Sri Swamiji in Datta Kshetra Yatra, Speech in Peethapuram, 18 Jan 2003

  • 18 Jan 2003 - 18 Jan 2003
  • Peethapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sri Swamiji’s speech in Peethapuram – 18th January 2003

Today is Purnima. It is also called as SADHANA PURNIMA. It is a day to learn more about Sadguru Principle. We are in this sacred town of Peethapuram today. We get Jnana. Health and your horizon expands. 

There are three types of people. 
The best is one who dies work without being told
The good is one who does work after being told.
The bad is one who does not do even when told. 

When doing good and work of truth, you may face difficulties. Difficulties in life are like family members. You have to accept it. While trying to Dhyana, one yawns. Why because while trying to achieve concentration you tend to sleep. That happens because the only time you rest is when you sleep. That is the only concentration in life. Hence yawn comes.

There was a King. He had a good minister. This minister used to say “ALL THAT HAPPENS IS FOR GOOD”. Maharaja used to wonder why this minister says it often. One day the Kind cut his finger while cutting a fruit. The King shouted “Pain Pain”. The minister said “Good”. The shocked and exasperated king asked his soldiers to throw the minister in a deep well. The minister said “Good. All that happens is for good”. The minister was thrown in a well in the king’s presence in a deep forest. While returning, the king’s party was attacked by wicked witch like persons who were looking for a superior class person for a sacrifice to Kali goddess. The captured king was bathed and before the sacrifice, his body was thoroughly checked to make sure his body was intact and okay. Then they discovered that he had a finger cut and was let off, as he was not fit for a sacrifice. The king realized that this accident of finger cutting saved his life and rescued the minister and awarded him suitably. So, don’t think that you are inferior. What you constantly think, it affects you deeply. Swamiji meets all types of people to give them courage. If you have the will, Swamiji helps you to achieve amazing things. You need not be rich to worship God. All he wants from you is for you to be truthful and good-hearted. 

Sri Swamiji sings “Jaya Jaya Kali”
Sri Swamiji sings”Digambara Digambara”
Who is Digambara? Naked one? Digambara means “One who has the four directions as his clothes”. That is his sides are the directions (east, west, north and south) themselves. He is in all of us. He exists everywhere. Narasimha Avatara is an example for this. There is no discrimination for him like we humans have created amongst ourselves. 
When you say you are searching for truth, do you mean you already have untruth? Are you that great liar and false person? Don’t be jealous of other’s achievements. You will never become a better person by being jealous. Don’t underestimate you. When you don’t have smile, truth, happiness, greatness, gratefulness, love, affection, attitude to help others, how can you be recognized? How can you be taken in to confidence? You never help others but you expect others to help you, love you, shower their affection, and have confidence in you. No. That will not happen. When the God has enveloped our lives, change for the better. 
One who eats once is called YOGI
One who eats twice is called BHOGI
One who eats thrice is called ROGO (ill person)

You eat so many times a day. Why? Because you spend most of the time with TV and groundnuts and various potato chips. Children too have caught up with this attitude. They try to imitate those fake persons. They don’t want to be Rama or Krishna. These days children want to be Spiderman, super man. They are losing their mind. Even to eat food, they must be prodded. 
In USA, people have headphones permanently implanted around their head so that they listen music always. They shake when they listen to that music. Even when not listening to any music, they still shake. That is the affect it has. 
One has to understand one’s limitations. Not understanding it beings dangers. Eating without limitations, doing anything without moderations is one of the greatest dangers. Sleeping till noon. All this is bad. You let children sleep till they wish to get up. This is wrong. They must get up before sunrise and study. It is very good for them. 

Many come to me asking for Jnana. They are perpetual GURU SEARCHERS. They come and ask me show me truth. I give them a torch and say search yourself. No. You have to learn some good habits to search for that. 

You have to learn to be magnanimous. Many in India mistreat their workers at home. IT is very wrong. I call on you to change your attitude. You can wear good clothes. But if she wears something even half as good as yours, you get agitated. This is a clear case of jealousy. Why can’t she wear? She can be your owner in next life. Remember that. You must help her to achieve some level in her life. It will be the greatest work you can do. After all you don’t own this world. God has created so many things for humans to thrive on this planet. Imagine that you custodian of God’s resources and it is with great trust that he has given to you. Like bank having your money. You have given them on trust. Will you keep quiet if they say it is theirs? You attach ownership on everything in your house. The sofa set, the television. Even a broomstick in some dusty corner you have developed affection to it. YOU create enough Karma every day to make you take one hundred births. Imagine what you achieve in a lifetime. God has decided how long you live. It is a limited time. Settle on some principles in life and stick to it. Don’t change it. Don’t compare and wait. Life is like radio news. You cannot say “What? Please repeat.” No not possible. Life is like that. 

When you say “Dattatreya ki JAI”. You say victory to God. Yes. Because God fights for you, it should always be victory for him. When you say victory for my leader, you are giving him responsibility. He should understand that. He cannot take it lightly and treat you as a follower or as a servant. 

Many go to Tirupati. Only to offer him their wishes list. All material wishes. No spiritual or sacred wishes. When you close your eyes in front of the Lord, don’t fall asleep. You have to permanently imprint his image in your consciousness. You should be able to recall that image whenever you want. 

Because life is short and mostly full of unexpected events, you have to lead a good and truthful life. There is always a funny thing happening. You exclaim “Ayyo. Already one year passed since my father’s death”. There is no count of years for who dies. It means you are closer by a year to death. 

Many ask me to BLESS THEM STRONGLY and POWERFULLY. What does it mean? Beat them up with hot iron rod and hammer and charge them Rs.100? Or pierce with needles to my Blessings? Or give them a heavy stone and ask them to carry this heavy blessings? Why are people losing their mind even to ask blessings in a proper way? Prayer sessions or Pujas is always a “GIVE ME” affair. It should become TAKE ME affair. Only when you offer your life to God to tune and make it work, then only will your life bring true happiness and new vistas and horizon. 

There is a good Bhajan on tongue. It says
O Tongue, I offer my Namaskar to you. 
You assume it great to abuse others. You never know what type of snake lives in a snake pit. Be careful.
O tongue, wake up in the morning and chant the names of Lord. Ensure that my mouth is kept clean by chanting the names of lord. 
Sri Swamiji sings “Manchi Maata Matlaadu O’ Naalukaa”
O’ Tongue talk only when necessary. Think before you talk. Don’t talk unplanned and then apologize. Talk only if it is valuable. It is a great trait to keep quiet. It is really an art to know when to talk and when to remain silent. 
Tongue has no bone in it. That is why it is so flubbery and talkative. 
As Peethapuram one of the sacred places of Mother Goddess’ 18 temples, I should sing a Devi Bhajan. 
Sri Swamiji sings “Ammakanna Adhikulevuru”
This Bhajan speaks on the greatness of mother Goddess. I conclude here by singing the last Bhajan of today. 
Sri Swamiji sings “Shankaram Shankaram”