Datta Kriya Yoga

Meaning of Yoga:
Derived from Sanskrit "yuj," yoga signifies union, specifically the individual soul (jeevatma) merging with the Universal Soul (Paramatma), Sachchidananda Swaroopa.
Definition of Kriya Yoga:
"Kriya" denotes action, while "yoga" signifies union with the Universal Self. Kriya Yoga channels life force energy (Praana) through mental processes to achieve this union, starting with pranayama (control of breath).
Kriya Yoga descended from the Lord of Creation. According to the Markandeya Purana, the eternal Guru Dattatreya taught this mystic Kriya Yoga to Subramanya Swamy. Since it was bestowed by Lord Dattatreya, it is known as Datta Kriya Yoga. Vaamadeva, Jadabharata, Sukadeva, Parasurama, Prahlada, Alarka and Kartaviryarjuna, all became great Yogis through Datta Kriya Yoga. It is the highest state of Yoga with all powers and perfection. Sri Swamiji teaches Datta Kriya Yoga in the lineage of Adi Guru Dattatreya, drawing inspiration from his mother and Guru, Sri Jayalakshmi Mata.
The Kathopanishad says:
Adhyaatma yogaadhigamena devam
Matvaamdheero harshashokau jahaati

"The intelligent man, having known the Effulgent One by means of Adhyatma Yoga (meditation on the inner self), abandons both joy and sorrow."
The Shvetaashvatara Upanishad echoes the same thought thus:
Te dhyaana yogaanugataa apashyan
Devaatmashaktim svagunaairnigoodham

"The Rishis (seers) absorbed in Dhyana Yoga (the yoga of meditation) realized the Soul Power of the Supreme concealed by the gunas (qualities)."
The concluding Dhyana Shloka of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita describes the Absolute thus:
Dhyaanaavasthita tadgatena manasaa pashyanti yam yoginah
"Whom the Yogis behold with their minds engrossed in THAT, through meditation."

Every chapter in the Bhagavad Gita is termed "yoga" and the entire Gita is designated as Yoga Shastra (codes for living). This speaks volumes for the unrivalled position that Yoga has, among the many paths to achieve Self Realization.
As pointed out by Vedanta (the ultimate knowledge), the path to attain the goal of life is perfected by Yoga. Datta Kriya Yoga is both a science of meditation and a skilful way of living. It is essential to all the seekers of Yoga to improve their health and develop their pranic energy.
Sri Swamiji has expounded the system of Kriya Yoga which helps in Self analysis of physical (somatic) body, Psychic body (subtle and causal body) to the western disciples. What is the means for an ordinary householder, or a man of mundane duties, to know and learn Yoga? It is through Datta Kriya Yoga. It deals with restraint of breath, various techniques of breathing, relaxation, method of withdrawal of sense organs, fixing one's attention on a particular diety or object for the purpose of concentration and contemplation.
The master of mind is like a king. The king can move freely throughout his kingdom with ordinary men, but an ordinary man cannot enter the king's palace. Similarly, the one-pointed mind of a great Yogi can travel through all planes. The purpose of Datta Kriya Yoga is to minimize afflictions of body and mind and improve single-pointed concentration.
Datta Kriya Yoga integrates breath control and meditation for holistic well-being of body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes focused yogic breathing to calm the mind and channel vital energy (prana) throughout the body.
Sri Swamiji teaches Datta Kriya Yoga
Breath and Lifespan:
Ancient yogis viewed lifespan in terms of breaths, with rapid breathing linked to shorter lifespans. Datta Kriya Yoga offers accessible practices to improve health by regulating breath, regardless of physical condition or lifestyle.
Practices in Datta Kriya Yoga:
Datta Kriya Yoga, prescribed by Sri Swamiji, encompasses Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Sri Vidya, facilitating concentration through thought cessation. Mental focus centers on specific breath control techniques (Pranayama) followed by supplementary purification actions (kriyas) which are specific only to Datta Kriya Yoga. Pranayamas are accompanied by mudras (gestures) to direct vital energy to specific areas of the body. Naadi Shuddhi techniques, unique to Datta Kriya Yoga, purify subtle nerves and are suitable for all age groups.
Components and Benefits:
Components include Naadi Shuddhi Vyayama, Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras, and Dhyana (Meditation). Benefits encompass physical strength, flexibility, blood pressure regulation, diabetes management, blood purification, stress relief, concentration improvement, and enhanced work efficiency. Regular practice leads to a joyful and blissful life.
Sri Swamiji's Contribution:
Sri Swamiji selects specific mental, pranic, and physical techniques to address modern lifestyle imbalances and promote unity in diversity. He has taught Datta Kriya Yoga globally for decades, catering to diverse groups including health, educational, and business communities. Several Datta Kriya Yoga camps have been conducted for groups of interested students in several countries like India, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, Trinidad (West Indies), UK, USA etc.
Sri Swamiji is world renowned for the non-intrusive and mind-friendly methods of reducing stress. Sri Swamiji has renovated the Kriya Yoga principle, which is the encapsulation of Hatha Yoga (the current day exercise based Yoga Practice) and Raja yoga (involving mind control through breath control). At the time when the white collared jobs are increasingly tension prone and creating high stress volumes in the elite class of the industry, thereby increasing the surgical intervention as well as the medication intake, Sri Swamiji led the largest Pranayama, Breathing Exercise lesson in a single location.
Sri Swamiji was awarded the Guinness World Record for "Largest breathing lesson" on 10 July 2016, at India Community Center, Milpitas, California, USA, organized by Dashavatara Yoga Center (USA).
Guinness World Record for "Largest breathing lesson" at Milpitas, California, USA
Leading the effort, Sri Swamiji clearly explained the role of breathing in reducing stress and improving health of humans. The simple yet very powerful exercises, if performed as instructed would help the practitioner in a great way. Many of the participants from the session expressed their happiness as well as the multifold benefit from the session. During the record attempt session, Sri Swamiji explained the relation between nerves, nerve centers, breathing patterns, the importance of long breath with sustained focus and simple exercises as well as the way how systematic breathing helps curing any ailments and/or life style diseases.
Sri Swamiji has experimented with the various Mudras, Kriyas and Nadi Shuddhi exercises for several decades and his scientific approach to Pranayama (Systematic Breathing) benefited millions of people world over through many Kriya Yoga sessions.
Non-Religious Nature of Datta Kriya Yoga:
Datta Kriya Yoga transcends religious boundaries, serving as a spiritual science that complements all beliefs. It enhances mind-body coordination, deepens self-awareness, and fosters connection with inner selves and the world, benefiting humanity as a whole.
Datta Kriya Yoga Benefits
•  Balance Body, Mind & Spirit: It promotes holistic well-being by harmonizing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives.
•  Eliminate Toxins & Boost Immunity: Various asanas, kriyas, and pranayama practices help detoxify the body through sweat and respiration, enhancing the immune system.
•  Improves Respiration, Energy, and Vitality: Asanas, pranayama, and mudras strengthen the respiratory system and invigorate vital energy.
•  Increase Strength & Flexibility: The Yoga asanas and Nadi Shuddhi exercises enhance flexibility and build strength.
•  Improves Concentration and Focus: Postures like the "Tree Pose," along with pranayama and meditation, boost concentration and focus.
•  Build Core Strength: Specific asanas and pranayama practices develop and strengthen core muscles.
śrī bhūyuta śrī hari cihnitābhyām agastya rekhādibhirancitābhyām |
nigūdha bījākṣara mudritābhyām namo namah(s) sadguru pādukābhyām ||
I salute to those sacred sadguru padukas on which are depicted efu symbolically Lord Vishnu along with Sree Devi (Goddess of Wealth) and and Bhoodevi (Goddess of Earth), Agastya (Saint) and other lines and also several seed letters of occult nature.
mūlādhāraṁ tathā svādhiṣṭhānaṁ ca manipūrakam
anāhatam viśuddhākhyam ājñācakram vidurbudhāh
tavādhāra svarūpāṇī konacakrani pārvāti
trikona rupini śaktih bindurūpaḥ(s) śivassmrtah
avinābhāva sambandhah tasmāt bindu trikonayoh ||

The learned Seers say that the transcendental spiritual energy called 'Kundalini' resides in Moolaadhaara and pervades in Swadhishtana, the Manipooraka, Anahata, Vishuddha and Ajna Chakras (pranic energy distribution centers in the body). The Goddess Parvati based in these chakras in the form of triangles energizes the chakras. The energy in the form of triangle has in its center Bindu (dot), the form of Siva. Therefore, an inseparable relationship exists between Shiva and Shakti.
mülādhāre ganapati vapurdhārinam deśikendram |
svādhishthäne dhratavidhitanum sādhakoddāra dakşam |
jvālāvarṇam rucira manipūrāntare rudramūrtim |
nādātmānam vitata mahitānāhatākāśa purnām |
bhāmārdhāngam paramapuruşākāra gamyam viśuddhe|
jyotīrūpam vikti rahitam tattvamajñātārāle |
svātmārāmam dvayavirahitam tam sahasrāra padme |
dhyāyāmi tvām ganapati gurum saccidānanda rūpam |

To that Supreme Master who resides in the Moolaadhaara Chakra in the form of Lord Ganapathy,
To Him who resides in the Swadhishtana Chakra in the form of Lord Brahma elevating the sadhaka (spiritual practitioner),
Who abides in the Manipooraka Chakra radiating the redness of fire in the form of Lord Rudra (Shiva),
Who dwells in the Anahata Chakra and fills all space (akash) with sound,
Who is resplendent like Lord Ardhanarishwara (Shiva) as the ultimate Purusha (Supreme Soul) in the Vishuddha Chakra,
Who, located in the Ajna Chakra, illumines without change as the principles of light and wisdom,
Who beyond duality, as one without a second, exists in the absolute state of Atman (Self) and Universal Consciousness in the thousand-petal lotus. To Him, the Ganapati Guru, who is the embodiment of sat-chit-ananda (truth-knowledge-bliss), I offer my prayers again and again.
Email: dkycenter@gmail.com
Datta Kriya Yoga Website: https://www.dattakriyayoga.org/
Datta Kriya Yoga Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DattaKriyaYogaPage
Datta Kriya Yoga Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@dattakriyayoga108