Bhagavad Gita

  • 04 Sep 2013
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Highlights of HH Sri BalaSwamiji’s 7 days discourse on Bhagavad Gita from September 12 - September 16

Dhyana Shlokas

1) pārthāya pratibodhitāḿ bhagavatā nārāyaṇena svayaḿ
vyāsena grathitāḿ purāṇa-muninā madhye mahābhārate
advaitāmṛta-varṣiṇīḿ bhagavatīm aṣṭādaśādhyāyinīḿ
amba tvām anusandadhāmi bhagavad-gīte bhava-dveṣiṇīm

2) namo’stu te vyāsa viśāla-buddhe
yena tvayā bhārata-taila-pūrṇaḥ
prajvalito jñānamayaḥ pradīpaḥ

3) prapanna-parijātāya
jñāna-mudrāya kṛṣṇāya
gītāmṛta-duhe namaḥ

4) Vasudeva sutam devam
Kamsa-chanūra mardanam
ḍevaki parama-anandam
Kriśnam vande Jagatgurum

5) bhīṣma-droṇa-taṭā jayadratha-jalā gāndhārī-nīlotpalā
śalya-grāhavatī kṛpeṇa vahinī karṇena velākula
aśvattāma-vikarṇa-ghora-makarā duryodhanāvartinī
sottīrṇā khalu pāṇḍavārṇava-nadī kaivartakaḥ keśvaḥ

6) pārāśarya-vacaḥ sarojam amalaḿ gītārtha-gandhotkaṭaḿ
nānākhyānaka-keśaraḿ hari-kathā-sambodhanābodhitam
loke sajjana-ṣaṭpadair aharahaḥ pepīyamānaḿ mudā
bhūyād bhārata-paṅkajaḿ kalimala-pradhvaḿsanaḿ śreyase

7) Mūkaḿ karoti vācālaḿ
paṅguḿ laṅghāyate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaḿ vande
sachchidananda sadgurum

8) shanta Karam Bhujaga ṣayanam,
padmanabham ṣureśam
viśvadharam Gagana ṣadruśam,
megha Varnam ṣubhangam
lakśmi Kantam Kamala ṇayanam,
yogibhir ḍhyana Gamyam
vande Viśnum Bhava Bhaya ḥaram,
sarva ḻokaia Kanatham

9) yaḿ brahmā varuṇendra-rudra-marutaḥ stunvanti divyaiḥ stavair
vedaiḥ sāṅga-pada-kramopaniṣadair gāyanti yaḿ sāma-gāḥ
dhyānāvasthita-tad-gatena manasā paśyanti yaḿ yogino
yasyāntaḿ na viduḥ surāsura-gaṇā devāya tasmai namaḥ

10) narayanam namas-krutyam naro caiva narot-ta-mam
devim sara-svatim vyāsam tato jaya-mudir-yet

11) saccidananda rūpaya kriśnaya klesa hārine
ṇamo vedantha vedhyaya gurave buddi sakśine

12) ṣarvopaniśado gāvo dogdā gopālanandanah
Parthovatsa sudhīr bhoktā dugdam gitāmritam mahat

13) gītā-śāstram idaḿ puṇyaḿ yaḥ paṭhet prayataḥ pumān
viṣṇoḥ padam avāpnoti bhaya-śokādi-varjitaḥ

14) ekaḿ śāstraḿ devakī-putra-gītam
eko devo devakī-putra eva
eko mantras tasya nāmāni yāni
karmāpy ekaḿ tasya devasya sevā

Verses of 10th chapter of Bhagavad Gita

1: Shri Bhagavan Uvacha Bhuya eva mahat baho shrunu me paramam vachah I Yatteham priyamanaya vakshyami hita kamyaya II
2: Na me viduh suraganah prabhavam na maharshayah I Aham adir hi devanam maharishinam cha sarvasah II
3: Yo mam ajam anadim cha vetti loka saha eswaram I asamoodhah sah martyeshu sarva papaih pramuchyate II
4: Buddhih jnanam asammohah kshama satyam damah shamah I Sukham duhkham bhavah abhavah bhayam cha abhayam eva cha II
5: Ahimsa samata tushthih tapah danam yashah ayashah I Bhavanti bhavah bhutanam mattah eva pruthakvidhah II
6: Maha rushayah sapta purve chatvarah manavah tatha I Madbhavah manasa jata yesham loka imah prajah II
7: Etam vibhutim yogam cha mama yah vetti tattavatah I Sah avikampena yogena yujyate na atra sanshayah II
8: Aham sarvasya prabhavah mattah sarvam pravartate I Iti matva bhajante mam budhah bhava samanvitah II
9: Madchittah madgata pranah bodhayantah parasparam I Kathayantah cha mam nityam tushyanti cha ramanti cha II
10: Tesham satata yuktanam bhajatam priti purvakam I Dadami buddhi yogam tam yena mam upayanti te II
11: Tesham eva anukampa artham aham agyana jam tamah I Nashayami atma bhavastah gyana deepena bhasvata II
12: param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan I purusam sasvatam divyam adi-devam ajam vibhum II
13: ahus tvam rsayah sarve devarsir naradas tatha I asito devalo vyasah svayam caiva bravisi me II
14: sarvam etad rtam manye yan mam vadasi kesava I na hi te bhagavan vyaktim vidur deva na danavah II
15: svayam evatmanatmanam vettha tvam purusottama I bhuta-bhavana bhutesa deva-deva jagat-pate II
16: vaktum arhasy asesena divya hy atma-vibhutayah I yabhir vibhutibhir lokan imams tvam vyapya tisthasi II
17: katham vidyam aham yogims tvam sada paricintayan I kesu kesu ca bhavesu cintyo 'si bhagavan maya II
18: vistarenatmano yogam vibhutim ca janardana I bhuyah kathaya trptir hi srnvato nasti me 'mrtam II
19: sri-bhagavan uvaca hanta te kathayisyami divya hy atma-vibhutayah I pradhanyatah kuru-srestha nasty anto vistarasya me II
20: Aham atma gudakesa sarva-bhutasaya-sthitah I aham adis ca madhyam ca bhutanam anta eva ca II
21: Adityanam aham visnur jyotisam ravir amsuman I maricir marutam asmi naksatranam aham sasi II
22: Vedanam sama-vedo 'smi devanam asmi vasavah I indriyanam manas casmi bhutanam asmi cetana II
23: Rudranam sankaras casmi vitteso yaksa-raksasam I vasunam pavakas casmi meruh sikharinam aham II
24: Purodhasam ca mukhyam mam viddhi partha brhaspatim I senaninam aham skandah sarasam asmi sagarah II
25: Maharsinam bhrgur aham giram asmy ekam aksaram I yajnanam japa-yajno 'smi sthavaranam himalayah II
26: Asvatthah sarva-vrksanam devarsinam ca naradah I gandharvanam citrarathah siddhanam kapilo munih II
27: Uccaihsravasam asvanam viddhi mam amrtodbhavam I airavatam gajendranam naranam ca naradhipam II
28: Ayudhanam aham vajram dhenunam asmi kamadhuk I prajanas casmi kandarpah sarpanam asmi vasukih II
29: Ananthah cha asmi naganam varunah yadasam aham I Pitrunam aryama cha asmi yamah samyamatam aham II
30: Prahladas casmi daityanam kalah kalayatam aham I mrganam ca mrgendro 'ham vainateyas ca paksinam II
31: Pavanah pavatam asmi ramah sastra-bhrtam aham I jhasanam makaras casmi srotasam asmi jahnavi II
32: Sarganam adir antas ca madhyam caivaham arjuna I adhyatma-vidya vidyanam vadah pravadatam aham II
33: Aksaranam akaro 'smi dvandvah samasikasya ca I aham evaksayah kalo dhataham visvato-mukhah II
34: Mrtyuh sarva-haras caham udbhavas ca bhavisyatam I kirtih srir vak ca narinam smrtir medha dhrtih ksama II
35: Prhat-sama tatha samnam gayatri candasam aham I masanam marga-sirso 'ham rtunam kusumakarah II
36: Dyutam calayatam asmi tejas tejasvinam aham I jayo 'smi vyavasayo 'smi sattvam sattvavatam aham II
37: Vrsninam vasudevo 'smi pandavanam dhananjayah I muninam apy aham vyasah kavinam usana kavih II
38: Dando damayatam asmi nitir asmi jigisatam I maunam caivasmi guhyanam jnanam jnanavatam aham II
39: Yac capi sarva-bhutanam bijam tad aham arjuna I na tad asti vina yat syan maya bhutam caracaram II
40: Nanto 'sti mama divyanam vibhutinam parantapa I esa tuddesatah prokto vibhuter vistaro maya II
41: Yad yad vibhutimat sattvam srimad urjitam eva va I tat tad evavagacca tvam mama tejo-'msa-sambhavam II
42: Atha va bahunaitena kim jnatena tavarjuna I vistabhyaham idam krtsnam ekamsena sthito jagat II

Day 1, September 12

Jaya Guru Datta

We are blessed that Swamiji has blessed us with His whirlwind visit during the Chaturmasya despite discouraging advice about traveling during these uncertain times. Seeing Sadguru is itself Vibhooti that precedes the Viswa Roopa Darsana of the Lord. Silently Sadguru teaches just like Lord Dakshinamoorthy, the Silent Teacher and prepares us for reaching the highest goal. Swamiji had assured Sri Bala Swamiji that no matter what, He would certainly visit Him at this unlikely time, which is normally out of schedule, to bless him. Sri Bala Swamiji is very happy.

Bhajan: Dattatreya trimurti roopa - summary - Dattatreya of the Trinity form protects all three worlds. He wields the conch shell, the wheel, the drum, the trident, the water pot, and the spiritual staff. He is with Kamadhenu the wish fulfilling cow and the wish yielding tree Kalpa Vriksha. He is the best and the highest who releases all bondages. He removes the fear of repeated births. He is an ocean of compassion. He is an enchanting messenger of God. He reveals Himself in the full moon. He is born under the Krittika star. He is followed by all accomplished ascetics. He resides in the Sahyadri mountains and caves (devout human hearts). He is Sachchidananda, the Universal Guru.

Lord Krishna is Jagadguru, so is our Sadguru and so is Sri Jayalakshmi Mata. Dattatreya is the foremost Guru. The relationship between Krishna and Arjuna is that of Guru and disciple. Hence after praying to Ganapati, we pray to Guru Dattatreya.

Please chant the dhyana shlokas, the prayer chants of Bhagavad Gita prior to the main discourse.
Bhagavad Gita occurs in the Mahabharata composed by Sage Veda Vyasa. It was taught to Arjurna by his charioteer Lord Krishna. It is the immortal nectar given as milk by the cow Krishna to the calf Arjuna, for the benefit of all pious souls. It has the power to achieve the impossible. Victory to Sadguru. Meditation and contemplation on Lord Vishnu, the Lord of Lakshmi, the Lord of all the worlds, the goal of all seers. Let us study this with focus and devotion after offering prostrations to Goddess Saraswati and to Sadguru. This work contains the essence of all the Upanishads. It grants the highest state after destroying all sorrows.

The essence of Bhagavad Gita as rendered in 18 verses, one for each chapter, as given in a nutshell by Sadguru Sri Swamiji is being sung now. Gitasaaram Srunuta sadaa - Arjuna begged for clarity about his duty. Krishna said, Do your duty diligently without anticipating any fruit thereof, surrendering all at the Lord's feet. Give up like and dislike, desire and anger, and with equanimity see God wherever peace, virtue, and nobility exist. Leave all logic and seek refuge at the Lord's feet. Always study the Gita and be in bliss.

Supreme soul - OM - Vedas - Upanishads - Gita - that is the sequence. It teaches about ourselves. We feel we know ourselves, our name, our address, our bank account, our possessions. You certainly don't know about yourself before this birth. But do you know when you were in the mother's womb? Do you know of your own infancy? What was your name? Do you respond to that name always? Yes. But do you refer to yourself by that name? No. I refer to myself as 'I'. Then why the other name? For interaction with others. That means that names does not belong to you. Yes. I am I. Do you agree? Yes. By the grace of Sadguru I have learned that. Many who are mentally imbalanced do not even recognize that. People have nick names, official names, pen names, pseudonyms. Do you know about I? I am not no ignorant. I am wise. But the wise don't declare that they are wise. I am 70 kgs. But what about the finger that got amputated last year? But is that not a part of you? Why have you not kept it attached to your body? Swamiji said, we are like apples that will rot one day.

Children wait to eat their ice cream much later after everyone else has finished eating. He does it just to tease the others. We postpone our eating of an apple. It shrinks and becomes wrinkled and gets fungus. It rots and is thrown in the trash bin. Same thing happens with the body. They gave a name. We did good things, bad things, and flow through life. But instead of merging in the ocean, we join a dirty canal. What is the use? What is the fulfillment? Do we live 100 years? Not usually. Vedanta discussion begins like this. First 25 years parents support. Then some job is taken up. Work. Enjoy with family. Perhaps go on pilgrimages. Why do we strive so much? Why create and claim responsibility? Man wears clothes, cooks food, uses languages, has an intellect. He is different from other creatures. Does a tiger go to a doctor for a headache? No other creature has so much potential for violence or peace as man.

Arjuna in fear and anguish, spoke nonsense. While speaking with Guru one should be very careful. Speak properly or be silent. He spoke as if he were a scholar. His speech carried no weight. Vishada Yoga - or sorrow. Upanishads are difficult to grasp the meaning. Out of compassion upon us, the Lord has simplified and modified to our level and gave us the nectar. Guru travels, and teaches, coming down to our level. His consciousness is ever merged in God, yet Sadguru sings for us, with us, out of love for us. We are spared the trouble of even studying each and every chapter and Swamiji has given us this sweet and short version that will open our hearts - when the answers are received we feel satisfied. Gita Saaram - the essence of Gita gives peace.

Krishna gave the answers. Give up anger. Be contented. He taught. Merely listening is not enough. All creatures around us also hear the words. Do they understand and learn? But Krishna caused an awakening. God Himself made Himself known by singing it Himself, whatever was taught by the Veda. We see the momentary problems and react to it. Do we treat the stomach ache of long ago? No. We need a medicine that will prevent all diseases ever. Such is Sadguru who grants us that. We cannot specify the medicine to the doctor. The doctor has to decide as per our ailment.

In Ayurveda, we do not even know what herbs are being used. In homeopathy, they just give white pills, we do not know what is what. If we think deeply enough, we realize that we do not even know what to ask for. Children wish for holidays. But parents know that school is essential for children to learn and succeed in life. Man is never the same. His thinking always changes. This World is a dangerous ocean. The battlefield there had treacherous sharks such as Bhishma, Drona, Jayadradha, and horrific whirlpools.

No one receives a red carpet welcome and treatment in life. The boat called Sadguru will safely take your across this ocean because Krishna Himself handles the oars. Book is sewn together. Vyasa has sewn together. Guru has divine vision. We must place faith in His words. 2X1 =2. You must believe. This sage is ancient who has done immense penance for us. Sadguru pours out all the fruits that he has earned, in our palms. Non-duality it teaches. Gita is a manifestation of Mother Goddess. Just keep it at home. It will give benefit someday. She is only against our cycle of rebirths and strives to remove that fear from us. Spiritual Knowledge is the source for Peace. Now we will study the 10th chapter, teh Vibhooti Yoga.

In previous chapters He has taught us how to perform penance, how to recognize Him. Vibhooti means ash. Lordship it gives. Siva is smeared with ash. When everyone else leaves you, I will not leave you. When the body is left at cremation, Siva gathers the ash and applies it on Himself. Sadguru is with us always, even after all others have left us. Is there a factory to manufacture ash? the 8 accomplishments are ash. We worship these in Anagha Vratam. We are filled with wonder at this creation. Waterfalls, there are huge gardens under water in the ocean, colorful fishes are there. Why has God created all this? Mysore ashrama fills devotees with wonder.

Lordship is not just wealth and prosperity. Money can only buy things that are visible. What is inside, invisibly, such as peace, cannot be bought with wealth. God gives both peace and prosperity. His compassion is boundless. This chapter begins with God's words. Bring your copies of Bhagavad Gita, then you can follow along the verses. He teaches with love. We must listen the way Arjuna listened. From the ears, it should penetrate our intellect and we must absorb the teaching. This is a science. Individual verses and their meaning when quoted out of context will not carry weight. They are strung together with a common thread. So continuity is essential. The fragrance from a flower vanishes with time. Gita is a science and one should follow the sequence and understand the context. Then why are we studying the 10th chapter? It is like the pendant that occurs in the middle of the work.

God said: The last verse in the previous chapter was also spoken by Him. He begins the 10th chapter also. Were all the 700 verses spoken by Him? Were the warriors simply waiting during this dialog? There is an answer. Krishna's diary was not kept. Only Vyasa was writing. While re-writing, he remembered the teaching incident and so went back to Krishna and prayed to repeat the lesson. Then Krishna repeated and taught Sage Vyasa. Vyasa recorded it as we have it now, is my interpretation. Krishna's intent was not just to make Arjuna fight the war. The compassion of a cow towards its calf is seen here on how beautifully Krishna taught Arjuna.

Arjuna showed great eagerness to learn. A teacher repeats in many ways until the disciple understands. We must also listen with attention and devotion. Someday when we need its help, it will come to our aid. Arjuna is addressed as one with strong shoulders and arms. Only man has the five fingers clearly representing the five elements. Earn, use it well, give with discretion. He is the best among those who perform good deeds. In the 7th and 9th chapters God's attributes were explained. But how to recognize God amidst the numerous features seen in Creation. Every word of God should be recorded, recapitulated and studied. Even what is said in joke is significant. Even honey tastes bitter when one is sick. To one without culture, Guru's words will be distasteful. Pranayama cleanses and improves culture. One who has not earned merit will not even have the inclination to pray.

Although you have not asked for it, I am teaching you the glories of God. A child has had a full meal. Yet, parents coax him to eat a little more. Krishna is giving a further treat to Arjuna because he is eating the meal with relish. Arjuna is our Guru in many ways. He is a highly deserving student. Swamiji has come to bless us because of our interest and dedication. He asked, what is my program? Your rest is the program, I said. He felt very happy. Guru seva is not keeping him busy night and day. We got the great blessing of bhajans and discourse and the worship with lemons - all because we showed concern and respect towards Him.

I will teach you all the secrets, Krishna showed eagerness to teach. All missions will be accomplished and divinity will be understood if this chapter is properly grasped. Offer to me everything that you perform. The inner and outer penance is taught. Here He is teaching the external penance. The sense organs go outward. That is how they have been created. Such a wonderful chapter this is. All that exists in Creation is He. Yet, the best of each category inspires wonderment in us. Arjuna is lapping up with love all that he is being served. the Lord's faces, hands, and feet are everywhere. Ganagapura has the Vishwaroopa Dattatreya - the 18 foot murti/image. In the 7th chapter He taught about Tat. Tat Tvam Asi - That you are, is taught. How God can be realized by recognizing Him in Creation is taught in this chapter. Unless you know His glory and His attributes, it is not possible to recognize Him. Unless the mind is free from contamination, it is not possible to recognize God. One must strive to purify the mind.

Bhajan: summary - Guru ek deep hai - Guru Datta is the Light who shows the Highest plane of Divinity. Guru encompasses all forms and all divinities.

Please listen, my birth, my power, my activities are not known even to gods like Brahma, or great sages. When they cannot grasp how can we? That is how we think. Why is He telling us this? Unless you listen with total concentration, joy and eagerness, this will not be understood. It is not said so that we discouraged and leave this subject altogether. It is just a caution that you have to listen carefully. Krishna shows confidence that Arjuna has the capacity to understand. Only one in a million will learn, it is said. You must think that you are that one in a million. The rock that is chosen, is one that can withstand the intense hammer blows to become a sculture. Other rocks may only be good for flooring. I am the source and the root for all creation, including they. A lump of gold requires a goldsmith to turn it into ornaments, using proper tools. We are alive today because of Sadguru, many devotees declare. It is the personal experience of many.

With pure hearts sages obtain God. But even they do not fully know my glory. Only after assuming a body, after reading, only then they learn of God. But existence itself has its source in God. Brahma also did penance endlessly. He went down the stalk of the lotus and prayed for guidance when finally he saw Lord Vishnu. Outside affairs are different. Inner essence has to be taught only by God. Prahlada prayed for enlightenment as said in Bhagavatam. Sadguru's words alone give full knowledge and experience. Who can describe Creation fully? Who knows all the secrets of Creations? Who knows its source? Who is qualified to tell? Veda asks. The one who rises to that level become God Himself and will remain silent. I prefer silence but Sadguru has commanded me to speak. In silence there is much supreme joy and power. Hence, God Himself is describing God and His glories.

One teenager was arrogant. A scholar took him to a scholarly seminar. Day by day the boy receded in the hall to back seats, and from chair to floor. He realized how little he knew, as he began to learn more and more. Arrogance that was like an elephant within him left him. The more we listen and learn, the more we realize how little we know. God Himself is the only one qualified to teach about God.

Bhajan: Atri nandana - summary - Atri's son, the destroyer of sins, the one who transcend the three gunas, the treasure house of knowledge, the giver of success, the remover of fear, O auspicious radiance that lights up the heart, O Sachchidananda, I worship you.

He created the five elements that constitute this Creation. Bhagavad Gita cannot be studied with the eyes on the clock. You should take a dive into the ocean. You do not feel like coming out. Only two verses were covered today. Only 42 verses in this chapter.
Tomorrow what is taught in Veda about agriculture will be discussed in a special seminar conducted by I-SERVE.

Sri Guru Datta

Day 2, September 13

Jaya Guru Datta
Sri Ganesaaya Namaha
Sri Saraswatyai Namah
Sripada Vallabha
Narasimha Saraswati
Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha
Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Sadgurubhyo Namo Namaha.

Bhajan: Siddhi doota - summary - May Lord Ganapati, the ruler of the intellect, the wielder of sugarcane and rope remove our delusion. He loves music and dance and is the first to be worshiped.

Bhagavad Gita occurs in the Mahabharata composed by Sage Veda Vyasa. It was taught to Arjurna by his charioteer Lord Krishna. It is the immortal nectar given as milk by the cow Krishna to the calf Arjuna, for the benefit of all pious souls. It has the power to achieve the impossible. Victory to Sadguru. Meditation and contemplation on Lord Vishnu, the Lord of Lakshmi, the Lord of all the worlds, the goal of all seers. Let us study this with focus and devotion after offering prostrations to Goddess Saraswati and to Sadguru. This work contains the essence of all the Upanishads. It grants the highest state after destroying all sorrows. Lord Vishnu is dark as a cloud, He is the goal of all spiritual seekers, He is the Lord of all the worlds. He is beloved of Lakshmi. Prayers are offered to all the deities. Sadguru, who is an expert on Vedanta, who effortlessly removes all our sorrows, who knows the thoughts of everyone, bless us with spiritual knowledge.

The essence of Bhagavad Gita as rendered in 18 verses, one for each chapter, as given in a nutshell by Sadguru Sri Swamiji is being sung now. Gitasaaram Srunuta sadaa – Arjuna begged for clarity about his duty. Krishna said, Do your duty diligently without anticipating any fruit thereof, surrendering all at the Lord’s feet. Give up like and dislike, desire and anger, and with equanimity see God wherever peace, virtue, and nobility exist. Leave all logic and seek refuge at the Lord’s feet. Always study the Gita and be in bliss. Wherever the Lord's glories and noble qualities present themselves, there, know that God is present. Surrender all rules and regulations and trust only the feet of the Lord. He grants eternal bliss.

Why listen to the Bhagavad Gita? What is the benefit? Why did the Lord begin teaching the Vibhooti Yoga? Wherever you see wondrous things, recognize them as forms of God. When you do, you transcend jealousy and hatred and will merge with God. Krishna continues his teachings, that even gods, and ascetics are unable to fully grasp. Now the 3rd verse: Today Krishna is giving more details. I am without birth and with no one that is superior to me, without obligation for any worldly activities. One who realizes this will be freed from delusion. Why should we listen to Guru, understand his teachings and follow them? The fruit is defined here. Even gods have to be born as humans to realize God and then they return to their divine status. Even Indra and Gandharvas were all born as humans once. One should not waste this human birth. Only through a human experience God can be realized. We do many things to please others. Only the realization of God is the purpose of human life, not to impress other people. When we make such an effort, our sins get destroyed. We should not view everything as equal. The soul stands apart and we should recognize that. What the Atma/Soul is, is clearly described. Life force also is not Soul. It is only like a tail attached to the Soul. Soul is the truth that is the highest Truth.

The fool is one who views with a false perception. Moodhaha. Sammoodhaha is one who is fully drowned in deception. asammoodhaha is the wise one who sees that which is born of itself, or actually ever exists even without birth and exists after all else is destroyed. That permanent entity is described by Krishna. What is indescribable, Krishna is trying hard to describe. Supreme Self is the root for the 5 elements. He, is the source of the five elements which form the foundation for this entire Creation. He is without beginning or birth. Even gods cannot know His emergence, because He has no emergence. What is born must die, is the rule. Therefore, He clarifies that He, has no birth. Bha = fear. Ja= birth. Na= removes. Bha ja na = That which removes the fear of birth.
He is ever existing as Truth.

I am beginning to describe my glories, says Krishna. These two are the most important of His glories. We go to see the source of river Ganga. Gangotri, Gomukha, we see and prostrate. But Siva's curls are the source of Ganga. There, up in the sky, Vamana kicked with his big toe and that is where Ganga emerged. No, not even there, She is in Heaven, where the celestial Ganaga took its source. In Truth, Ganga is the Supreme Soul itself. Sadguru has created all these visions in Mysore ashram because it was created by the Supreme Soul in the form of Sadguru. Everything, even the most wonderful thing in Nature has emerged from the Supreme Soul. He is the source for everything.

Just observe the human body and its mysterious creation. Anda, the seed, Pindanda, the fetus and then the Brahmanda, the entire world that we enter. When you fully divide the parts of the body and examine them, you are filled with wonder. No computer's potential can match this. We remember, we register so many facts without pressing save. The principle of the human body is described. Saints are even able to transcend the average intellect and know things way beyond normal knowledge.

All virtues, features, emotions, feelings, behaviors are all caused by Krishna.

The two verses enumerate all the different attributes of humans whose source is the Supreme Soul. The intellect is endowed with the ability to grasp even the most subtle aspects. What should be mixed with curds rice to make it tasty? is that the limit of buddhi? No taste buds are sufficient to give that direction. the purpose of the intellect/buddhi is different. Subtle observation and analysis are the purpose for which God has granted buddhi/intellect.
Many farmers came to the seminar today. Yes. God is responsible for everything. But it is our duty to think well, work well, see properly.

With laziness, using devotion as an excuse, many escape from work. That is wrong. You need full faith, like total devotion of great saints. But most people fall short of it. Hence, we must put in effort to travel toward spiritual knowledge. Our devotion must be used to develop greater spiritual knowledge. Mother, father, and son appear different but all are same, one springs from another. But unless devotion and knowledge go hand in hand, we cannot realize Truth. One who uses his intellect in the proper direction is an wise person. Everyone has some knowledge, how to walk, how to sit, and so on. But knowing the Soul, the discretion to know the permanent from the impermanent, the control of attachment, that is wisdom.

Every object in creation comes with an expiration date. A toothpaste gets used up. Too much attachment is sammoha, delusion. Temples change in appearance, with remodeling, painting, extension etc. But as far as possible the main idol is not disturbed. That should be permanent. We go to archeological museums but we are not stirred to feelings of devotion. But in a temple where regular prayers are offered, we feel elevated with devotion and faith. What is Kshama, forgiveness? Outward show of anger may be required at times. To bring about a positive change. But at heart one should remain unperturbed. When the mind is controlled, it is kshama. Practice outward control to eventually attain inward control. the spinning of the Earth remains controlled because Mother Earth is the epitome of tolerance. Control the outward organs. Dama. Everyone must practice it. It will protect health. Whether your are a scholar, a believer or not, practice of self control protects health.

Sama is control of mind. Dejection is sorrow. Excitement if joy. Birth is bhava. Fear is anxiety about future. Yogis are free from anxiety because they know the future. they know what should be concerned about and what should not be concerned about. Fearlessness is abhaya. Nonviolence is ahimsa-not hurting by word, thought, or action. Unless all these qualifications are there, it is not possible to reach God. Penance, Contentment are required. Heat of determination and physical effort is penance. Charity as per ability is Danam. Use wealth for personal, government, for poor, others. Share your spiritual knowledge with others, whatever you have learned from Sadguru. Share experiences. Begin by conversing with friends what interests them, Slowly lead to spirituality and discuss higher topics. Attract them towards your interests.

Not all have the same reason to visit a temple. Everyone feels hunger and eats. But different problems propel interest in spirituality. Use discretion also in talking to friends. Don't fall in the trap and get carried away into worldly topics. Especially Kriya Yoga teachers must learn these techniques. Through dharma earn reputations. Not how much is not important. By the results of each individual's karma, I grant them their birth and death and all the experiences in life. If we do good things, we gain good results. 20 virtues are enumerated so that each is encouraged to acquire them.

God has granted in us such a sense that we yearn for happiness. He now says, make effort to earn eternal bliss. Guru does favors to instill gratitude and a desire to repay. One who is greedy for more and more favors will be taught a lesson by Guru. Like a mother Guru gives what is best for us. By giving us good worldly things, he tempts us towards yearning eternal happiness. Unless you serve Sadguru, you will not get a visa for entry into spiritual world. A desire for Liberation should be born within the heart.

The burning desire to know Truth is ignited by Sadguru. That in turn leads to the knowledge about Truth, only by the grace of God and Sadguru.

Bhajan: Achyuta ananta - He is indestructible, eternal, all-pervading, all-knowing, He destroys all sins, He is the protector, He is most prosperous, the consort of Lakshmi, Lord of all lords, He is ever blissful and peaceful. He transcends form and attributes and yet appears with form and features. Just constantly remember and chant His glorious names and descriptions.

The 4 maharshis/sages such as Sanaka, the 7 rishis/seers all have been created by me. Only God is the source for all actions. All are connected wherever they may be located on this earth, through the ages. We all came from the same one source. The sages have advised Manu on the establishment and propagation of Creation.

7th verse: The glories as I have enumerated, whoever is able to grasp in all its subtlety will always be established in the firm Yoga of Truth. That complete faith and knowledge should be preserved in their hearts. Great sages and seers are always merged in God. To Swamiji who is able to enter into our hearts and minds and is able to bring about a transformation, building an ashram such as what we see in Mysore is not a major task. Those who have realized Truth are free from obligations to perform and feel no joy at success or regret at failure. Yogis know that all that is done is only done by God. If you have the capacity to do, do it. But if unable to do something, Yogis do not feel bad. They surrender all to God. I am God. All that happens is occurring by my will. Those who identify with God with complete realization feel like this. They are continuously immersed in the oneness with God. This identification is not arrogance. It is not ego. It is total merging with God. They know that Creation, preservation and destruction are occurring God's grace alone. Hence, we must understand and grasp the glory of God in its entirety. How many books have you read? That is not important. If you have fully grasped the meaning of one spiritual sentence, nay, just the one syllable OM, you are a realized soul.

Their mind, heart, organs are all fully merged in me. They revel in the divine glories of the Supreme ever. They feel no difference between them and I. They feel no desire to function on their own. All their actions are performed by me.

Om namo hanumate namaha Om draam dattaya namaha we have become accustomed to chanting constantly.

Bhajan: Indiresa Govina - summary = Beautiful Lord Vishnu, the beloved of Lakshmi.
Singing the glories of God, never being contented, because it is so enjoyable, we do not like to stop, we share the joys and sorrows of God as depicted in the divine stories.

You will become plastic also since the whole world has turned plastic. Fine the ultimate source, and establish your mind in it. such a perception is granted by god to devotees. Singing soulfully to God also earns the grace of Guru. Never give up the practice. Our Sadguru Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji says, do this easy practice and I will grant you my grace. Unwavering mind is the result. Even at 9 pm your mind that is merged in praising God is unwilling to stop the activity. Those who pray with desires, stop prayers when the desires are fulfilled. Datta comes to us at once when we remember Him. Bhajana Yogam=Buddhi Yogam as explained by Lord Krishna here. Saint Tyagaraja engaged in this yoga and attained salvation.

Krishna is explaining about the Light of Knowledge. With those devotees who are absorbed in my remembrance, I remain forever, destroying their ignorance with the Light of Knowledge. What is ignorance equivalent to darkness, and how Krishna removes it with His Light, we will learn tomorrow.

Yoti veligindi - summary. The light of Sadguru has been lit destroying the internal darkness. Datta's compassion and mercy have been showered upon me. Darkness of ignorance has been removed.

Day 3, September 14

Jaya Guru Datta

Bhajan - Palaya Gananatha: summary - O Lord Ganapati, Please protect me, please awaken my intellect, please cleanse my mind. Please show me the path to liberation. Please bless me with a comfortable life as long as I live and grant me salvation at the end. You are formless, eternal, the ultimate Truth, ever peaceful, of immeasurable knowledge, bliss unending, Sat Chit Ananda.

Bhagavad Gita occurs in the Mahabharata composed by Sage Veda Vyasa. It was taught to Arjurna by his charioteer Lord Krishna. It is the immortal nectar given as milk by the cow Krishna to the calf Arjuna, for the benefit of all pious souls. It has the power to achieve the impossible. Victory to Sadguru. Meditation and contemplation on Lord Vishnu, the Lord of Lakshmi, the Lord of all the worlds, the goal of all seers. Let us study this with focus and devotion after offering prostrations to Goddess Saraswati and to Sadguru. This work contains the essence of all the Upanishads. It grants the highest state after destroying all sorrows.

Gitaasaaram: The essence of Bhagavad Gita as rendered in 18 verses, one for each chapter, as given in a nutshell by Sadguru Sri Swamiji is being sung now. Gitasaaram Srunuta sadaa – Arjuna begged for clarity about his duty. Krishna said, Do your duty diligently without anticipating any fruit thereof, surrendering all at the Lord’s feet. Give up like and dislike, desire and anger, and with equanimity see God wherever peace, virtue, and nobility exist. Leave all logic and seek refuge at the Lord’s feet. Always study the Gita and be in bliss.

verse - Tesahaam evaanukampaanam - With compassion over those who, with great devotion think of none but Me inside and outside, I show empathy and mercy and shower my blessings. One should serve Guru by following in His footsteps, carrying on works designated by Him to the best of one's ability. Krishna grants spiritual awakening to those who serve Him wholeheartedly although they are doing things different from only study. He resides inside the heart and lights the lamp of knowledge. For lighting a lamp, an eye to see it is required. A stand, oil, wick, lighter are all required. Only the Soul is permanent. All else is transient. That discretion is Light of Knowledge. It is lit with devotion, contentment, peace, that are akin to the ghee, the fuel. The one-pointed focus on God is the air/oxygen that helps the light. Celibacy, yoga practices (Datta Kriya Yoga) are essential serving as the wick. Even householders should practice celibacy while maintaining friendship. Detachment is the support, the bowl or candlestick. The mind should be drawn inward, withdrawn from the outside world. Nature should be controlled from running out. Remove like and dislike. Then unwavering lamp will glow without breeze disturbing it, while sufficient air is still there. Constant practice grants a clear vision. Delusion is dispelled. Sadguru Dattatreya is the lamp who lights such a Light the Knowledge.

Bhajana- Datta Datta deepam - In the heart it glows, the lamp of Datta Guru. The more it glows, the more it rules the world, the more the sorrows fall away, the grief in the heart is burned to ashes. Victory to Sri Guru Datta. It shows the way to find God. It firmly establishes devotion in the heart. The Vedas are its wick, it is a pure light with Sat Chit Ananda teaching being the oil/the fuel to keep the lamp burning.

Datta Light, Guru's Light, when Krishna mentioned it, Arjuna's mind became awakened and began asking question. Arjuna is our Guru. He is disciple to none other than the Universal Guru Krishna. The child Subrahmanya was looked down upon by Brahma and Indra, because He was a small boy. But Siva taught them a lesson and removed their arrogance by receiving a lesson from His own son on the significance of OM.

Arjuna is the supreme disciple. We have to be humble before Him. He addressed Krishna as the Supreme Soul. He saw the Trinity in Him and also the Ultimate Truth that gave birth to the Trinity. He is eternal, unborn, formless, all sages describe you as such. You are describe yourself as being such. Arjuna is declaring his status as student, who constantly remembers past lessons. Comparing with the present teaching, he is confirming the truth. The goal is to recognize God. Swamiji is Nada Brahma, Yoga Brahma, He is homa guru, raksha guru, beard guru, music guru, but ultimately He is the Supreme Soul. Each has a different feeling when seeing Swamiji, as mother, father, savior and so on. Intimate friend is one who removes your sorrows, not one who runs away when your are in trouble.

The greatest friend is the Veda, its declarations. Guru brings them into your grasp. He always wishes your welfare. Krishna says, You are divine. What does it mean? It is way beyond the human plane. Only when there is divinity in the heart, you can recognize it. You must give up your dejection before entering the ashram. Hanuman is huge and fills the entire universe. So, where are we? Inside His womb. Such is Brahma. That is His principle, not the physical form. One must experience it, not just learn of it. Briefly Krishna explained His attributes. Arjuna wants to experience it in great detail. The initial chapters were easily understood by Arjuna. But this concept is difficult for him to grasp. So He is pleading with Krishna to show His self effulgent nature. No need for others to show with a flash light. Where science stops, spirituality begins. Science leads you to it. It is not all in all. There is no scientific equipment that can show God. Why are we discussing God? Unless we listen and contemplate, we cannot proceed further. This is a good means to realizing God.

A superficial observation is not sufficient. Each and every syllable and part of a syllable are important in studying the scriptures. He is changeless, of the form of consciousness and is the source of all existence. What the sages have declared incompletely, you are narrating yourself about Yourself. One should be humble in pleading with guru as Arjuna is. Repeatedly ask, keep on serving, listen to His teaching and follow through with actions. If He says, clean, you must clean, physically, not with just mind. Mental seva of physical work is futile. Physically, wholeheartedly, render service to Guru exactly as per His instruction.

Bhajan: Sri Krishna Jai Krishna - summary - Sri Jayalakshmi Mata's composition - O Lord Krishna you are my only refuge. You alone are true, all else is false. You are the pure, changeless, unmoving Soul. Radha's beloved you are my only destination.

Victory to Lord Krishna. In between when we sing God's names, our concentration improves and is maintained. O Lord, all that you have said is the absolute Truth. Neither demons nor celestial beings can grasp your principle, because they are also born from you and are the Lord to all. Had you come after them, they could know you. Krishna is speaking nothing but the truth, Arjuna is fully convinced. Krishna is not boasting about Himself. We should never entertain such a thought. It would be very wrong. Demons also have done penance and have attained salvation. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu are demons. Ravana despite all his penance, could not realize you, Krishna. You alone can reveal yourself. None can know you or describe you. All that Arjuna has grasped until now, he is now declaring in descriptive terms addressed to Lord Krishna. We are all also beings, bhootas, Datta bhootas, O Lord Krishna, you are ruler of all, you rule our intellects, You alone can know yourself. You are self supporting. Those who realize the Superme Soul merge with the Supreme Soul and become one with You, O Lord. Such ones remain silent, and will not speak. But with compassion, Sadguru speaks for the benefit of others, instead of remaining silent in internal pure bliss in the Himalayas. If in Himalayas also, if a realized soul shows anger at being disturbed from penance, how does it benefit others? Only a Self-realized Guru can disclose the secret of Truth to others out of immense mercy.

Krishna says, no one has known me. But He Himself grants the subtle intellect to true devotees who, once they realize that He is the One and only unborn and eternal one, merge in Him. God has shown us how to live, through Guru. What schools teach us is a different type of knowledge, All that we require are in Nature. A bee is like a helicopter. A bird suggests the idea of an aircraft. Eagles, parrots, are created by God. Nature shows us how to create artificial objects. Royalties belongs to God, to Sadguru. But we forget to acknowledge and give credit. Some good devotees truly consider Swamiji as their business partner. They succeed because they recognize His part in the decision making and strategy.

Now Arjuna directly asks, giving us an example of how to ask Guru for clarification. When you pray in front of the photo of Swamiji, He shows a clear indication that He is with you, by dropping a flower or giving some such proof.

O Lord, please, without leaving out even one, please declare to me your glories by which you exist in this Creation. What forms do you take? I am still dependent on forms to realize you. I have the desire to know you, but am unable to visualize you in the formless state. Nature with filled with mysteries and wonders. Please fully reveal your powerful nature. He transcends Nature. Such transcendental principle of yours, O source of Nature itself, please reveal yourself to me. We become spellbound with wonder and are speechless. All are lost in wonder at God and are unable to clearly describe Him. Arjuna addresses Krishna, You are my God. I am your child. Hence, show mercy on me. You alone are qualified to disclose yourself. Every single word is precise and cannot be changed, in the Bhagavad Gita. Others can only describe a little bit, but not comprehensively. Don't say, to be continued. Please fully describe yourself. Do not withhold any detail. Shower upon me fully, the nectar in its totality.

Arjuna continues to pray.

Bhajan: nee roopamu teliyalemu - summary - We cannot perceive your true form Krishna. All forms are you yourself, Krishna. May all tongues praise you. May all ears listen to your glories. May all hands serve you. May our minds establish themselves in you, Krishna. May our heads bow down at your divine feet. May our feet walk towards your temples. May our glances focus upon. May we shed tears of joy (at your divine darshan). O Lord Krishna, Krishna, Krishna.

How to know you, O greatest amongst Yogis? How to contemplate upon you? I absorb the nectar of your words through my ears, but am not satisfied. Guru's words must never satisfy. One must yearn to hear more and more. Please enlighten me more. So many gods, so many deities, so many forms, to suit each and every taste. None can be ignored or neglected. Each is a spark of fire. Each is divine. All are your forms, we must acknowledge. Only then we will truly realize you. Lordship is what is required. Wealth is not power. One does not keep all treasure and carry it with him, with a lorry/truck following with money. Just carry a cheque/check. That is enough. Datta simply carries a cloth bag/joli on His shoulder. He gets to hand whatever is required, whenever it is required. That is the qualification of a great yogi. You are Supreme, I am nothing, says Arjuna. I know nothing. You have nothing to support you since you are the supporter of all. No body supports you, but all bodies/objects are yours. Many think that a tree is lifeless. Do we need a scientist to tell us that a tree lives and grows? Are we that ignorant? Trees cry when it is cut down. Do we need a researcher to tell us that trees have life? We nurture a tree, we talk to a tree. Once a tree dried up. When Swamiji returned from a foreign trip, he found the tree and held it lovingly, leaned against it, and talked to it. In five days, it sprouted leaves again. It missed Swamiji's attention and withered away earlier. We forget that trees are living beings. Many are ignorant and need to be told.

How, in how many different ways, should I meditate upon you, O Lord? Arjuna asks. Give me prasadam, says a common devotee. Please come to my city and bless everyone, says an uncommon devotee with greater concern for others also, besides mere selfish interest. He, who realizes my glory/power/all-pervasive nature, and my yoga, will be established in me permanently, blessed Krishna. Both are required.

18th verse - Please also tell me of your yoga, says Arjuna. Janardana is the name he uses to address Krishna. He sends non-believers, and enemies of gods and noble souls to hell. He protects the pious souls. He is birthless. He removes difficulties, all these are meanings for the name Janardana. Are you making me repeat myself, Krishna may show irritation, Arjuna is afraid. Hence he is careful in how he asks. I am not satisfied, he says. People serve food everyday. Do we get tired of receiving and eating? The disciple's duty Arjuna is demonstrating for our benefit.

Why should God disclose His powers and glories? Because only He, can disclose them, no one else is qualified or empowered to do so. Your mysteries and wonders are endless, how to choose from the innumerable powers that your manifest? Please oblige me with your answer, Arjuna humbly prays to Krishna.

Bhajan: Sri Krishna Kesava - summary - O Krishna, the indestructible one, O child Govinda, incarnated as Narasimha who protected Prahlada, the boy devotee, O resident of Vaikuntha/heaven, The highest knowledge, the beloved of Lakshmi, O Sachchidananda!

Arjuna prayed thus, please initiate me, and remove my ignorance. What is deathless is the nectar of immortality. By listening to your words, i am getting freed from the fear of death. The support is something that saves when we fall, or we are drawn into a water current. What we grasp to support ourselves and save ourselves, is aalambana/support. Krishna sighed, to hear this extravagant request. How to enumerate all the powers/glories that are unending. The Chaturmasy duration is not sufficient. 42 shlokas are taking so long to explain. Guru's fountain of spring is inexhaustible. Kannada language oota/meal gets finished but this fountain spring. Krishna patted Arjuna on the shoulder and complimented him on his interest and eagerness. Krishna agreed to describe only the most important glories. Among aquatic creatures, I am the crocodile, such examples He gives. These powers and demonstrations are too vast. It is not possible to complete describe them in your limited lifetime. Tomorrow we will go into further detail.

Sri Guru Datta

Day 4, September 15

Jaya Guru Datta

Om asato maa sadgamaya Tamaso maa jyotirgamaya
Mrityormaam amritam gamaya Om Santissantissantihi

Please lead my untruth to Truth, from darkness to Light, from death to immortality. May peace reign everywhere.

Bhajan: Jai jai Ganapati - summary. victory to Lord Ganapati who removes obstacles, who destroys difficulties, who supports the Muladhara chakra, who gives benefit and grants Sat Chit Ananda.

Today the Hanuman Chaleesa chanting concluded for 108 times. We plan many activities but divine activities should be performed as soon as the idea comes to mind. The devotees from Guntur asked 3 days ago. when they planned to do it with 1000 persons, 5000 people came there. Here 2000 persons participated, from 11 am till 4 pm the chanting continued. It is no small achievement.

The slab was going to be poured for the Subrahmanya temple. Dense clouds appeared in the sky. I told Lord Hanuman that the time has come to show His glory. He showed His mercy, it sprinkled a few auspicious raindrops and stopped. Heavy rain would have disrupted the construction plan. We pray for the health and well being of our Sadgurudeva. We surrender the fruits of all our efforts at His divine lotus feet. The japa yajna was carried out in the form of the chanting of the Hanuman Chaleesa.

Today we will learn about how to either physically or mentally visualize and experience the Lord's powerful glory.

Gita saaram srunuta sadaa - The condensed version of Bhagavad Gita.
give up ego, keep a mind of equanimity, give us attachment and hatred. Listen to the essence of the Gita. Awaken your mind. Surrender all fruits of actions performed with a even mind, at the Lord's feet. Accept with gratitude whatever is given by God. Perceive the presence of God wherever peace, nobility and virtues are apparent. Give up all logic and rules and seek refuge at the Lord's feet. You will then qualify to attain liberation.

The Lord speaks: Arjuna praised and said please continue to enlighten me about Your glories. The most important ones, of the countless glories, I will disclose some to you, Krishna said. In the Ramayana, Rama asked about the ashram of Sage Goutama. Alas, began Sage Viswamitra. Here, Krishna begins, alas, how to enumerate all of them? Arjuna demanded to know each and every glory. Hence, Krishna, that being an impossible request to satisfy, He has agreed to name a few important ones. By courtesy when we invite Swamiji to our town, it is assumed that the invitation is extended to the entire entourage/parivaram. Everyone will come with Him.

The secret in Kurusreshtha means, you have deserved by your extraordinary meritorious deeds. We must all strive to become deserving of receiving the teaching of Sadguru. Arjuna is giving us the hint that we must all engage in good deeds that are fully dedicated to God. When we say the sankalpa/resolution, of any austerity, instead of merely giving lip service, we must wholeheartedly dedicate all the results to God.

Krishna is pleased and His heart has melted at Arjuna's humility and earnestness. That is why He is obliging. Krishna expresses His pleasure and satisfaction at the modesty and interest shown by Arjuna. Arjuna promises to follow the directives to attain the highest state of a Yogi. Yoga and glories both, Arjuna wants to learn. Arjuna and we also, wonder why Krishna is leaving out yoga and only speaking of glories. Further on, He will give instruction on Yoga also. Guru knows our minds and knows what to teach when. We have to be patient. Like a foundation for a firm grasp, He also gives the experience of His Universal Form.

First in the list, O conqueror of sleep (gudaaka=sleep), I am the soul that inhabits all beings. Krishna is not flattering Arjuna. He is indicating to us that yoga practitioners should conquer sleep and hunger. Only controlled sleep and food should be indulged in. We should not give in to the temptation of the taste buds. For good health, we must control the tongue that is just 2 inches long. If we do not, we gain 10 inches around the waist. We should sleep and awaken at the proper times to achieve progress in Yoga. Irregularity in sleep will deter progress. Each and every word in Gita is a gem. Gudaakesa also means one with thick, beautiful hair. Lakshmana, in the Ramayana (not in Valmiki's version) is said to have given his sleep of 14 years to his wife Urmila. Some say 4-6-8 hours of sleep is required as per individual requirement. Krishna addresses His disciple as Gudaakesa.

How to visualize God in Creation? Later Krishna says, I am Garuda, I am the Meru mountain, I am the Crocodile. Is He limited to just such? No. That is why the first thing He says, I am the Soul in everything. That is the Supreme Soul that should be experienced by each one individually. We can go by another person's description. Then you will be deceived. The 2nd Chapter of Gita gives a full explanation. Because Arjuna said that he did not understand, Krishna goes into greater detail in the following chapters. All thoughts resides in the heart. There I am the Soul. The Narayana Upanishad also says this. Meditate upon the Lord like that. But it is difficult to visualize. How to see, in what form? I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all, Krishna says next.

Bhajan: Vande Mukundam - summary - Prostrations to Mukunda, the lotus shaped Lord Vishnu, you are beautifully compassionate, are enchantingly lovely, a lover of music, you transcend all threesomes, most forgiving, Sachchidananda, the friend of Yoga.

How to contemplate on God? Most importantly, the great pious souls know that all that exists is the Supreme Soul. He directs all activities. If you are in everyone's heart, why are they all getting destroyed? That doubt may arise. In the end they all merge in me as all rivers merge in the ocean, sooner or later. We see many wondrous things in Nature. We feel overwhelmed. The Sun is a great mystery and wonder, both philosophically and scientifically.

Among all spheres like the Sun, all sons of Aditi, the celestial beings, I am Vishnu. An easy method is given here. The most important of the 12 Adityas is I, as Vishnu. All things divine are now mentioned. I am the Moon amongst stars.The moon is not a star, we question. Why is He making this comparison? The Veda discusses this in detail. The philosophers explain it like this - we do meritorious deeds and proceed to higher planes. Such planes are referred to as stars. Amongst those I am the moon. They got the description because people go there to enjoy the results of their merit. Of the 33 wives of the Moon, Chandra/moon favored Rohini and was cursed and later was rescued by Lord Siva. He is the Sun of all light-giving objects. When considered as the Sun, He grants health and success.

Among the Vedas, I am Sama Veda. 4 Vedas or 3 Vedas? The Lalita Sahasranama lists 3 Vedas. The 4th Adharvana Veda consists of the essence of the first 3 Vedas. Music is the specialty of Sama Veda. Gandharva Veda, celestial music is born from Sama Veda. When you listen to the Veda, your mind must get absorbed in it. The sound power must drown you in it, whether you understand the meaning or not. Who can explain fully the significance of OM, or Rama, or Guru? The power of sound is very great. During Sri Chakra Archana, there is Veda chanting for our benefit. In music there is repetition, in Sama Veda also. It is a form of God.

Among gods, I am Indra. I am the Mind amongst the sense organs. Mind is the king of the senses. The mind is the cause of all intentions. The sense work as per the commands of the mind. The Mind is itself God. Not God is in the mind. Establish God in the Mind as Mind itself. I am the life force. Among rudras, I am Sankara.

Chetana is difficult to explain in a short time. Rudras are Hara, Bahurupa, Tryambaka, Sambhu, Sarva, Kapali, etc. are 11 rudras in all. Sankara is the ruler of all=Sambhu. Of Yakshas and Rakshasa, I am Kubera, the lord of wealth. He is given that title by Sadasiva. One thief went to a Siva Temple on Sivaratri. The devotees were asleep instead of keeping vigil. He went and adjusted the lamp with his cloth as a wick and poured oil so that he could see more clearly. He did not eat/fasted unintentionally. Hence he was reborn as a pious soul and became Siva's friend. Since then he became Kubera. Those who worship Siva are granted prosperity.

Vasu=Supreme Soul. Of gem-studded mountains he is Meru. This name is mentioned in Sri Lalita Sahasranama. Sumerumadhyasringasthaa.

I am the ocean among all water resources. Purohit=Guru, like Sage Vasishtha, amongst them I am Brihaspati. Guru is the life of a disciple. Jupiter is a huge planet. Veda describes him as huge. Siva blessed Brihaspati. He became a planet as a reward for his penance. Everyone will worship you for obtaining the grace of Guru. I am Subrahmanya amongst commanders-in-chief - My favorite description. Before Subrahmanya, Muchukunda was a commander-in-chief. Siva was once a commander-in-chief. Subrahmanya is praised as Gurunatha. He occupies the place of a Guru.

Bhajan: Gurunathaya namonamo - summary - Prostrations to Lord Subrahmanya the Guru of Siva, who awakens the intellect, who grants success, who captured and tied up Brahma, who performed the duties of Brahma, who was approached by the gods for help, the lord of Skanda hill, the ruler of the cave (heart), the manifestation of the Guru principle, and Sadguru Sachchidananda Himself.

Arjuna is the son of Pritha (Kunti) and hence is addressed as Pritha. Mother Kunti prayed, as per Bhagavatam to have difficulties, because only during hard times God is remembered. What a courageous heart she has! The ocean is endless and so is the sky. Each is incomparable. The sight of an ocean should fill our minds with God. During silence, what should we meditate upon, when thoughts are running wild. Sadguru Swamiji said, remember all wondrous features of Nature. That will quieten the mind. They are chasms, man-made, and God-created. Man-made lakes are different from Manasarovar, created by the Mind of Brahma. The remembrance of it at once makes the mind peaceful. The ocean is also akin to a huge lake.

Of Maharshis I am Bhrigu. We are reminded of Srinivasa story. Lord Venkateswara's glorious story begins with his mention. He was sent to find out who is the greatest God. He kicked Lord Vishnu. He, who kicked, and He, who is kicked, are both God (as explained earlier). I am the single syllable amongst all words=OM. Is it a syllable, a word, a sound, a sentence, scriptures, Veda? All sounds are included in OM. The one syllable is Brahma=Nada=all Veda=all existing words in the world. Meditate on OM. How to write it? In Telugu language and Devanagari, they are different. Swastika is a symbol, not a word. Only the symbol for Om should be used, not the language representations. 3=one Brahma. curved trunk=Brahma. The crescent moon=Brahma. The dot is transcendental. Should one see the symbol and meditate or chant the sound and meditate on it? The sound, the Pranava Nada should be meditated upon. You may see the symbol and visualize. Those with Guru's initiation, may chant OM by itself. Otherwise it precedes a mantra given by Guru. It is permitted to chant it to stabilize concentration. What the Omkara signifies is the Supreme Soul. That is I, says Lord Krishna.

Of all yajnas, I am Japa, repetitive chanting. Giving up chattering is japa. May all my babble become japa of your name, O God, is a famous prayers. Of all good deeds, constant chanting of God's name is the best. Each name of Hanuman, falls in the fire called Hanuman, making it a fire ritual. Each name we utter is a holy stick offered in the holy fire.

I am the Himalaya amongst all unmoving things. Which Himalaya? Snow mountains are there in many places. Chardham pilgrimage centers where Ganga took its birth, where Kedarnath and Badarinath are situated, is Himalaya. Just remembering the Himalayas makes the mind cool. Keep the body clean and keep the mind clean. India has the snow cap and has the ocean at the feet. 600,0000 trees were cut down in that region recently and Nature rebelled and caused havoc. It is very unfortunate. Trees are a form of God. Water is a form of God. We discussed at the I-SERVE camp how to practice agriculture maintaining the purity of Nature. God is all-pervasive and directs everything.

Of all trees, I am the Aswattha tree, it grows huge, it lives very long. Vidura of Mahabharata had performed penance under an Aswattha tree. It still exists in North India. You are Brahma at the root, Vishnu in the middle, and Siva at the top. Pippala is another name for it because it protects people. Chaladala it is called, because its leaves are constantly rustling. It is a favorite tree of elephants. Most schools have this tree in the premises. Behind the Annapurna Mandiram at Mysore ashram there used to be an Aswattha tree. It is supposed to have electricity flowing in it. It helps students who study under it. People without children go around it and embrace the tree to have children. Lord Vishnu's radiance permeates this tree - poplar tree.

Bodh Gaya has a Bodhi tree. Gowtama Buddha performed penance under it and got enlightenment. Narada gives spiritual knowledge. Amongst Devarshis, Vishnu is Narada. Sage Narada is worshiped during the Guru Parampara (lineage) Puja. He is the source for our musical knowledge. One must never ridicule him as is being done in modern cinemas.

Chitraratha is a Gandharva (a demi-god), the foremost amongst all Gandharvas. Kapilacharya is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, a great Sage, whose angry glance burned to ashes the sons of King Sagara.

Bhajan: Krishna Krishna Mukunda Janardana - O Lord Vishnu, Narayana, the destroyer of sins, the protector of all, O subduer of Kaliya serpent, O beloved of cows, O stealer of ignorance/sins, O Lord of all spiritual knowledge, O holder of the flute, the Veena, and the one who wears the Tulasi garland (I pray to you).

How to choose amongst these various things that are mentioned for meditation? Choose whatever appeals to you most, the ocean, the tree, or the mountain, or best of all, concentrate upon the divine lotus feet of Sadgurudeva.
Keep continuing the practice of Datta Kriya Yoga. The more you practice as per instruction, the better will be your progress. Do Yoga asanas/postures and pranayama. May Swamiji bless you all with success in your spiritual pursuit.

Sri Guru Datta

Day 5, September 16, conclusion of Vibhooti Yoga

Jaya Guru Datta

Sri Ganesaya Namaha
Sri Saraswatyai Namah
Sripada Vallabha
Narasimha Saraswati
Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha
Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Sadgurubhyo Namo Namaha.

Dhyana Shlokas

Ṣarvopaniṣado gāvo dogdhā gopālanandanah
Partho vatsaḥ sudhīr bhoktā dugdham gītāmṛtam mahat
Gītā śāstramidaḿ puṇyaḿ yaḥ paṭhet prayataḥ pumān
Viṣṇoḥ padamavāpnoti bhaya śokādi varjitaḥ
Ekaḿ śāstraḿ devakīputra gītam
Eko devo devakīputra eva
Eko mantras tasya nāmāni yāni
Karmāpyekaḿ tasya devasya sevā
Geetaa saaram

Listen constantly to the essence of Gita, awaken your intellect and enjoy eternal bliss.
The Supreme Soul is declaring His glories. One should not study the Bhagavad Gita with the feeling that Krishna, belonging to the Yadu clan, or Krishna, the son of Vasudeva is narrating this. We must be firm in our faith that God Himself is giving this instruction/explanation.

The mind and our thoughts keep galloping like a horse. God here gives us a means of controlling it. We must visualize God as the best amongst horses, for the purpose of keeping the mind under control. I am Uchchaisravas amongst all horses, He says. During the churning of the ocean of milk, this horse was born. Initially God placed in the ocean some very significant items that emerged during the churning for the nectar of immortality. Its ears are upright, that is why it has its descriptive. Amongst all elephants, I am Airaavata. This also emerged out of the Ocean of Milk at about the same time. Iravati’s son, and hence it got the name Airaavati. During the chanting of the Sama Veda this elephant appeared and was given to Iravati. It is pure white and has 4 tusks. It has 8 trunks. The gods gifted this elephant to Indra. It is His vehicle. Indra is the Supreme Soul, and goes by many names such as Devendra. Mother Goddess is described as walking slowly like an intoxicated elephant. The elephant appears very majestic. We should visualize the Lord as a white elephant giving rides to Indra, the Supreme Soul. Whatever we contemplate upon, we acquire its qualities. We look upon the Airavata with wonder.

During spiritual practice, our pace varies. Sometimes it moves fast and sometimes it slows down. The features of what we contemplate about, we begin to acquire. Many people who deeply worship Lord Hanuman or Lord Narasimha, either in their devout qualities or in their impulsive or furious nature, begin to imitate their favored deity. Whenever Swamiji worships the different deities, He also appears with the features and qualities of that particular deity. Swamiji appears like the Mother Goddess during Navaratri and like Lord Narasimha during Narasimha Jayanti.
Amongst men, I am King. Every great leader has some aspect of Lord Vishnu in him, which is what draws him followers. What is the greatness of a king? Only he becomes a king, despite many bad qualities, who has some spark of divinity in him.

Pranayama removes our flaws. Through controlled inhalation and exhalation, we can purify our inner self. Vasuki, the great serpent represents breath control. Amongst serpents, I am Vasuki. Amongst cows, I am the Kamadhenu. Lord Dattatreya is always described as being in the company of Kamadhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow. Kamadhenu and Kalpavriksha, the divine tree, are always with Him. In some pictures, Lord Datta is shown as feeding grass to this divine cow. The cow is not His vehicle. The depiction urges us to protect and nurture cows with reverence.
Bhajan: Dattatreya trimurtiroopa – summary – Dattatreya of the form of the Trinity protects all the three worlds. He gives all desired boon, accompanied by Kamadhenu and Kalpa tree. He holds in His six hands the spiritual staff, the water pot, the trident, drum, conch shell, and the wheel. He is the best amongst men and is viewed clearly in the Full Moon. He releases us from bondages and destroys our fear of rebirth, being an ocean of compassion towards His devotees. He is born under the star Krittika, He is an enchanting divine messenger who resides in the heart-cave of pious souls. He is the supreme Guru Sachchidananda. Victory to Lord Datta.

Lord Dattatreya’s present incarnation Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji’s divine voice is heard via telephone, during this divine Bhagavad Gita discourse – “Om Namo Narayanaya - blessings to all – during the discourse of Vibhooti Yoga you are enjoying this direct communication from Swamiji. In a relatively small city you are conducting this wonderful program with great enthusiasm and interest. Jaya Guru Datta.

Bhajan: Krishnam Vishnum Sridharam – summary – Offering prayers to Krishna, Vishnu, Madhava, consort of Lakshmi, Madhusoodana (the slayer of the demon Madhu), Rama, the Lord of the Raghu dynasty.

First and foremost is Sadguru, more significant than any Vibhooti. This is the greatest glory ever. This is the reward for this Chaturmasya, on this final day of this discourse. This is the topmost blessing to all. He spoke on the speaker phone so that everyone could hear His divine voice. He could have called at any other time, but He chose this time, in the middle of the discourse. This is the greatest boon for all of us.

Amongst Nagas/snakes, I am Ananta, Adi Sesha. The terms Naga and Sarpa, snakes and serpents are differentiated. One category raises their hood and the other does not. Both may be poisonous. Soon it is going to be the festive day of Ananta Vrata. The immeasurable, endless energy is Ananta, the serpent that Lord Vishnu reclines upon. He has a thousand hoods but has only one tail. He represents the Kundalini Yoga. The Kundalini energy rises through the Sushumna Nadi and reaches the thousand petaled lotus in the Sahasrara Chakra. Such of those who have attained have reached the highest state.

Amongst all water gods, I am Varuna. Only in water, not in any other substance, the gods make their presence instantaneously. They do not need to come from afar. They are always present in water and hence, the moment they are invoked, they are present there. Water has that immense power. That is why we keep a water pot and place a coconut representing wholeness and invoke the Lord. When water is worshiped, and when sufficient amount of water is consumed, all stomach ailments get cured. When there is too much of food intake and insufficient water consumption, it leads to diseases. Worship me as Varuna.

Amongst the ancestral spirits, I am Aryama. Knowingly or unknowingly, we might have done wrong towards our paternal and maternal spirits, by abusing them, or neglecting to offer proper nourishment to the departed souls. The death anniversary should be properly conducted. Whether they receive the food regularly or not, whether all this is scientifically true are all futile questions for which answers and proofs are not possible to give. Our scriptures have stipulated with very subtle knowledge and insight that these procedures should be carried out and it is our duty to do so without engaging in wasteful discussions. We cannot understand all processes. They are beyond our comprehension. How is it that a huge ailment is cured with a tiny pill? A big headache is gone with a small tablet. Do you demand that because your head is huge, the tablet should be equally big? No one expresses such doubts. We are deluded and we are arrogant enough to question the declarations of the Vedas. We do not know what causes our headaches. We think twice before chanting Rama or Krishna. Scriptures say, serve the elders while they are alive. Perform funeral and anniversary rites as prescribed.

Amongst those who are disciplinarians, I am Yama. He shows no favoritism. He controls and rewards the appropriate fruits. He maintains justice. Visualize the Lord as Yama.

Amongst the demon clan, I am Prahlada. Prahlada gives happiness and good reputation to the entire clan. Prahlada is an incarnation of the Lord Himself. He is an epitome of devotion and firm faith. So many great devotees are there, but the child Prahlada’s name is mentioned at the beginning of the list of great pious souls. As an Avadhoota, Datta gave spiritual instruction to Prahlada. He is important to Datta devotees. He belongs to the Datta family.
Amongst calculators, I am Time. What is calculated? Our life span is calculated by Time. It does not mean visualize a clock, but the principle of Time that consumes each and everything with no exception. I am the Lion amongst animals. When Hiranyakashipu’s time was up, the Lord appeared as the Lion -Man/Lion incarnation on Narasimha.

Bhajan: Narasimha – summary – O Lord Narasimha, the boon-giver to Prahlada, of Universal Form, Sachchidananda, you are Narasimha. Victory to Lord Narasimha.

When people go to a safari, they get very excited to see a lion, or a tiger or an elephant. Simha means one who removes violence. Mother Goddess rides on a lion.

I am Garuda amongst birds. Vinata’s son is Vainateya. Before he became the vehicle for Vishnu, he rescued his mother Vinata from her position as slave to the demons. He prayed for the boon of being the transport for Lord Vishnu. Humility is his attribute. In the Garuda Chayanam/ a Vedic ritual, an eagle formation is created and all Vedas are invoked. The Vedas carry the essence of the Lord and bring Him closer to us.

Amongst those who ever move about and cleanse, I am Air. They keep a staff and do inhalation and exhalation for 108 times with retention in and out, by submerging in water, to destroy the greatest of sins. So powerful is Air. Amongst the wielders of the bow, I am Rama. Why not Parasurama? After losing to Rama, Parasurama gave up His weapons. Rama is always depicted as holding the bow, just as Krishna is shown holding a flute. Rama is the Supreme Soul, not just one aspect of God.

Amongst aquatic creatures, I am the crocodile. The Lord moves about in water in the glorious form of a crocodile. In the Gajendra Moksha story, why was the crocodile killed by Vishnu? Mother Goddess Ganga rides on a crocodile. Makara Sankranti is a great celebration and Makara/crocodile is worshiped.

I am a granter of sanyasa declared Adi Sankara. O Mother, I am caught by a crocodile. I cannot come to your aid, he said. Please give me leave to become a sanyasi, because a crocodile will not harm a sanyasi. The mother was forced to oblige and grant permission. That is how at a young age, Adi Sankara became an instant sanyasi. The crocodile that caught him is Lord Vishnu, we must believe. When we use stories to visualize the principles it is easier to understand the meaning.

Amongst flowing waters, I am Ganga/Jahnavi.

Jahnavi is pronounced as Janhavi. Brahmana is bramhana. It is wrong to mispronounce such words because of the way they are spelled. Jahnavi = Ganga. Sage Jahnu’s daughter and hence she got the name.

Bhageeratha‘s prayers were answered. Siva granted permission to bring down the Ganga. The king was leading the way on his chariot. The fierce current submerged the ashram of Sage Jahnu that was on the way. The sage got angry and simply swallowed all the waters. Siva was better. He held her in his locks.

Bhageeratha begged him to release the waters. He let the water out through his ears. Just the mention of Ganga destroys all sins.

Bhajan: Madhava Madhusoodana – summary - O Lord Vishnu with glorious attributes, I offer my prayers to you, the highest amongst all! O Sachchidananda, Madhava, O Hari, the consort of Lakshmi.

An important glory is revealed now. Now He is deviating from the list. Amongst this entire Creation, I am the beginning, middle, and end. Why is He repeating Himself? This was already mentioned. Now He is not specifying living beings, but is inclusive of all animate and inanimate creation. Amongst sciences, I am the spiritual science. The science that deals with the Soul, one that awakens Truth within. This may be sought for livelihood, for Self-realization, or for pure lifestyle.

Vaada-establishment of theory.
Vitanda vaada – irrelevant arguments.
Jalpa – self-centered , subjective argument
Don’t argue, we say, but proper arguments establish Truth. We should stay away from futile discussions and arguments that waste time.

I am ‘A’ amongst the alphabet. The a syllable is existent in all words. Kaaki also has a in it. It is the first syllable in the alphabet. Ka means Brahma. Each syllable has a meaning. The Panchadasi Vidya (15 syllable mantra) is the highest science, it is said in Sri Vidya. Each syllable Srim, Hreem and so on carry powerful meaning. Samaasa means phrase, not Samosa that you eat with chutney. When two or more words are joined together, it becomes a phrase.

What is more important? The individual soul or the Supreme Soul? Both are important. Only through the individual soul, the Supreme Soul may be realized and the two then become one.

Amongst immeasurable things, I am Time that is incomprehensible and indestructible.

I have faces everywhere. I see all, everywhere, all the time. I am Brahma. Visualize me as such.
I am Death that puts an end to all. In the future what is going to be born, that I am. Amongst women, I am prosperity, purity, reputation, intellect, courage, patience, articulation, memory, and so on.
Prahlada said to the Lord, You give only to take away. Everything is transient. Hence, please grant me the company of good souls.

Wealth and Life are destroyed. Wealth includes fame and other principles. We must live and do deeds as if our hair is in the grip of Death.

Amongst Time, different aspects are mentioned. Guru’s words are the most powerful. Like that I am the mantra that extols the Supreme Soul as Indra, in the Sama Veda. Brihatsama. Music appeals as per the cultivation of taste. There are many types of music. Many metric rhythms are there. The Gayatri meter is most powerful and is capable of conveying the meaning that is most subtle. Visualize me as Mother Gayatri.

Amongst the 12 months, I am Maargaseersha. It comes in December, winter time. Maarga=way to search for the Supreme Soul. It is the most appropriate and best time. Dattatreya Jayanti, and Gita Jayanti occur in this month. Mrigasira star was born in a miraculous way. A hunter was waiting for prey. He was going to shoot a deer. It was a baby and said, please let me see my mother and come back. Another deer approached and spoke, said I am pregnant. Another deer came. It said I am father of the expected child deer. It was Sivaratri. 4 deer came, the baby, the parents, and the new born. They all returned and offered themselves to be killed. The hunter became transformed and lay down his weapon and became a vegetarian having fasted that whole night. Siva blessed the deer and the hunter and blessed to become the constellation up in the sky depicting their shapes.

This month is dear to Lord Venkateswara. It destroys our sins when we perform austerities. Each day’s worship performed during that month gives benefits multiplied a thousand-fold.

Amongst seasons, I am spring time. All barren vegetation comes alive again with new sprouts. Visualize the Lord as the lively Spring season. Ugadi, the New Year celebration occurs at the beginning of this season. How do you celebrate? Look for a new cinema release? We go to Hyderabad and have Sadguru darshan. We prepare and eat the Ugadi chutney preparation that includes all six tastes. Those who eat it, not just that day, but that whole month, will enjoy good health according to Ayurveda. It is a good time to begin new worthy projects.

Listen carefully. Amongst cheaters/deceivers, I am gambling. It is an addiction that can completely destroy and ruin lives. Even Yudhishthira, the great noble king, pledged his own wife as a stake and except that Krishna came to their rescue, the Pandavas would have been totally ruined. Because there was some Dharma in them, and it was destined to happen, those events have occurred. Sakuni conducted the game. If one gets drowned in it, it will destroy one fully, like illusion. Visualize me as that immensely powerful illusion.

Amongst the radiant, I am the radiance. I am success.

Amongst those who waver between options and doubts, I am the decisive intellect. Because a farmer decisively works and produces a harvest, he is described as being determined and hardworking.

I am nobility amongst the noble souls.

I am Krishna, the son of Vasudeva amongst the sons of the Yadava clan. He is directly declaring to Arjuna that He is the Supreme Soul. Amongst the Pandavas, I am Arjuna. He says, I am YOU, yourself. Arjuna has conquered the greed for wealth. Arjuna is the middle brother among the 5 Pandavas. Amongst sages, I am Vyasa. Kalidasa failed to receive any glorious title from Mother Goddess. Mother said you and I are one and the same. Amongst those who truly worship, God is held in their hearts. Only the Upanishads make this declaration. You are He. There is no greater power outside of you. We are so filled with energy and yet do not realize it. I have chosen you to be recipient of this instruction. Listeners become one with the speaker. Otherwise they will not deserve to listen. Today is Vamana Jayanti, an auspicious day. This chapter must be completed today.

Sage Vyasa has composed all the Puranas and the Brahma Sutras.

Amongst poets, I am Sukracharya. He is the son of Kavi, and Rishi and hence, his name is Kavya. He is a Guru. A Guru only benefits the disciples. Sukracharya’s writings are superb. Sukra Neeti is well known. A poet reveals to the world what is hidden.

Amongst punishers, I am the staff. Those who tread the wrong path are corrected by the Guru. It is sometimes unavoidable. Sarasa, sama, dana, bheda, danda, and chatura (Tyagaraja’s composition) are the six strategies to bring about transformation in a wicked person. Rama tried all these methods on Ravana. Finally he had to resort to punishment. Only those who are moral, attain lasting success. I am morality amongst the victorious. I am silence amongst all secrets. I am spiritual knowledge among the wise.

The list is never ending. I am the seed, the source, for everything and everyone.

Without me, nothing exists. Void exists! Even to declare that the soul has to exist. I am also void. Buddha’s teaching is misinterpreted. The disciple who propagated the teaching of Buddha left it incomplete. Buddha was going to follow his explanation of void with a mention of Soul. But that was left out and hence misleads. I am existence. I am everything. Contemplate upon me keeping all my instructions in mind, Arjuna. Arjuna said, tell me without leaving out anything. Krishna said, that is not possible. Like an inexhaustible fountain, it will keep generating new glories.

When He says, He is the Himalaya, would we ask, are you also this mound? Arjuna, I am granting you the intelligence to grasp the Truth in its entirety. Would a guru say, It is not possible to describe the Supreme Soul, so I will just say Om Shanti. No.

Whatever appears wondrous, great, noble, excellent, radiant; know that to be my aspect. That is why Swamiji has emphasized on this principle in the lesson, Gita saaram …We must learn to see the aspect of God in everything around us.

Now the Lord is concluding the chapter, Vibhooti Yogam. Lord Krishna is granting Arjuna the greatest detachment. Yes. You asked. Why should I tell? Ok. But why should I describe so many glories? Why this enumeration of each and every glory, like amongst birds, trees, and so on? Let me make one bundle that includes them all. Finally, with utmost compassion, Krishna says, these living beings, these affairs and activities, these wonders, these glories, all are only one small limb held by me. The pillar of Soul Light is I, holding all these countless glories together. These 35 glories that He has mentioned are only for beginners. With the ultimate benediction, Krishna says, just know that I am the Supreme Soul, who holds this entire Creation together as a minute part of me.

Guru creates a doubt, makes us ask questions, and He clears the doubts with immeasurable compassion. This should be the foundation for meditation. Unless one meditates, one cannot visualize the Universal Form. Is He up and above beyond everything? Is everything getting crushed under His feet? How to envision Him? The reward for such a meditation is the realization of God in His Universal Form in your heart through deep contemplation.

This topic was merely touched upon here. Even the 1000 hooded serpent cannot describe the glories of God. Goddess Saraswati Herself cannot do justice according to the Siva Mahimna Stotram. Our lives should not go to waste. We must not get drowned in worldly affairs. We must delve deep and satisfy our thirst to know God. This is the right time, whether you are young or old, married or not, have families or not, use this present time well in learning about and experiencing God. This day, this moment is the best time to begin an earnest effort to realize God.

Bhajan: Mati neeve gati neeve – summary – O Lord Datta, you are my mind, you are my goal. You are the Vedas and Upanishads and all Holy Scriptures, O Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, you are our sole refuge. You reside in us. We reside in you, don’t we? Please support us in this thick wilderness, and lead us towards you. In this dried up lifestyle, please be the rain drop to sustain life in us. Please be the light inside our intellects to destroy the darkness of our minds. We offer worship to you with devotion. Please show mercy on us Sadguru Sachchidananda.

Sadguru Sri Swamiji Himself has taught you this Vibhooti Yoga. I am only an instrument. It is Sadguru’s grace that has made all these wonderful events happen here. Each and everyone here, and the Mysore staff have all given exceptional service with love, and enthusiasm. I see God’s glory in all of you and in all these activities. I pray for Sadguru’s grace to be showered in abundance upon all devotees who have participated in this great sacred ritual.

Sri Guru Datta