. That is the pinnacle.

Kurma Avatara is described also in Venkata nagadhipati stotra. In this, it is described as, the Manthara mountain on the back of Kurma appears as a bee on the lotus flower. Wonderful visualization. Often a sumeru is installed on Kurma. This is very auspicious to have darshan. It seems, due to the weight of carrying the Manthara mountain, it created a tattoo on the back of Kurma. This means He carried so much weight that it left its imprint.

It is said that before knowing about Kurma Swami, we must pray to Goddess Laxmi. Why? Because, Goddess Laxmi married the Lord during his Kurma incarnation. Whoever remembers Kurma, and who ever has Kurma peeta in their house or have Kurma yantra, will have blessings of Goddess Laxmi. Like how our shadow doesn’t leave us, Mother Laxmi also followed the Lord in all His incarnations.

The one who is all pervasive is Kurma Paramatma. He is also called as Kurma Narayana Swami or Yoga Narayana murti. He is the origin of the universe which is movable and immovable too. Brahma is born from His naval. This means, the entire world is born from His naval. A baby takes food from its mother initially through the naval cord. To explain this science, He created the universe from His naval. He is protecting all of us with His Leelas. Prajapathi Brahma wanders in His stomach. This entire Universe is on motion because of Him. He is rotating the Universe.

In life, when we withstand to all difficulties, we get the fruits of it. The Lord incarnated as Kurma to teach this to us. He tolerated difficulties to get nectar out of it. Sleep is His glory. In English, we say take a small nap. Nap is important. In yoga, one must not strain the body. It must be given some rest. If you say, I didn’t get time to exercise whole week, so one day on Sunday I will do the entire week's quota and do treadmill for 3 hours, you will fall down. That is wrong. Kurma Avatara tells us this secret of Yoga. Keep doing it daily. Do it at least for 10 minutes. It is ok. Kurma took the aid of sleep. All of you remember, even when you are studying or working or doing anything, just close your eyes for some time every 90 minutes. Set alarm for every 90 minutes. When it rings, just close your eyes. You don’t need to sleep. Just close your eyes and take a deep inhale and exhale. You will know the difference. It gives a lot of energy. This is Kriya yoga. How long? Just for 1 minute every 90 minutes. If you keep on working continuously, the body gets tired.

Kurma, bearing the weight of a mountain, just simply relaxed. Similarly, when people put you to difficulties, just think that is also a lesson for your good. Your life goes smooth with that. Now let us sing Tande Tayi Pandu Ranga. Bhajan is like a power nap for us also.

Pandu Ranga - Paadu Ranga - Sing the glory of Ranga. There are deities for everything in the world, like to remove obstacles there is Ganapathi, for knowledge there is Saraswati, for wealth there is Laxmi. But if there is a diety for Nama Sankeertana, it is Panduranga alone. Nama Sankeertane is the only Archana there for Panduranga. There are nine types of Archana. The last one among this is Keerthana - singing. You must immediately sing. You must not say, I cannot sing, my sruthi is not good, my voice is not good. Sing however you know. Swami likes that way only. Nama Sankeertana is very important. When you sing during the evening, all the surroundings becomes peaceful.

Now, let us know about Kurma Narayana Swamy as per Kurma Purana. Suta maha muni narrates this story for other munis present there. This Kurma episode removes sins. How? By turning us towards him.

Earlier, when there was a war between demons and Gods in which demons occupied their kingdom, all the Devathas prayed to Narayana to protect them. Maha Vishnu instructs them to churn the milky sea. This defeat for Indra is due to Guru's curse. When we sing Tande Tayi Panduranga, we feel why is Panduraga the mother and father rather than our own parents. This means, see your mother and father in Him and see Him in your mother and father. Indra insulted his Guru Bruhaspati. Once, Bruhaspati visits Indra. Indra denies to see Him. Bruhaspati curses him and leaves that place. Hence, all the Devathas had to face this difficulty. To come out of this, churn the milky sea, says Lord Maha Vishnu.

To help the Devathas, Narayana took the form of Kurma. Any work is to be done with yoga. Little tactics are required. We think of results even before starting the work. It should not be the case. The results of the work also are to be offered to the Lord. That is Yoga. Certain temples were built like Tanjavur temple. Some generations passed by for its completion. Grand father started building the temple and grandson completed it. Huge dams were built. People did those works for the welfare of people. Hence we are remembering them till today. Offer the merits of the karma to Sadguru. Any work is to be done with tactic. Any work done without knowledge goes waste. This yoga, Kurma Narayana teaches us.

During the churning, Laxmi was born. She is called Kamakshim Krodha Sambhavam in Laxmi Ashtottaram. But it is Kamam Ksheerodha Sambhavam. In one instance, it is said that She was born from the anger of Brugu Maharshi. Sometimes after many efforts, when there is no result, we do it again with anger. Similarly Brugu once showed anger and it is said that She was born out of that anger. Hence She is called Kamakshim Krodha Sambhavam. But it has to be Kamam Ksheerodha Sambhavam. He is fulfilling all our kamas - desires and She is born out of the milky sea. She adorned Kurma Narayana with Vaijayanthi garland and announced that He is Her husband. Since then, they are called Laxmi Narayana.

Jai Bolo Laxmi Narayana Swami ki Jai !!

Narayana Himself explained the tatva of Goddess Laxmi. He says, I don’t need to do anything. Everything will be done by Her. Not just for humans, but for the entire world. Laxmi is just not money, wealth, power and many. Sri Suktham says, everything in the world is Laxmi Herself.

Agni Purana also talks about Kurma Avatara. Whoever remembers this, will gain success in life. This was told to Vasishta Maharshi by Agni deva.

Jai Bolo Kurma Murti Swamiki Jai !

In Bhagavata, Kurma episode is very wonderful. Lord Vishnu tells the Devathas to churn the milky sea along with demons. Because, in certain circumstances, we must do friendship even with our enemies. No choice.

Once a snake was caught and put in a net. It finds a rat passing that way and calls it and asks to cut the net and assures that it will not *** any other rat for doing this favour. Rat gets astonished that a snake which never speaks, is taking its favour. It bites the net and releases the snake. After the snake is released what happened is not told. It is only said that like the snake and the rat, one must make friendship even with an enemy to get our things done. These kind of management skills are to be learnt from Lord Maha Vishnu. This is the very reason He had taken so many incarnations.

For the success of your work, you must take the help of others. You must never say, he is my enemy. I don’t talk to him. This will not work out. When in difficulty, take the help of even an enemy and get out of that situation. Maha Vishnu tells this to the Devathas to join with demons and churn the sea. Bali didn't agree for this. They convinced him. Together, they started the churn. Amrutha was born out of it. Before this, they had to face lot of difficulties. They wanted to use the Manthara mountain for churning. However, they could not move it. Then Vishnu went on Garutmanta, brought the Manthara and placed it on the back of Kurma and during the churn, when the mountain sinked into the sea, He incarnated as Kurma and raised the Manthara to the top. We are talking about such Swami.

When we feel our life is sinking, He comes to rescue us in the form of Sadguru. Yesterday we spoke about Him, Who is in the form of aksharas - letters and knowledge. This is school stage. After this, we go for a job or some kind of livelihood. He protects us at this stage of difficulties of life too. At this time Yoga is essential for us. He instructs that no work should be done without Yoga. So, He is called Yoga Narayana Murti.

Markandeya Purana also describes about Kurma. This we will talk about tomorrow. As per this narration, all the planets, and the entire universe is visible in this Kurma. That is how we must visualise this incarnation. By doing so, all the evil effects of malefic planets will subside.

During the churn, many objects were born. One of them is Nectar. To distribute this to the Devathas and the demons, Kurma Swamy took the incarnation. Vyasa bhagawan describes amrutha mathana - churning the see for nectar as thus :

Atma Ksheera Nidhihi - The milky sea is our body or Atma.

Viveka nichayaha - Manthana Shailottama

Working with intellect is Manthara mountain. We collect knowledge from various sources. This knowledge is Manthara mountain.

Praneeyoh marudeva vaasukuhihi - Vasuki
The snake used as rope to pull is the prana shakti, the inner energy.

While churning thus, the good and bad thoughts inside us are the Devathas and demons. After churning, the discussions that we make is Amrutha, nectar.
This is what Mahatmas do.

So, the important points for us here is, in Atma tatva, there should be knowledge and intelligence. We must do pranayama and protect Kriya Yoga. Drive away bad thoughts and retain only good ones. The divinity that comes out after all this is Amrutha - the divine nectar. Such good deeds will have success always.

Then what is Amrutha ? With what is nectar compared with ?

Svaananda peeyushakrut

The inner feeling of atmananda or brahmananda, the happiness is Amruta.
We today remembered that swami, who is the origin for such happiness in us.

Jai Bolo Kurma Narayan Swamiki... Jai !!