Sri Swamiji in UK, Seminar on Faith and Global Peace, New Castle and London, 17 - 27 Aug 2007

  • 17 Aug 2007 - 27 Aug 2007
  • New Castle, England, UK


Pujya Sri Swamiji arrived in London on the morning of 17th August 2007. The long flight from Dallas did not seem to have any stress. The trustees and devotees of Datta Yoga Center received Sri Swamiji enthusiastically. Sri Swamiji had decided to stay near the new center in Hounslow.


That evening, being Thursday, Pada Puja was performed to the Papuans and the audience chanted the Ashtottara and had opportunity come and offer the flowers and yellow rice on the Padukas.


On 18th afternoon, Sri Swamiji traveled in train from St. Pancras rail station to Durham town near New Castle city to bless the delegates for the “Faith and Global peace conference" organized by the international gita foundation trust. On the same evening, Sri Swamiji graced the civic reception hosted by the Mayor of the city of Durham at Gala Theatre in Durham, where the council members welcomed the guests and delegates.


On 19th morning, Sri Swamiji inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp. On the dias were His Holiness Dr. Shivamurthy Shivacharya Swamiji of Bruhanmatha in Chitradurga town, His Holiness Sri Sukhabodhananda from Bangalore, His Holiness Sri Japananda Swamiji from Pavagada, Mrs.Jaya Row from Mumbai, Sufi Master Mr. Mumtaz Ali from Bangalore, Dr.P.V.Nath, Mr.Hari Shukla and Dr. C.N. Gupta, all conveners of the program. The Deputy Mayor of Durham, The Member of Parliament from Durham too were on the dias. Sri Swamiji in his benediction conveyed His happiness over the event and the importance of such conferences. Sri Swamiji released a special souvenir to commemorate the occasion. Dr. Chokshi from new York was awarded the Loka Kalyana award. Following the inauguration, Lectures by His Holiness Sri Shivacharya Swamiji Swami Sukhabodhananda and Swami Japananda were illuminating and extra ordinary. That evening, as part of the cultural program, Chellur sisters sang Bhajans with the guidance of Vid. Shyamala Bhave , Bharata Natyam by ***. Ranjita and a scintillating Krishna story telling by professor Prema Pandurang.


On 20th, there was a inter faith conference where scholars of different religion spoke on human values like Advesta Sarvabhoothanam as enshrined in the Bhagavadgita and the message from their faith on that value. Datta Peetham's representative spoke on Universal Oneness. In the afternoon, the youth forum gave a inspirational and lively debate on contemporary issues of religion, science, life and spirituality.


In the evening, the program concluded and Sri Swamiji in his closing remarks mentioned thus:


"" When I heard the name Durham.... I heard it as Dharma. I was corrected that it was Durham and not Dharma. I then said that it still sounded like DRAM, the Beejakshara of Dattatreya. Beejakshara is the code language as Mudra is sign language. Yesterday, Swamiji Sukha Bodhananda showed some Mudras. They are the communication of a devotee and the higher force. The program has concluded very well. Carry home the messages and remember them for a long time and take energy from the messages you received here".


In the night, a small satsang was held in the house of Dr.Nath, where Sri Swamiji explained the concept of Jayalakshmi Mata's compositions and they complex construction in simple language . Some Bhajans were sang. Sri Swamiji that night made the extra-ordinary gesture of visiting a ailing aged friend, Mrs. Brita Walker in University hospital, Durham and Blessed her.


On Monday, 20th August, Sri Swamiji visited Edinburgh and returned to London. On 21stmorning, Swami Narahari Teertha's Aradhana was conducted in a simple function in the Datta Yoga Center. Sri Swamiji briefly spoke and remembered his association with Swami Narahari Teertha who was a friend more than a father. Prasad elaborated on the life and times of Swami Narahari Teertha. That evening Sri Swamiji visited Stone Henge monument and reached Bath town. On 22nd, Sri Swamiji visited the ancient Roman baths in the town and then took bath on one of the healing springs. After a brief stay in the wonderful green lawns in front of the famous Royal Crescent, Sri Swamiji returned to London.


From Thursday, 23rd programs in the Datta Yoga Center commenced. Sri Chakra Puja and Bhajans were held in the main hall. On Friday and Saturday the programs continued with screening of the new Nada Brahma video in Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, the center received a surprise visitor, Drummer, Shiva Mani. He played on a "Hang Drum" a special kind of melodic percussion instrument from Switzerland. Sri Swamiji garlanded Shivamani and Blessed him. This was the first ever artist to visit the new center. Sri Swamiji said that like any new opening in the Indian tradition, drumming is necessary and Shiva Mani had fulfilled that requirement. Lakshmi Ganapathy Homa was held and Sri Swamiji offered Purnahuti. In the evening, Sri Swamiji visited the famous Bonsai garden of Mr. Chang, a renowned Bonsai Master.


Sri Swamiji left for India on Monday, 26th August 2007.


Sri Swamiji arrived in Mysore Ashrama on 28th noon. In the evening a grand reception was held and Sri Swamiji was welcomed from this 92nd world tour, which saw among many many important things, the following


20th year Jubilee concert & release of Nada Brahma music video in Amsterdam on 14th July
Visit to Lavender farms in Provence, France
Jubilee concert in Interlaken, Switzerland on 21st July
Anniversary program of Switzerland's Datta Yoga Centre on 22nd July
Guru Geeta conference in Flueli village in Switzerland from 23-25 July
Visit to Niagara falls on both Canadian and US side on 27th July
Guru Purnima on 29th in Canada with thousands of devotees
Blessing the Canada center to develop new plans
Suddenly visiting USA and Blessing the Datta Retreat Center and Baton Rouge temples
Participating in the Faith and International Peace conference in Durham, UK
Narahari Teertha Aradhana at London Centre. 
Week end activities of Puja and Bhajans in Datta Yoga Church Centre in London thereby giving the British devotees the encouragement in the development of the new centre.
Recording hours and hours of material for Music for Meditation and healing Technique book.


Thousands of Thousands of people smile and happy


All this......part of the Datta mission of Pujya Sri Swamiji .... in 47 days..... Jai Guru Datta

The Faith and International peace conference. On the dias - galaxy of Saints and scholars
Sri Swamiji releases the conference souvenir book
Dr.Nath presents to Sri Swamiji a crystal plaque in memory of the conference
Pujya Sri Swamiji in prayers on narahari Teertha Aradhana on 21st August at Datta Yoga Centre, London
Sri Swamiji gave Rava Laadu, a favorite sweet dish of Swami Narahari Teertha, to all
Sri Swamiji at the prehistoric monument, Stonehenge, one of world's many mystical places. Sri Swamiji said - he felt good here and also felt some longing souls
Sri Swamiji sees the ancient Roman Bath in Bath city in Somerset
Sri Swamiji in the pool which is directly fed by a hot healing spring fountaining like an umbrella in the corner of the photo
Sri Swamiji keenly listened to a Xylophone player from Russia who was playing on the streets of Bath town
Sri Swamiji took a leisurely stroll on the famed gardens in Bath
Sri Swamiji is reverentially welcome to the center by the members of the Matru Mandali
The main hall inside the center. Sri Swamiji is seated on the stage in the centre
Chairman of Datta Yoga Center, Manubhai Patel welcomes Sri Swamiji to the center and offers flower garland
Sri Swamiji gifts a donation from US devotees to the centre in London. Mr. Mahendra Dave receives as other trustees look on
Sri Swamiji sang Bhajans on all three nights of 23rd, 24th and 25th August 2007
Audience enjoy the Bhajan session
Sri Chakra Puja on 25th evening
Puja in progress at the main altar
Internationally acclaimed drummer, Shiva Mani made a surprise visit to the centre to offer respects to Sri Swamiji. He is seen playing Hang drum
Sri Swamiji signs silence to a enthusiastic crowd
Matru Mandali of England
Lakshmi Ganapati Homa in progress
Annadana to Devotees
Sri Swamiji was pleased with the programs in London
Sri Swamiji in Prayers.... Good Bye..... 92nd Tour.