Sri Swamiji in USA, Guru Purnima Celebrations, New Jersey, 18 Jul 2008
Guru Purnima Message Of Pujya Sri Swamiji - 18 July 2008, New Jersey, USA
Guru Poornima is the day of remembering the lineage of Guru. If we try to trace the origin of the lineage we will understand that we are all derived from the Brahman. Therefore Guru is called Guru Brahma.
Brahma the creator, Vishnu the protector, and Shiva the remover of sins, all are forms of guru, says the Guru geeta. The creator Brahman has created all of beings in this universe and entangled each of them in a web of Maya (illusion). Every being right from a simple mosquito to the complex human apparently poses to be busy in its own web of confusions. We often tend to claim that we are too busy even to attend satsang. We tend to justify our laziness. Sadguru dispels such tamasic tendencies. Guru’s worship is essential for removal of ignorance. Idol (Vigraha) worship gives Nigraha (control of mind).
Waiting in long queues for Darshan shatters our karma. Patience is the greatest penance. Our mind becomes more focused during this time. All other matters except the darshan become trivial. In fact any act done without full concentration is only half done and therefore the merit of such actions is also partial. Another important clue is contentment. Fruitful results are expected when an action is done with commitment and contentment. Seek forgiveness of guru for mistakes, promote satvik and reduce the tamasic tendencies. Guru’s temperament is one of forgiveness and compassion. Swamiji is like a Walmart with yoga, Vedanta, music, short stories, social service projects, bhajans, discourses etc. Pick the items you need. Don’t bother about the other things lying there, they are meant for many others, not for you. People have different tastes. It is important to experience the grace of guru and not experiment. If you attempt to experiment, you will land up into more mental conflict. Try to experience the truth with the guidance of the guru. We must start our inner journey. Meditate on the self. Pranayama (regulated and balanced inhalation and exhalation process) is the secret path. Contentment and satisfaction are the biggest sadhana.
Activity report
Guru Poornima was celebrated by the devotees from all over the world in the Holy presence of Sri Swamiji. After Srichakra pooja, Pratyaksha paada pooja to His Holiness was performed. All the devotees got the pleasant opportunity to touch the Holy lotus feet of Poojya Appaji. His Holiness materialized Vibhooti from flowers and blessed the devotees by cutting the Guru Poornima cake. In the noon International Baldatta retreat for children took place where kids from various centers participated. In the evening a scintillating Bhajan session was conducted by His Holiness. The grand finale was the food morsel given by Sri Swamiji to the devotees.
Guru Poornima was celebrated in New Jersey, USA on 18th July 2008 by devotees from all over the world in the Holy presence of Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji. After Sri Chakra Puja, Pratyaksha Paada Puja was performed to His Holiness. All the devotees got the pleasant opportunity to touch the Holy lotus feet of Pujya Sri Swamiji. His Holiness materialized Vibhooti from flowers and blessed the devotees by cutting the Guru Poornima cake. In the noon, International Baldatta retreat for children took place, where kids from various centers participated. In the evening, a scintillating Bhajan session was conducted by His Holiness. The grand finale was the food morsel given by Sri Swamiji to the devotees.
Guru Purnima Message Of Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji
18 July 2008, New Jersey, USA
Today we are celebrating Guru Purnima. We are remembering Guru Parampara and doing the Parampara Stuti. It is Guru Vamsha Vruksham. (Lineage) Many people do not know who is Sadguru, Parama Guru and the Guru Parampara. It is like our father, grandfather, great grand father and his father and fore fathers. But there is only one first father. He is Brahma. That is why we say Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara. Guru is a creator like Brahma, protects us as Vishnu and destroys confusion in us as Maheshwara These three actions are going on continuously in Guru. Brahma's creation is unique. We cannot explain Brahma's ideas. He is playing like a small boy. We are all small toys for Him. We all are tiny particles in His creation like small insects.
Some are protective, some are destructive and some are poisonous. What ever is His Sankalpa, it is good. He is very happy about His creation. No complaints. No questions. Every being in His creation is very busy. Even an ant is busy. Mosquito also is busy in biting. Birds also are very busy. Many people say we are very busy to follow Sadguru. We say Swamiji is in our hearts. No physical worship is necessary. We say work is worship and Swamiji also likes it. We don’t read Bhagavad Gita. We say it is confusion. If you study deeply, you will understand. If you study your Sadguru in depth, you will understand.
You feel Sri Chakra Puja is like a toy game. It is necessary to understand Guru Gita to understand idol worship. We have to control our Manas. In order to control that, we need idol worship. Vigraha gives Nigraha. We are giving discipline and controlling the sense organs. When we sit with Swamiji, we have very powerful concentration. What ever is the reason, we have come to Swamiji. Some attraction is there. We don’t know what it is. Swamiji's leela cannot be explained. How long miracles will work on us? There is some attraction beyond miracles.
Many people ask what is the benefit of visiting Swamiji? We say we don’t know. But if they ask repeatedly, our response will change. Slowly we speak out. But even then Swamiji's leela cannot be explained. You can only experience, you cannot experiment. Bhakti should not be experimented. Surrender completely. Do complete Atmarpana. Swamiji is like a Walmart. You will get what ever you want. You get Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Bhajans, fun.... anything. Don’t complain that Swamiji is like this... like that.... I don’t like Swamiji doing this etc..... You cannot say that because He is Walmart. If you don’t like, don’t go. You can taste what ever you want. But you must wait. Some people are in hurry to see Swamiji. Swamiji tests your patience also. By doing so, He will remove all your sins. Our Karma is getting washed away in long queues that we wait for Sadguru Darshana. You will forget all your pains in a moment.
In Hyderabad, devotees stand for more than 6 hours in queue for Swamiji's darshan on Yugadi day... they feel very happy for doing so...In America people sit only in Sofas. They drink coffee also with Straw. But why are you sitting on floor here? It is out of love and affection towards Swamiji that you have. You concentrate on one work at a time finish that and then take up the other one. Then you will succeed in everything. Your confusion is because you take up everything at one time. You all are doing everything half. Datta Stavam half, Puja half, food half, sleep half. Everything is 50 per cent only. That is why you don’t have good health. We say Ashthottaram is big. You finish in 8 or 16 names. Do anything with fulfillment and satisfaction. Today, this Nakshatra is powerful on Purnima day. This comes only once in twelve years. Swamiji wanted to concentrate only on Guru Purnima and cancelled the three months trip.
You are tiny human beings. Your quality is making mistakes. Sadguru quality is forgiveness. He will excuse all of you. You are showing your quality and He is showing His quality. Try and drive away Rakshasa Bhavas in you and put all your efforts to gather Devata Bhavas. Do well and speak good at least to your families or at least to yourself. Our family is a beautiful family. We got a Nandagokulam. Sadguru is living in your body. Don’t hurt yourself. Don’t get depressed. That is why Swamiji says don’t smoke. He is residing in you. Don’t spoil that divine inner energy. I bless you all that all your Sankalpas be fulfilled. May our relationship grow and be stable. May it be a good relation? Again, Swamiji is like a Walmart. Don't decide for yourself that He has this, He does not have this.... Swamiji has everything. You pick up what you want.
Jaya Guru Datta