Sri Swamiji in Datta Kshetra Yatra, Speech after Sri Chakra Puja, Peethapuram, 19 Jan 2003

  • 19 Jan 2003 - 19 Jan 2003
  • Peethapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sri Chakra Puja Speech of Sri Swamiji – Peethapuram Ashrama – 19 Jan 2003

Develop broad vision. You should automatically get it when you do Guru Seva. You should aspire for better results in after life too. Your present day wish list has only mundane wishes like, job, family, career, loans etc. I don’t say it is bad. You should also look for Spiritual betterment. Have those wishes also. 70 persons performed Pada Puja today. Most of them had such earthly wishes. I am just a custodian of your wishes to be offered to Lord Dattatreya. We should not be duped by Rakshasa Maaya. It happened to Devathas also during the Tripurasura Samhara period. The great Ravi Verma in his paintings made Gods sit on flowers or animals. But for Saraswati, he made her sit on a rock. The reason is our intellect is trapped in a rock. The knowledge has to break that rock for the Jnana Ganga to flow out. Then the Parama Hamsa state comes.

Many new people are here today. They do not know about Swamiji much. They don’t know about my tests and mischief, which causes severe misunderstanding about Swamiji and Swamiji’s Tattva. Swamiji patiently sat through those Pada Pujas and their innocent actions. Many of you are under the false imaginations of Purana comics and what you read in old scriptures. They expect a halo behind Swamiji’s head and Swamiji to immediately dissolve their problems. Many think Swamiji is a street side astrologer who gives false hopes. They expect Swamiji to automatically tell about their background. This is not so. You have few minutes with Swamiji and spell clearly what you have in mind. When you go to a doctor, you should not hide anything. Similarly, you should not feel shy with Swamiji.

Don’t come to Swamiji just because your friends or family members come. You should come only of your heart says so. Don’t do anything without full conviction. No doubt, the first few meetings will be to have a feel about the whole thing. But it should not last very long. Swamiji knows what to give to whom when in which circumstances. Don’t ask what Swamiji’s gives others. He deserves it. You may not need it. Just because one person is not your friend, it should mean he should not come to Swamiji. Even sinners have wish for a change to the better. Let us give an opportunity to them to change. 
In this Peethapuram Kshetra, Swamiji has given the locality a great place to come together and worship. Make good use of this opportunity and develop yourself.

Jaya Guru Datta