Sri Swamiji in Gangapura, Inauguration of Vishwaroopa Datta Kshetra, 09 - 15 Feb 2011

  • 09 Feb 2011 - 15 Feb 2011
  • Gangapuram, Karnataka, India


Golden letter etched paragraph was written in the history of Dattatreya tradition. The much awaited Kumbhabhisheka & Pratishtha of Vishwaroopa Dattatreya were performed by the sacred hands of Parama Pujya Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji.

Ganagapura is the sacred place of Dattatreya where Swami Narasimha Saraswati, the incarnation of Dattatreya, had his Ashrama called "Nirguna Matha". Even today Swami Narasimha Saraswati's Padukas are worshipped in the temple. But for this, there are no Datta temple or shrines which indicate this pilgrim town as Dattatreya's Kshetra. Sri Swamiji made the Sankalpa to build an Ashrama here and construct a Datta temple. After four years and service by Dr.D.R.Rao family, a beautiful circular stone temple with a shrine of Marakata (emeraldsque) stone Dattatreya idol, Manikya (ruby red stone) Padukas are consecrated. In the place of temple tower stands a 18 feet tall monolith Dattatreya statue. From now on, any pilgrim who visits Ganagapura will identify Dattatreya with this town.

The Ganagapura Ashrama consists of circular Datta Temple with a circular Garbha Griha. There is a stone Mantapa inside the Garbha Griha in which the Marakata Dattatreya is installed. A Manikya (red stone) Datta Pada has been installed in front. Devotees are allowed inside the Garbha Griha and can personally worship the Datta Pada. In the circular temple Pradakshina area, 32 large paintings telling the story of Swami Narasimha Saraswati have been put up. This would educate a visitor about the life and impact of Swami Narasimha Saraswati. Underneath the paintings, texts of Guru Gita, Guru Ashtaka, Datta Stava, Guru Stava and Datta Shodashi have been chiseled on stone.

A towering 18 feet single stone Dattatreya statue stands above the temple. This tall statue is the temple tower. From two sides of the circular temple two stairs go up to the feet of the 18 feet statue above. The temple has four entrances. In front of the temple are two small stone shrines with marble idols of Swami Narasimha Saraswati and Swami Sripada Vallabha. 
Three meditation coves are under construction. This would enable a meditator to gaze at Datta statue and meditate.

There is a Annadana Hall, Kitchen, Gurunilaya and couple of cottages for visitors.

For the purpose of Kumbhabhishekam a huge pendal (marquee) with a seating capacity of 5000 persons had been erected behind the temple. Large kitchen and dining facilities for visitors had been planned. More than 200 volunteers of SDHS had arrived in Ganagapura to clean and prepare the Ashrama to host the thousands of visitors who would start arriving. 
The road from Gulbarga to Ganagapura requires extensive road repairs. But once a visitor arrived in Gangapura, the road leading to Ashrama had been decorated with large photos of Sri Swamiji's activities and colorful decorations.

Sri Swamiji reached Ganagapura from South Africa on the 9th FEbruary 2011 evening. A welcome function was held at 7 PM. Sri Swamiji honored the donors - D.R.Rao and family, architect - Sri.Madhusudan, civil contractor - Sri.Prasad, Temple sculptor - Sri.Subramanyachary, Marakata Dattatreya sculptor- Sri.Thirumalachary and others.

Sri Swamiji has named the Ashrama as "Vishwaroopa Datta Kshetra". The Ashrama has its website at www.viswaroopadatta.organd the Ashrama has its own Facebook age

10th February was Ratha Saptami. Pujya Sri Swamiji offered prayers to Sun God. Ratha Saptami is the day the family ancestor Sri.Surappa Poundareeka Yaji. He was remembered by pujya Sri Swamiji in his speech after Sri Chakra Puja. Sri Swamiji also gave away Prasadam (food) to all devotees who had come.

The countdown began on 10th February as Sri Swamiji commenced the installation rituals in a special purpose built "Yaga Shala" in Ganagapura Ashrama. Three days and many rituals later, the important day of Kumbhabhisheka arrived. 
Sri Bala Swamiji visited the Narasimha Saraswati's Nirguna Matha and took Darshana of his sacred Padukas. He also sought permission and Blessings for the Kumbhabhisheka and Pratishthapana of Marakata Dattatreya idol. 
Sri Swamiji arrived the the circular temple complex at 8.40 AM. Precisely at 8.47 AM, amidst roaring Mantra chants, ringing bells and blowing conches, Sri Swamiji placed the sacred "Dattatreya Yantra" in a small pit carved in the pedestal of the Datta idol. Sri Swamiji poured / placed auspicious and sacred materials like Nava Dhanya (nine different grains), mercury, Navaratnas (nine gems) etc., Thereafter, Sri Swamiji climbed up to the roof of the temple and placed Datta Yantra in a small opening at the base of the statue. 
After Sri Chakra Puja, Sri Bala Swamiji spoke on the greatness of the occassion and offered to Pujya Sri Swamiji, CD titled "Sri Guru Parampara" containing Datta Ashtottara, Jayalakshmi Mata Ashtottara, , Narahari Teertha Ashtottara, Sri Swamiji's Ashtottara, Skanda Ashtottara, Sri Guru Stuti & Subramanya Bhujanga Stotra. Music by Jaitra Varanasi. 
Sri.A.Ramdas, Karnataka state minister for Medical Education offered garland to Sri Swamiji and in his speech thanked Sri Swamiji for installing the magnificient Ashrama in Ganagapura. He declared that Ganagapura Panchayat villages would be brought under "Aayush" scheme and offer medical help. 
Sri Swamiji later released "Daily prayers at Datta Peetham" - audio book CD prepared by Smt.Heera Duvvuri. It contains all the daily prayers sung in Ashrama. Smt.Kumthekar offered for released the book, Marathi translation of Sri Swamiji Neeti Mala. 
At 12 noon, Sri Swamiji offered Purnahuti of the Pratishtha Homas and Dattatreya Mala Mantra Homa. Sri Swamiji carried the Brahma Kalasha to the temple and performed the sacred ritual bath to Marakata Dattatreya and Manikya Datta Charana. Sri Swamiji and the priests then climbed atop the 18 feet Datta statue and performed the Abhisheka to the idol. Pots after pots of water were poured until the idol was almost wet. Sri Swamiji then poured flowers, Rudrakshas, coins and Aralu. Thousands of devotees spread all over the place witnessed this divine spectacle. Sri Swamiji then spoke and said that today was a historic day and people should record this event in the life book and face book. (perhaps another historic first - A Saint speaking about a social media like Facebook from Kumbhabhisheka platform). 
Sri Swamiji climbed down and performed detailed Abhisheka to Marakata Dattatreya. Thereafter devotee crowds surged to personally perform Abhisheka to Manikya Datta Padas. (please note that this is not Paduka. It is the impression of Dattatreya's feet. Hence Datta Paada).

At 4 PM, Smt.Savita Sriram of Chennai sang Marathi Abhangs. This was the first concert in Ganagapura Ashrama. In the evening, Sri Swamiji performed the first Kakadarati to the newly installed Datta. Sri Swamiji also climbed up and performed Kakadarati to Datta. Sri.Vamshi also participated in the Kakadarati.

On 14th, priests performed Ekadasha Rudrabhisheka to Dattatreya. Being Bheeshamikadashi, Vishnu Sahasranama was chanted. Scintillating Bhajan programs were held. Local Bhajan group from Ganagapura sang Datta Bhajans.

15th was the final day of this amazing Kumbhabhishekam week. Sri Swamiji performed Sri Chakra Puja inside the temple. About 108 local priests were invited to come and receive Sri Swamiji's Blessings and Prasad. In the evening local children danced to Bhajans. Sri Swamiji too joined them and stepped along. Sri Swamiji expressed happiness over the Kumbhabhishekam programs and the arrangements. Special mention should be made about the SDHS volunteers who selflessly served in all activities. Members of BDL Ashrama took full responsibility of the Annadana Seva.

Reaching Ganagapura, one would be stunned to see the town still in the iconic 18th century times. The life seems to have been evolving much slowly than the rest of the nation. But the Datta energy of the palce in incomparable. Every saint, follower, Bhairagi of all orders and sect who honors Dattatreya has visited this quaint place and felt the peace that Datta alone can give.

Perhaps it is for this mystical reason that Sri Swamiji never finalized the Kumbhabhishekam date even after all the buildings were ready (almost a year). Only during Kumbhabhishekam did Sri.Vamshi surprisedly said that the Muhurtam of Ganagapura Pratishtha was exactly the same as Peethapura Datta Pratishtha held nine years ago. Datta's mystical methods indeed.

Sri Swamiji left Ganagapura Vishwaroopa Datta Kshetra on the 16th and travelled via Janawada Ashrama to Mysore and reached Ashrama on 17th noon.

Sri Guru Datta



Welcome arch at Vishwaroopa Datta Kshetra at Ganagapura, Karnataka, India
The circular temple and the 18 feet Datta on top
Pujya Sri Swamiji gives Deeksha Vastra to Smt.Vijaya Rao and Sri.D.R.Rao on 9th Feb 2011
Pujya Sri Swamiji views the pictorial life story of Swami Narasimha Saraswati. It is displayed in the outer circular temple
Ratha Saptami Arati to Suryadeva on 10th Feb 2011
Surya Deva Pahi Pahi - The Darshana of Surya on Ratha Saptami morning - 10th Feb 2011
Pujya Bala Swamiji gives Deeksha Vastra to Sri.Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi who led the team of priests officiating the rituals of idol installation. 10th Feb 2011
Kriya Yoga camp took place for three days in Ganagapura. Sri. Bala Swamiji offers Kriya Yoga Vastra to Pujya Sri Swamiji.
Pujya Sri Swamiji performs Adhivasa to the deities installed in the temple
Massive crowds of Datta devotees participated in the programs in Ganagapura
Pujya Sri Swamiji and Bala Swamiji look at the 18 feet Datta in awe
8.47 AM - Amidst chants of Veda Mantras, Pujya Sri Swamiji places the Datta Yantra in the niche at the base of Marakata Dattatreya
Pujya Sri Swamiji with Marakata Dattatreya idol. The first ever Marakata (emeraldsque) stone Dattatreya in the whole wide world. A historic first.
Pujya Sri Swamiji Blesses Dr.D.R.Rao and his sons Sucheth Rao and Harsha Rao, Dr.Rao has been designated as "Dharmakarta" of Ganagapura Vishwarupa Datta Kshetra, Ganagapura.
Pujya Sri Swamiji Blesses Sri.Madhusudan-Architect of the entire Ganagapura Project and Sri.Varaprasad, civil contractor who developed the Ashrama.
Sri.S.A.Ramdas, Medical Education Minister, Government of Karnataka offers garland to Pujya Sri Swamiji. He announced that Ganagapura taluk's all villages will be brought under "Arogya Sri" scheme and music therpay would be part of the medical treatment.
Maha Purnahuti of all the consecrational Homas. 13 February 2011
Pujya Sri Swamiji carries the Pradhana Brahma Kalasha from Yaga Shala for Kumbhabhisheka
The chosen and much awaited moment. Kumbhabhisheka of Marakata Dattatreya namedby Pujya Sri Swamiji as Vishwaroopa Dattatreya. 13th February 2011
Kumbhabhisheka to the towering 18 feet Dattatreya statue
Flower Abhisheka to 18 feet tall Dattatreya
Pujya Sri Swamiji at the base of Dattatreya- 13th February 2011
Upadesha to Marakata Dattatreya
My Dear Datta... take care of the world
Thousands of devotees performed Abhisheka to "Datta Pada" and felt Blessed. 13th February 2011
Sri Bala Swamiji visits the Annadana place
The first music concert in Ashrama - Smt.Savita Sriram sang Abhangs and Bhajans. 13th Feb 2011
The first Kakadarati (known as Shayana Arati in Ganagapura). 13th Feb 2011
Pujya Sri Swamiji decorates Datta idol - 13th Feb 2011
Pujya Sri Swamiji and Vamshi perform Kakadarati to Dattatreya
Viswa Roopa Dattatreya - the eternal beautiful force
Pujya Sri Swamiji feels the circular walls 13th Feb 2011
Puja to Datta at sunrise on 14th Feb 2011- Bheeshma Ekadashi day
Their Holiness happy with the proceedings
Sri Chakra Puja inside the Datta Temple - 15th Feb 2011
Shrine of Swami Narasimha Saraswati.
Sri.Ajith Kadkade sang Abhangs in the front Mantapa of the temple. 15th February 2011. With this event the week longKumbhabhisheka programs concluded.