Sri Swamiji in Europe and Canada, Visit to Lavender Fields, France, 16 - 19 Jul 2007

  • 16 Jul 2007 - 19 Jul 2007
  • Aribeau Provence, France

Pujya Sri Swamiji's long cherished wish to visit Lavender growing area in France happened after the tour in Holland. Sri Swamiji arrived in Provence area in France on the evening of 16th July 2007. On 17th and 18th Sri Swamiji visited Lavender farms, museum and the city of Avignon. Photos from the visit
Sri Swamiji in Lavender field
The short plant of Lavender derives its name from Latin - meaning "to Heal" ...interesting
The sweet, soothing smell of Lavender has properties to cure many ailments
Sri Swamiji in front of a Grand Canyon like looking cliff near APT town
Panorama of the area
The group who organised the tour. Kamala (2nd from left) led the organisation