Sri Swamiji in Andhra Pradesh, Peethapuram, Sri Padavallabha Anagha Datta Kshetram, 20 - 21 Jan 2007

  • 20 Jan 2007 - 21 Jan 2007
  • Peethapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India


Sri Swamiji in Peethapuram - January 20, 21
Sri Padavallabha Anagha Datta Kshetram



Why do some devotees suffer?
Gist of Sri Swamiji’s message on on 21st January 2007
(Last day of 5th Brahmotsavam at Sripadavallabha Anagha Datta Kshetram – Peethapuram)

It is commonly heard remark or comment of some devotees that their suffering has not mitigated, even though they are committed to Sadguru Seva. At times, they even point to their poignant plight and sound optimistic about an impending miracle which could bring solace to their problems. First of all, let us analyse the root cause of this string of hardships?? Why should a Dharmik person endure hardship?? If so, where is the merit of our good deeds?? Has it gone waste?? Is this unique happening or could we find instances (of such Dharmik persons or people who are closely associated with God or Sadguru) suffering??


Let us examine few questions and try to locate an answer??
• Why did Sita, wife of Rama have to endure misery?
• Why did Arjuna and Pandavas have to spend time in forest, leaving behind all their luxuries, in spite of being relatives, devotees and compatriots of Lord Krishna?
• Can an unlocked/ unguarded house of a close relative Ranking Police officer be safe from burglary??
• Why should a great donor to charity get stuck in a deep quagmire?
• Can a great land lord owning hundreds of acres with paddy harvest get food automatically without anyone’s effort?
• Why should the son of a great scholar undertake studies under stringent conditions of lonely Gurukulam?
• Why should the God, incarnating on this earth, encounter so much devastating catastrophe (as explained in Ramayana/ Devi Bhagavatam)?
• Why should a cattle herd, owning thousands of buffaloes observe due process  to obtain Butter/ Ghee?
• Why should you feed the cow, to get milk, inspite of spending thousands of rupees on its purchase and cattle shed??

This assessment shows that one should have respect to due process. This is a must for everyone. There is no exception. I need not give answers to all these questions. You are aware of them. If you just correlate them, you will be better in getting the right answer for all of these questions.
What ever may be your contemplation; just go by the prescribed process. Just because you spent a Lakh of rupees towards a charity, your blunder of cheating/ malpractices cannot be condoned in the registers of Destiny. Be prepared to enjoy the fruits of your deeds good or bad. Do not expect Sadguru or God to take away all your sins. They are running a laundry. It is up to you to put your linen in that. {Japa, Tapa, Namasmarana, Daana are some of the activities of the process.}


If your Guru does not rescue or take away your sins, then what is the use of Guru?? This could be another common refrain. I do not mind, whether you visit me for any benefit. Nor I am perturbed when you stop coming due to disappointment, for not getting a particular benefit/ favour. I reciprocate the same way, as you approach me. I am like a mirror. Yad Bhaavam Tad Bhavati. You can call me a motherly/ fatherly/ brotherly/ grand fatherly/ great grand fatherly figure. I am all that to you. If you want me to be Sadguru, I am equally pleased. I will be doubly elated, if you approach me for true knowledge/ wisdom.


It is not completely wrong to seek the grace of Sadguru, for the success of a particular material pleasure. But if you do not put a stop, to the ever expanding wish list, forwarded to Sadguru, you are committing a blunder. Realise the true purpose of the association with Sadguru. Try to follow His instructions in letter and spirit. Then you could afford to be oblivious to the sorrows in the daily routine and thereby nurture the innate bliss, which permeates your real self. This is the gist of Vedanta/ Veda/ Upanishat/ Purana. If you are mature enough, you will realise this content.


Jaya Guru Datta

Anagha Dattatreya Swamy
Dharmakarta Sri. SV Ramana Murthy & Smt. Padmini welcome Sri Swamiji at Peethapuram Ashrama
Pujya Sri Swamiji performs Bhumi Puja for Pushkarini
Excavation for Pushkarini commenced on Sunday 21st January 2007
Inauguration of Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Bhavanam
Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Bhavanam
Brahmotsava Arati to Dattatreya Swamy
Site for Pushkarini (pond) in front of Sri Padavallabha Anagha Datta Kshetram
Samoohika Upanayanam
The majestic temple tower in Peethapuram Ashrama