Kalki Avatara

  • 20 Feb 2014
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Day 10, August 2, Kalki Avatara

Dasha - phases of life is very important. Every 12 years there is an eminent change in life. The first phase of 12 years, the boy develops rationality. When he is 24 years, he completes his education and looks for a job and the battle of life starts here. On reaching 36 years he is focused on saving and protecting his progeny. Inculcating of service to society begins, and he tries to be a good part of society. On reaching of 48 years he has either still earning or has earned all that is necessary for leading life. At 60 years he has done all his duties in this material world and now retired from family life and gets appointed into spiritual life. He should increase the intensity of spirituality in this phase of life. At 72 years a ritual of ratha shanti is performed. At 84 years he is making arrangements for the final journey of life, he is getting ready in mind to leave the mortal body. At 96 years he performs Shannavati Shraaddha rituals to please his forefathers. At 96 years accounting all the adhika masas, he actually completes 100 years of age. (Adhika Masa is the thirteenth month in the Lunar Calendar)

It is the quality of life that counts rather than the number of years lived. Remembering the Dashavataras earns the grace of *** and changes our phases of life for good.
Venkateshwara Swami has decorated all nine fingers of His feet with rings which symbolize the nine planets. The 10th finger is decorated with a ring which represents the *** of death. The evident *** of Kaliyuga is lord Venkateshwara.

In Dashavataras the incarnation of Buddha is included, but this Buddha is not Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. According to Bhagavatam, He is called Ariha, meaning slayer of enemies and demons. This incarnation came down to earth straight from Vaikuntam – the abode of Vishnu. He walked down to earth ***. He created feelings of moham - greed in demons, and He preached knowledge to humans and Gods.

Nobody needs to doubt whether Kalki incarnation happened or not. It happened in the past Kali eon, and it will continue to happen in the coming Kali eons. The eons cycle is always continues. Kali evil has not yet completely stepped on the earth. He only has put his thumb on the earth, yet we see so many consequences of it. In this Kali eon one should cautiously deal with attachments. It makes us do many prohibitory things. Shielding yourself from deep attachment is very difficult in Kali. Kali does not touch Sadguru devotees.

Parikshit a king belonging to Kuru dynasty went to the forest for hunting. He was tired and went to the hermitage of Shamika muni. He was feeling very thirsty and asked for water. Shamika muni did not respond as he was in deep meditation. Parikshit garlanded Shamika muni with a dead snake in momentary anger. Shamika muni was still in taps and did not respond this act of Parikshit. The son of Shamika muni sees this and curses Parikshit to die within a week by the bite of a snake. Parikshit had huge mountain of merit and heard Bhagavata for the next week which earned him salvation. Parikshit descendants were extremely surprised with this behavior of Parikshit. How could Parikshit, who was blessed by Sri Krishna Himself and belonging to such a great dynasty, indulge in such a deplorable act? The reason is that Krishna had fought 18 battles with the demon Jarasandha. Every time that Jarasandha lost, Krishna would leave him alive. Balarama objected to this, but Krishna reasoned that Jarasandha would come back again with an army of demons and that they could *** them. In this way we can lighten the weight of demons on the earth. Jarasandha would leave all his belongings and ran away after losing. Krishna would collect them and use them for the benefit of His subjects. In one of the lost battles by Jarasandha, he left behind his crown and ran away. Krishna collected the crown and kept it in His safe custody. Before redeeming His incarnation. Krishna passed on the crown to the Pandavas. They did not use it because it was used by Jarasandha. They kept it in safe custody. It was later passed on to Parikshit. He did use it for a long time.

One day he opened the store room to see this wonderful crown and felt like wearing it and then he went hunting. He came to the forest for hunting and felt very thirsty. He went to Shamika muni hermitage, and asked for water. Shamika muni was in deep tapas and did not respond. Parikshit got angry and put the dead snake around his neck. Even though Shamika muni did not respond, his son cursed Parikshit for the deplorable act Parikshit had done, to die in a week by the bite of a snake.

It is not good to disturb anyone who is doing tapas. Walking up to a sleeping person and asking him if he has slept well is not manners. Seeing a person coming out of a bathroom and asking him did you have lunch is not manners or dharma.

Do you now understand why Parikshit’s mind for a moment thought and did this deplorable act of putting a dead snake around the neck of Shamika muni ? It is because Parikshit for a moment became interested in other’s property of Golden crown and used it. This is the effect of Kali. In this kali eon your mind generates instant fondness for others’ things. Fulfilling this thought of mind will give you bad consequences. Kali was there in Sri Krishna’s incarnation period, but not that much active. Krishna proceeded to Vaikuntam in the Sandi kalam of Dwapara eon and Kali eon. Kali showed his effects visibly at the moment that Parikshit wore the crown of Jarasandha. Kali took physical form and asked Parikshit to show places for his residence. Parikshit gave Kali a few places.

Kali resides in the hearts and houses of people who abuse Parents and Guru. He is in the houses of ungrateful persons, in the houses of drunkards, in those who practice prohibitory deeds, and in the houses of people who have deep attachment on the things belonging to others. As time passed by, Kali grew stronger and due to his impact, living beings faced a lot of problems. *** incarnated to save the living beings from the effects of Kali. Protection of *** includes punishment which aims at reforming the beings. This is illusion of Sri Hari.

Lets pray Kalki Swami. He is very proficient in putting lid on sins. Who is Kalki? Just like Krishna Hari, Rama Hari, and Govinda Hari, He is Kalki Hari. He is here to establish Kruta eon in Kali eon, just as old water goes away and paves way for new water to come in.

Lord Rama is prayed

Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam
Lokaa Bhi Ramam Sri Ramam Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

Rama not only removes difficulties but also gives happiness. Kalki will incarnate in the sandhi kalam – end of Kaliyuga and beginning of Kruta yuga. Kalki Swami will incarnate to bring back the kruta yuga days in the Kali eon. Kalki Swami will hold a divine sword in his hand, which is like the form of a great serpant. He is radiant with the sword. He does not pardon the kings who lack in qualities of compassion, kindness, and good intellect. He comes riding on a horse and he establishes Kruta eon in Kali eon. This is needed. May this 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu bless you all.

Did this incarnation happen in previous eons? The scriptures have said that this incarnation happened in previous instances of Kali eons and will surely happen in this Kali eon. Unable to bear the atrocities of the wicked people, Mother Earth goes to Brahma and prays Him to lighten the weight of demons on the earth. Brahma in turn, offers the same prayers at the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu discloses His plan of incarnation in Sambhala village. He would be born to the pious couple Sumati and Vishnu yashasu along with His three brothers. Vishnu incarnated in this way in previous kali eon. The incarnation of Kalki has happened in previous Kali eons and will happen in this Kali eon on the auspicious day of Vaishaka Suddha Dwadasi.

The entire Kali eon comprises of 432,000 years. It is told in Veda, so believe it. Do not believe in “the world will end in 2012 “ type of rumors. Don’t be scared. We cannot achieve anything with fear. Never let fear come in the way of expending your efforts for achieving anything. It is not correct using fear as an excuse. When you have prior information about the impending danger, then try and save yourself. And when you cannot do it, then at least pray to *** to save you. Thoughts such as “I cannot save myself. Let me do all prohibitory things.” is very wrong and sinful.

Natural calamities in smaller range like earthquakes do happen. In Lalitha Sahasrana Nama, Mother Lalitha is said to be the witness to the Great Dissolution. She is worshipped by the name – ‘Maha Pralaya Saakshini’. Small Dissolutions are common incidents in everyone’s life. There is a lot of time for kali eon to end. It is of very big surprise that, in spite of telling people the consequences of their current deeds, they are satisfied with the momentary enjoyment fruit of the current bad deeds. Informing them of the evil consequences of this deed in future does not deter them from doing such bad deeds. People are more happy with the momentary pleasure the deeds gives, and ignore the inevitable future punishments. Selfishness should mean that the deeds should do good to you both in present and in future. People are not able to understand the correct meaning of selfishness. Maybe we are travelling towards demon hood. When such demon hood prevails, intensely Kalki Swami will incarnate.

Jai Bolo Kalki Narayana Swami ki Jai.

What does kruta eon mean? All the inhabitants in kruta eon would see themselves in others. In such circumstances there is no scope for mistakes, sins, and horrendous acts. Can anyone cheat himself? Is this act heard of anywhere in the world? No.

The Kalki *** incarnated on Vaishaka Shuddha Dwadasi. Shasthi Devi is protecting the child. Durga devi cuts the umbilical cord. Savitri Devi bathed the child with Ganga waters. Vishnu incarnated as Kalki with four hands. The parents pleaded that they are not able to tolerate such radiant form and prayed Him to take the normal form with two hands. Vishnu agreed and did so.

It must be our strong belief that our forefathers and Gurus continue to exist, even though they have left their mortal body. How do they exist? They continue to exist in luminary - jyoti form. That is why *** has taken luminary form and is called jyoti rupa. We must believe that they are with us, in us and are residing in our heart. We must firmly believe that my Sadguru is there for me at all the times. Such feeling and belief is very necessary. Remembering the seven immortals in the creation gives us good health and longevity.

"Ashwathaama Balir Vyaso Hanumanascha Vibhishana Krupacharya cha Parashuramam Saptaita Chiranjeevanam" - 'Ashwathama, King Mahabali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripacharya and Parashurama are the seven immortals. These immortals came in Bhikshu form to the naming ceremony and named Him as Kalki.

Jai Bolo Kalki Narayana Swami Ki Jai

As the child is growing up, His father hinted the child the real intention of his incarnation. One day Vishnu yasassu sat with Kalki and informed Him the horrendous and dreadful circumstances prevailing in this Kali eon. He said, “Kalki you have incarnated to bring about a change in these circumstances.” Kalki obediently agreed to father and decided to follow it.

In Bhagavatam, it is told that *** incarnates with freedom and forgetful of the fact that He is in Vaikutha, and incarnates on earth. Otherwise He cannot dwell with us. He would continue to be beyond comprehension and we can neither see Him nor understand Him. This is the reason why Sri Sadguru also comes down to our level to speak to us, so that we can understand Him. Thus He is called avatar or incarnation as He comes down to our level and speaks to us.

Generally everyone wants to go higher and higher and are not willing to come down to lower level. But Sadguru, being the form of love and affection, comes down for the devotees and disciples and gives upadesha. Teaching alphabets to children requires a lot of patience. Showing patience, the parents encourage children to learn as teaching children at their level would be futile.

Instead of showing off His knowledge, the real teacher would come down to the level of the student and teach him. This is the real quality of a teacher. Persisting with patience, one day the student will understand and learn. Sadguru also takes so much strain and teaches us. Sri Swamiji speaks in a simple language so that all can understand Him.

Kalki enacted forgetfulness until His father made Him remember His real intention of incarnation. Kalki agreed and made a determination in His mind.

The parents of Kalki conducted the thread ceremony of Him. The main intention of the thread ceremony is that the father comforts the child, makes the child sit in his lap and does upadesha to the child while covering their heads with a cloth. The major purpose of upadesha here is to fill the child with knowledge and this should be the main intention of parents. After the thread ceremony, the parents wanted to send Kalki to school for further education. Just as Kalki stepped out of His house to go to Guru kula, Parashurama stood in His way. Parashurama was angry. At times, anger appears to be good. But only enactment of anger is good. It should not enter in your heart. Your heart should be ever pleasant.

Shiva is worshipped as “Natitha Rosha”. Shiva enacts anger during the Great Dissolution, but after the Great Dissolution Shiva is smiling and is peaceful. How did this become possible for Shiva? It became possible only because Shiva enacted anger and He did not let it go into the heart. He dressed Himself with anger only for the cause of Great dissolution, which is His work. We must learn this from Shiva and practice this. *** enacts anger only for our welfare just as we enact anger to our child on his refusal to go to school. It is difficult to understand ***’s plan.

Parashurama says to Kalki, “Shiva is my Guru, I have learned from Him. I will give all I have learned and you don’t have to go to school for this.” Parashurama transfers the knowledge to Kalki, tells him that He has to learn more, and asks Him to worship Shiva. Kalki worshiped Shiva. In a short time Shiva gave darshan and gave Kalki a horse which is as capable as Garuda. Shiva said to Kalki that in this Kali eon you need to travel all over the earth, and this horse will serve this purpose of yours. The name of the horse is Gaaruda. Shiva gave a parrot named Sarvagna. This parrot keeps Kalki Swami updated about all the happenings in the world.
Maybe this is the reason why Sri Swamiji is rearing parrots to relieve us from the problems of Kali eon. Shiva also gave Kalki a gem-studded sword just as Lord Venkateshwara has Nandaka sword. Annamayya is born with the instance of Nandaka sword. He cuts down our ignorance with His divine Knowledge. Kalki adorned the Gaaruda, let the parrot Sarvagna sit on His shoulder, held the sword and travelled to Mahishmati puram. His incarnation leela started by blessing a devotee called Vishakhayupudu. He blessed the devotee and came back to His parents.

It is a customary for Mother Lakshmi to go along with Vishnu incarnation. She is surely present at all places where Lord Vishnu is remembered. It is often said that one should keep body, mind, and environment clean because it prompts Mother Lakshmi to reside there. When we sweep off the dust out of the house then "Daridra Lakshmi" goes away and paves way to Maha Lakshmi Mata. We must lit a lamp near Gods idol and believe the lamp to be Mother Lakshmi’s form. Mother Lakshmi incarnated as Padmavathy, as daughter of Bhradrathudu in Simhala country. Padmavathy worshipped Shiva, Shiva appeared in a brief time and gave her a much needed protective boon in this Kali. The boon stated that anyone who sees Padmavathy with romantic vision or bad vision, they will turn into women instantaneously. Shiva gave the protective boon due to the horrendous thinking minds of Kali people.

Parents should teach their children. Until you get married, you must see women in the light of motherhood only. Once you get married, you can show all your love and affection on your wife. This should be taught to both son and daughter. You should further tell him that following this principle you will not have confusions, will get good education, and a lot of goodness will be bestowed on you. Parents must encourage and tell children to read Ramayana, Bhagavatam, and Maha Bharatha, and to inculcate good behavior and qualities and practice them. Telling children that reading Ramayana will bestow merit on them, will not serve much of purpose.

Tell that reading Ramayana will help you to differentiate between Rama and Ravana. They should behave like Rama and not like Ravana. Merit will come on its own. Prostrations will surely earn merit only when the mind is clean. Prostrating with polluted mind will not earn merit. Normally children from the villages are employed as child labor. You must help children from villages to get educated. Education and knowledge are more important than food. We can survive without food for a day, but without knowledge we cannot survive. The life without knowledge is wasted life. Transforming education as business has proved a destructive world. This knowledge travels with us to future births. Change should start from us. It should be practiced, and not just talked about. There is limit for everything, but for service there is no limit. Service is available as much as you do.

Coming back to the story. The heart of Mother Padmavathy was a bit worried, thinking of the consequences of the Shiva's boon to her. Because of this boon, the punishment is the same for both intentional and unintentional mistake. Compassion is womanhood. That is a women's heart. The parrot Sarvagna came to know that Mother Lakshmi incarnation as Padmavathy. She traveled to Simhala country, met Padmavathy, and told her all the things. The parrot introduced himself as a messenger of Kalki. Mother Lakshmi said that even though you are a messenger of Vishnu, you don’t possess Vishnu devotion. Padmavathy initiated parrot into Vishnu devotion. Parrots are quick graspers and learners. After listening to the devotional discourse by mother Padmavathy, the parrot informed to mother Padmavathy that Vishnu, of Whom she just had spoken, has incarnated as Kalki. The parrot pleaded mother Padmavathy to meet Kalki and marry Him.

Sarvagna came back to Kalki and told Him the message of mother Padmavathy that she is ready to marry Him. Kalki hopped on to the horse Gaaruda and came to the place Karunipuram and rested there. Padmavathy mata came there, offered pranams to Kalki, and enquired his opinion.
Padmavathy mata told her father Bruhadratha that Maha Vishnu has incarnated as Kalki. She herself is Maha Lakshmi and asked him to get them married. Bruhadratha himself being knowledgeable, readily agreed. The divine marriage took place at the shore of the Reva river. All the demi-gods and Gods attended in subtle forms. Bruhadratha was happy that His life was blessed.

Indra got a mansion built by Vishwaksena in Shabala village. Kalki resided there for long time along with Padmavathy. One day Kalki went for a sea bath. During that bath, He saw a fox who wanted to cross the sea. Normally many animals are afraid of water, but here this fox is trying to cross the sea. Kalki makes a determination. His victorious journey starts from here. He first freezes the sea and then went on to *** the first demon Jinudu.

Jai Bolo Kaliki Swami Ki Jai

A Mleccha is the one who is non-Vedic and barbarian. They are those people who do not believe in ***, who are not compassionate, kind or righteous. These people always trouble and pain others. Kalki Swami incarnated to *** these people. From here He went to Naimisharanya and killed the demoness called Khuthodhari, who is causing trouble to Valakhilya Rishis. Rama incarnated to protect and instill dharma in this world. He went to Lanka and killed Ravana. Similarly Kalki is prayed to protect, instill dharma, and establish kruta eon in Kali eon in this world. Then Kalki Swami kills the demons Koka and Vikoka. For some reasons Kalki confronted Shashidwaja and war happened. But on the prayer of his wife Shushanta, a devotee of Kalki, Kalki pardoned Shashidwaja. Kalki did upadesha to Shashidwaja and let him go. Shashidwaja got the blessings of Kalki. Kalki finally gave salvation to Shashidwaja. Kalki Swami travelled all over the world in due course and sowed the seeds of devotion, killed all the unrighteous people and thus saved the world .

Jai Bolo Maha Vishnu Swamiki Jai.

Kalki Swami again continued His victory voyage. He redeemed Vishakanya and send her to heaven. Kalki Swami prayed maya and started yagnas in Sambhala village. The incarnation of Kalki was never to punish alone. Punishment was used as a tool to reform and encourage people to tread on the path of righteousness. Kalki gave a chance to people to participate in good deeds like charity of food, clothes and knowledge sharing during yagna. He further blessed that Sambhala village will be the pivotal point of the world. He gave salvation to His father Vishnuyassasu. Meanwhile He married Ramadevi. Brahma and others informed Him that it is time for redemption of incarnation. Kalki along with His wives Padmavathy and Ramadevi went to take a bath in Ganga River. Kalki went to His abode along with His wives. Kalki Swami went to His abode just as Rama went to Vaikuntha bathing in Sarayu river. This is how Kalki protected earth and living beings in Kali yuga.

According to the order of Kalki Swami, Maru and Devapuru ruled and protected this earth by ruling as kings. Knowing that Visnhu went to His abode, they ruled the kingdom. The major sankalpa of Kalki to establish Kruta eon in Kali eon is fulfilled. Some of the kings went to Badarika ashram and did penance for the benefit of the world. Then the creation again began.

*** again incarnated as Nara and Narayana rushis. This cycle goes on eternally. We must pray that the cycle should continue like this. We must learn truth, dharma and the power of discrimination between the permanent and temporary things. Installing this decision in our mind is very important. Only then we will see the permanent thing. Then we will only see truth. Then we will practice dharma. Then we will earn the blessing of Sadguru and lead our life peacefully. *** being omnipresent, is saving all beings. This is the truth. Knowing Him should be the ultimate goal of human life. We should know the truth, remember it and practice it. We shall pray Him.

Listening to the story of Kalki’s incarnation will bestow us good age, fame, heaven, and a blessed life. It removes our sins and sorrows. This story of Kalki will keep us awake and will help us to be free of Kali’s grip. It gives happiness and salvation and fulfills all our desires.

If we pray to Ganga, we will get the merit of praising Kalki. All the Gods are there in the water. Water is the main constituent of life. All those who take water into their hands, be it tap water, rain water, or bottle water, just chant Ganga Ganga Ganga and sprinkle the water on your head Kalki *** will stay in your house and protect you from Kali problems.

A devotee is making an agreement with ***. I am praying You for making this life purposeful and not for acquiring the fame of being the best among the humans, give me such luck. I am praying You only for salvation. Give me salvation. It is very difficult, so please bless me with it. Listening to ***’s glories is very good. It gives merit and also cleanses the mind.

Sri Guru Datta