Sri Swamiji in USA, Visit to Little Rock, Arkansas, 14 - 15 Nov 2012

  • 14 Nov 2012 - 15 Nov 2012
  • Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

Pujya Sri Swamiji's maiden visit to Arkansas was historic from many perspectives. Though Sri Swamiji was in Little Rock for two days, the string of special events made the visit a very important one. Sri Swamiji arrived in Arkansas on the night of 14th November 2012. Sri Swamiji stayed in the house of Rev. Susan Sims Smith & Dr. Richard Smith on the banks of Arkansas river. The various hues of fall colors on the trees across the river was very special and pleasing to the eyes. The quietude of the place and no public programs were resting and a contrast to the usual busy schedule.
On 15th morning, Sri Swamiji visited the Arkansas House of Prayer established by Rev. Susan Sims Smith. This house of prayer is open to all and people from various religions visit this unique place of prayer and find peace. The House of Prayer is a copper clad rectangle exterior with a round prayer room in the inside. There are no icons and the Prayer Hall is a place of total silence and quiet. Upon arrival in this beautiful environs, Sri Swamiji placed His divine hands on a piece of rock and offered prayer. As He entered inside, Sri Swamiji inscribed His "SHRI" signature in Samskrit in the visitors book. Sri Swamiji then entered the Prayer Room and sat on a chair and meditated in total silence for about 30 minutes. The joy of those thirty minutes were exalting and uplifting. Emerging outside, Sri Swamiji when meditating on the Parabrahman, words and sounds cease to exist as they cannot describe the qualities of the supreme God head. Sri Swamiji recalled a story where Rishis and seers like Sanat Kumara, Sanat Sujata and others lapse in to total silence when in deep meditation.
In the evening, Sri Swamiji visited Psychiatry Research Institute of UAMS (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences). Sri Swamiji was shown around the new facility by Dr. Richard Smith, Director of Psychiatry Research Institute. Later, Sri Swamiji was received by Dr. Josh Cisler, a brain scientist in Brain Imaging Reserch Center. He showed the latest brain scanner to Sri Swamiji. He then presented a detailed study on the effect of Sri Swamiji's music on the brain. Rev. Susan Sims Smith had undergone brain scanning while listening to regular pop music and Sri Swamiji's healing music. Dr. Cisler projected the brain scans on a projection screen and explained the analysis of how Sri Swamiji's music had much greater effect over Rev.Susan Sims Smith's brain. It was exciting to see scientific analysis of Sadgurudeva's music. Sri Swamiji later spoke about His music and His view on music therapy.
On 16th afternoon, Sri Swamiji visited "Rapter Rehab of Central Arkansas" run by Shri .Paul Rodney. This place is a shelter for injured raptor birds like Bald eagles, Falcons, Vultures, Owls and the like. Sri Swamiji saw different types of owls, American bald eagles, falcons and vultures. Shri. Rodney requested Sri Swamiji to release a once injured, but now fully recovered & rehabilitated Turkey Vulture into the wild. As Sri Swamiji opened the cage door, the thankful Turkey vulture ventured out, walked around and finally flew in to the dense trees behind the facility. Sri Swamiji was very impressed with the work and service of Shri. Rodney. Sri Swamiji donated to the upkeep of the facility. In the evening, a prayer service was held in the house. The prayers were led by Rt. Rev Larry Maze (Rt), Mrs. Beth Maze and Rev. Susan Sims Smith. Mr. John Willis played on the piano while the song "I see the Love of God" was sung. Sri Swamiji spoke about the common path that leads a spiritual person to God. After the service, Sri. Willis played a Rabindranth Tagore song on the piano....
Arkansas…. was a wonderful visit.
Trees show off their pleasing fall colors across the Arkansas river
Arkansas House of Prayer
Gurudeva arrives in Arkansas
Arkansas House of Prayer - Exterior
Sri Swamiji energizes the rock outside Arkansas House of Prayer
Pujya Sri Swamiji inscribes "SHRI" in visitor book of Arkansas House of Prayer
Arkansas House of Prayer - Interior
Sri Swamiji in Meditation inside Arkansas House of Prayer. The total quiet & stillness was joyous. Sri Swamiji's presence was spiritually elevating.
Rev. Susan Sims Smith explains about Arkansas House of Prayer to Pujya Sri Swamiji.
Pujya Sri Swamiji rests on the Gekko tree
The reddish leaves of fall almost match Pujya Sri Swamiji's robes.
Pujya Sri Swamiji stands in front of a superbly yellow color Gekko tree
Sri Swamiji holds the Gekko tree leaf
Sri Swamiji holds the Gekko tree leaf
Rising Sun melts fog on Arkansas river
UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute
Brain scanner in UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute
Pujya Sri Swamiji listens to Dr. Cisler's speech on "Sri Swamiji's music effect on Brain". It was an exhilarating experience to listen to professionals share their research findings.
Dr. Josh Cisler (left) and Dr. Richard Smith explain the positive & beneficial effects of Sri Swamiji's music on brain. Using scans & the brain model, they showed the various parts of Brain that get activated while listening to Sri Swamiji's music.
Sri Swamiji, Dr. Josh Cisler, Rev. Susan Sims Smith and Dr. Richard Smith in front of the brain scans projection.
Owl gets the Blessing
Sri Swamiji holds a falcon
The Turkey Vulture left to wild by Sri Swamiji. Mr. Paul Rodney holds it.
Rev. Susan Sims Smith, Rt. Rev.Larry Maze & Beth Maze sing evening service on 16th November 2012.
Moon in Arkansas sky in the evening