Inauguration of 70 feet Sri Karyasiddhi Hanuman and Dattatreya Jayanti, 24 Dec 2012
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Inauguration of 70 feet Karyasiddhi Hanuman and Dattatreya Jayanti, Mysore, 23 - 28 Dec 2012
Monday ~ 24 December 2012
Sri Swamiji and Bala Swamiji at the Pratsihtha Yaga Shala
Rituals at Pratishtha Yaga Shala - Avahana of Brahma Kalasha
Gou (cow) Puja
Sri Swamiji performs Sri Chakra Puja
Ashrama Bhajan group sings Shata Shloki Ramayana during Sri Chakra Puja
Gurudeva in prayers during Puja
Release of Datta Peetham's first Blu-Ray Disc ~ Sri Swamiji happily holds the "Datta Darshana" feature film in Blu-Ray disc format.
This film was released in the year 1987.
Sri Hanauman Hoffman offers for release the DVD containing the videos of the consecration of
Marakata Raja Rajeshwari Devi temple in Vijayawada Ashrama held on 6th Feb 2003.
The video was filmed and edited by Sri. Hanuman Hoffman.
Release of telugu book "Atma Daanamu" authored by Pujya Sri Swamiji and compiled by Sri. Kuppa Venkata Krishnamurthy. The book speaks about birth of Lord Dattatreya where the Trimurtis (Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshwara) offer themselves to become Lord Datta.
Sri Swamiji releases the "Hanuman" T-shirt
Sri Swamiji blesses the chief sculptor of the Hanuman idol, Sri. Subramanyam
Devotees offer prayers to the heap of Om Namo Hanumate Namaha books
Devotees do Pradakshina to the Om Namo Hanumate Homa Kunda
Jaladhivasa - Purification of the Hanuman idol in water
Performance by Ghazal Srinivas of Hyderabad
Ghazal Srinivas and his family receive blessings of Gurudevas
Angels sing Christmas Carols during Christmas eve celebrations in Prayer Hall
Time for Christmas Cake
Gurudeva speaks
Santa receives blessings from Pujya Gurudeva