Sri Swamiji in Europe and Canda, Guru Purnima celebrations, 26 Jul - 06 Aug 2007

  • 26 Jul 2007 - 06 Aug 2007
  • Canada


GURU PURNIMA - The day which a devotee waited year long to spend contemplating on Sadguru Deva drew closer...inch bye inch. Sri Swamiji had acceded to the prayers of Canadian devotees to be present for this year's Guru Purnima festival in Canada. Sri Swamiji arrived from Switzerland on the 26th July 2007 afternoon. On 27th, morning, Sri Swamiji gave radio interview to Telugu Bharati and to a West Indian Television station. Both interviews took place in Datta Yoga Center premises. In the afternoon, Sri Swamiji visited the world famous Niagara Falls and viewed the natural spectacle both from Canadian side as well as from US side.
On 28th evening, Sri Swamiji visited the Datta Yoga Center and was given a rousing welcome reception. Sri Teekah Ramnauth, Ram Vakalanka, Harry Ramnaraine, Jairaj Maharaj and other members welcomed Sri Swamiji. Sri Chakra Puja was performed. Sri Swamiji gave a brief message in English and Telugu and expressed happiness that so many devotees had come from different parts of the world.
29th July 2007 - GURU PURNIMA

On this auspicious day, Sri Swamiji arrived at Capital Banquet Centre at 10 AM. Sri Swamiji was received with traditional Nada Swara pipe players, Purna Kumbha and Veda Ghosha. Sri Swamiji was led to Sri Chakra Puja stage. More than 1000 persons had already occupied the fairly large banquet centre. After Sri Chakra Puja, Sri Swamiji offered flowers to Guru Parampara (Sadguru lineage) photo of Dattatreya, Sri Pada Vallabha, Narasimha Saraswati and Jayalakshmi Mata. Swami Manasa Datta gave a welcome and introduction speech outlining the Guru Purnima significance.
Sri Teekah Ramnauth and family performed Guru Pada Puja on behalf of the entire Datta family. Sri Swamiji then gave a short discourse.

Sri Swamiji chanted the Guru Brahma Mantra, then Akhanda Mandalakaram. Sri Swamiji spoke thus:
"Guru Purnima can be considered as the Birthday of all important Gurus. Dattatreya, Sanaka, Vyasa, Sanandana, Parashara and all Gurus Birthday. On this day, one should remember the first Guru, Mother, Father and the teacher who taught your skills in life, the skill of writing and reading. The teacher, who gave you skills to work and gain food. Even your employment consultant is also a Guru and you should remember them all on this day. Even the person who taught you driving is also your Guru. The person who sponsored your visa to be in the country you reside, the person who taught you A for Apple, the person who taught you the computer skills, are all your Gurus. You must remember and give respects on this Guru Purnima day. Don't forget them. Many imagine Guru Purnima to be only connected with Guru, Sadguru, Parameshti Guru and Parampara Guru. All are important. There are so many categories of Gurus. We must remember all Gurus on this full moon day. We must meditate and give respect to them today. Many think only the person who gives Mantra as your Guru. No. All the above persons are also your Gurus. Mantra Guru is your final Guru. The above persons taught you to lead life.

I remember and meditate on Sage Vyasa today. He started the Guru Purnima system. He gave the Guru Parampara (lineage) system. Sri Swamiji has explained the Guru Geeta so many times. While Sri Chakra Puja was going on, we heard Guru Geeta. Ganapati Sachchidananda did not sing that wonderful Shlokas. Bhagavan Dattatreya himself sang those verses. If you ask me to sing like that today, I cannot. Whenever I listen to it, I get good experience. Not just the voice. Each Shloka is full of power and knowledge. Guru Geeta does not canvas any religion. No. If you understand its true meaning, you understand it's universality. We received Guru Geeta from Lord Shiva Himself. Vyasa and Shankara propagated it. Guru Parampara is a large tree. Your Swamiji's lineage is also a small branch in that large tree. When you feel you have problem, listen to the Guru Geeta chanting. Your mind will be put at ease to tackle the problem. Don't be wary in your approach. Believe in something. Don't keep butter in your hand and search around for ghee. Most likely, the answer to your problems lie with you.

Start somewhere. Many people say they miss old Swamiji. But when I am available, most people ask silly questions. Very few ask question relating to enrichment of Jnana. Some Gurus may like your silly questions. But not with me. Don't be tricky with me. 10 years back Sri Swamiji was available for hours together. Very few people got Jnana from me. Today new persons hear that old devotees spent hours after hours with Swamiji. After two years, even this will be not be there. After two years, Swamiji may not speak. After two years, Bhajans will not be there. After two years, I may not travel . I may just wave my hand. . Today you are lucky. That's all. Don't compare too much. Those who have seen this have to see the different situations also. Time moves on. Time changes everything. 15 years ago many of you in this hall were children who were lifted by me. Some were even named by Swamiji. But today, you are grown up and I cannot hold you like I held you when you were children. Don't be upset. That is how life is. Adjust to the new situation. As time moves, things change. That is the only permanent thing. My Blessings to you all.
Sri Guru Datta

Sri Swamiji later released a souvenir book titled "Eye of Wisdom". A MP3 audio CD music play of Sri Swamiji's life history titled "Nada Katha Sudha", which was prepared by more than 40 devotees in Baton Rouge, Houston and other places was also released. Another CD titled "Sharanam Sachchidanandam" containing 17 songs on Sri Swamiji sung by Smt. Radhika Rudraksha and Uma Deval was also released. Sri Swamiji later cut a cake to mark the Guru Purnima occasion. Kali ji presented Guru Purnima T-Shirts.

Later, all the devotees came in a queue and had the Blessed and sacred opportunity to touch the Holy Padas (feet) of Sri Swamiji and offer their respects and prayers. It went on till 2.30 PM.
In the evening, Sri Swamiji returned and spoke about Sage Vyasa and sang Bhajans and Guru Ashtaka.
Sri Swamiji drew lotto to decide in which place in USA Sri Swamiji would come for 2008 Guru Purnima festival. New Jersey won the draw and the jubilant New Jersey devotees numbering more than 100 loudly chanted victory to Sri Swamiji. After the Bhajans, the new video, NADA BRAHMA 2007 was played and the audience went through the voyage of beautiful singing of Kalatreya Bodhitam Brahma Brahma and the mesmerizing video of Sri Swamiji moving along the Kaveri river from the river's birthplace in Bhagamandala to Sri Swamiji's birthplace on Kaveri river in Mekedatu.

On 30th Morning, Sri Swamiji performed Sri Chakra Puja and Blessed Dr. Ramana Murty and Dr. Nadiminti Venkatramaiah, both of whom had celebrated 60th year Homas (Shashthi Purti Shanti). Sri Swamiji in his discourse mentioned about the Chutuka Sahitya composed by Sri Swamiji in Kannada and Telugu and the english translation of those poems. Sri Swamiji also spoke about the newly released "Nada Katha Sudha" MP3 Audio CD containing 40 hours of narration of Sri Swamiji's life story set to good music.

In the evening, music for meditation and Healing concert was held. Dr. Kuldip S Kular, Member of Parliament of Ontario lit the inaugural lamp and in his address expressed happiness about the program being held and the healing qualities of music. He presented to Sri Swamiji a proclamation from Mr. Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario welcoming Sri Swamiji to Toronto.

Sri Swamiji played the Bhajan "Peethe Peethe" in Vachaspati Raga and "Gauri Taye" Bhajan in Ahir Bhairav Raga. The 1200 audience thoroughly enjoyed the music that flowed.

On 31st evening, a talent show was held in the Banquet hall. Various satsang groups sang Bhajans. The orchestra was led by Canadian devotee Sharma Ramdular. The judges (Sri Swamiji's musicians, Ramesh, Jaitra and Mahesh) adjudged Laguna Hills for 1st prize, Dallas Satsang for 2nd prize and 3rd prize was won by New Jersey Satsang group. Canadian singer Sati Sheetal won the consolation prize. In the beginning, Sri Swamiji joined the frenzy dancing devotees to the amazement of the audience.

After the culture event, Sri Babaji from Orlando, USA spoke about serving Sadguru and the different Yogas that can be learnt in the Sannidhi of Sadguru. He profusely thanked Sri Swamiji for coming to North America for celebrating Guru Purnima and making it easy for thousands of devotees to pray to their Sadguru in person.

With another four days of program left, Sri Swamiji took rest on 1st and 2nd August.... Watch here for more updates and report.
Sri Swamiji interviewed for a West Indian Television Channel
29th July 2007 - Sri Swamiji performing Sri Chakra Puja and Guru Parampara Puja on GURU PURNIMA DAY at Capital Banquet Hall, Mississauga, Canada
Sri Chakra Puja Arati by Sri Swamiji
Swami Manasa Datta speaks on Guru Tattva on Guru Purnima day
Guru Purnima Pada Puja by Teekah Ramnauth, Chairman of Datta Yoga Center, Canada
Sacred Sadguru Pada - decorated with sandal paste
Sri Swamiji cuts the cake presented by Ramesh Ramsingh family
Sri Swamiji releases "Nada Katha Sudha" - a 40 hour MP3 narration of Telugu biography of Sri Swamiji
Sri Swamiji releases Sharanam Sachchidanandam audio CD with Bhajans on Sri Swamiji
Purnahuti of Datta Homa
Dr. Kuldip Kular, MPP of Ontario Parliament presents to Sri Swamiji the special welcome proclamation by the Premier of Ontario
Sri Swamiji in concert
Concert in progress
Hundreds of hands go up as Sri Swamiji lifts His right hand in Chin Mudra
The holy hands of Sri Swamiji playing on the synthesizer
Dr. Ramana Murty & Dr. Indubala and Dr. Venkatramaiah & Smt. Janaki families after their Shashthi Purti Pujas on 30th July
Sri Swamiji looks at the aerial view of the horse show falls in Niagara falls on 28th July 2007
Sri Swamiji at the American side of Niagara falls as He prepares to go in the Cave of Winds
Sri Swamiji in front of the American falls in the Cave of Winds

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