Dattatreya Jayanti Celebrations, First GNBY Conference, Navagraha Maha Yaga, 11 Dec 2008
11th December 2008 - Thursday - Kruttika Nakshatra
Pujya Sri Swamiji's discourse on Bhakti
The ultimate goal of all spiritual practices is salvation. There are however several paths to reach this ultimate goal. Of the several paths that lead to liberation, Bhakti (devotion) has been given a very important place. Bhakti connotes different meanings to different people. Going to temple, chanting divine names, performing Homa are all examples of Bhakti. Some feel why so many programs? Is it to get fame? To know the answer we must understand what Bhakti is?
Amongst so many great seers who defined and explained about Bhakti, sage Narada is considered foremost. Who else but a person always immersed in chanting the name of Lord Vishnu is capable of explaining about Bhakti? His teachings are called Narada Bhakti Sutras (Tenets of Devotion by Narada). While knowledge of Shastras is understood only by the learned, the experience of Bhakti is not dependent on scholarliness and therefore everybody can experience it. It is a path of experience in accordance with the Upanishadic teachings. In the presence of Lord Datta we shall today in this Gna Na Bha Yoga conference learn more about Bhakti.
Athato bhaktim vyakhyasyaamaha
This first word statement implies the qualities of the recipient of this knowledge. It states the requirement of a mature state of mind. This suggests that we need to be humble and not egoistic. To achieve a goal we need to have a strong conviction, faith, dedication and also the right circumstances. There is also an essential qualification for the student depending on the subject. For example, if you want Brahma Gnana (knowledge of the supreme Brahman), you need four attributes.
1) Nitya- Anitya Vastu Viveka: The knowledge of the eternal and the perishable.
2) Renunciation: Not expecting fruits of action.
3) Shamadi shatka sampatti: The six merits like sham , dam, uparati, titeeksha, shraddha, samaadhana relating to self control, restrain , patience, faith and tranquility.
4) Mumukshutva: Deep desire to attain salvation.
This are together called as Sadhana chatushtaya (four cardinal requirements).
Jaimini Maharishi described about Mimammsa Sutras. Scholars opine that, to understand that text one must have studied the Vedas in detail. For studying Vedas some essential disciplines like Upanayana, learning from Guru have been described as essential. Similarly study of every Shastra needs a basic qualification. This is true even with modern education system also.
However, the essential qualifications required for the path of devotion are not so rigorous as those for the path of knowledge. Everybody is eligible for this path. No one is forbidden to this path. The sheet anchors for this path are untainted devotion, non-dwindling faith that this path will allow one to cross the ocean of life. It is not necessary that one is a scholar. Even an illiterate is having the freedom and capacity to become a devotee. Irrespective of ones past Karma it is possible that a spark of divinity may blossom in their heart that will transform them completely. A sinner may be transformed into a noble soul with the dawn of devotion. He will attain peace, tranquility and redemption from the deeds of the past. What if a person commits sin knowingly that it is a sin? What will be his fate? To understand this we must first analyze what makes a person a sinner? – Family, Environment, Impregnations of the past (Samskara), and bad friendship.
Some people are born in wicked families. Some others are those who are not undergoing the prescribed rituals; don’t practice austerities and daily-recommended chores of spiritual practices, not following the teachings of Guru, not reading scriptures etc. Both these categories can be transformed by devotion to the almighty. If you see the stories of great devotees, you will see many such examples and transformations. Ahimsa (non violence), truth, and devotion are not anybody’s sole property. Everyone has a right to it. This is reiterated by Suka Maharshi in Bhagavata. Devotion is beyond the barriers of cast, creed, color, gender and religion. Some are born devotees while others are initially very wicked persons who get totally transformed. The best example is Ratnakara who became Vaalmiki. Others are Ajamila, Tondarappodi Alvar, Narayana Bhat etc. Kabir and Nanak were not formally educated. Their literary works are amazing. Everything is the result of devotion.
However, if devotion is added to adjectives like knowledge, character, Yoga it is a double blessing. It is even more meritorious. The story of Dhruva also tells us this.
Atha atah bhaktim vyakhyaasyaamaha
The second word in this quote is atah. It means ‘therefore’. Why did Narada write about devotion when He could have written about Jnanayoga or Karma yoga? This is explained by this term. The path of devotion is the easier path for the commoner than the other two paths mentioned above. This is a path accessible by all and it also leads to the path of Jnana (knowledge). Even Adi Shankara, who wrote commentaries to great spiritual texts ultimately said Bhaja Govindam (sing the glory of the lord) and composed many devotional verses.
The last words in the quote above describe Bhakti. Narada has put in this, His experience of Bhakti. Therefore it became an authoritative text for the future generations.
In the second tenet, He tells us that true devotion does not expect anything in return. It is an immeasurable love to divinity. Bheeshma, Prahlada, Uddhava and Narada demonstrated their devotion in this manner.
Surrendering all your senses in service to the God without expecting any thing in return is devotion. Bhakti means service. Bhakti is deeply attaching your mind on the supreme principle. Bhakti is offering your heart to almighty. Contemplating on the inner self, I, is Bhakti. Bhakti is different from worldly love. It is a blissful communion with the supreme. It is beyond the senses. There is no place for ego. There is no chance of hate at all in this. It is not emotional also. It is the divine link that makes you forget yourself.