Sri Swamiji in Datta Kshetra Yatra, Speech after Sri Chakra Puja, Nellore, Evening, 30 Jan 2003

  • 30 Jan 2003 - 30 Jan 2003
  • Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sri Swamiji’s Speech after Sri Chakra Puja – Nellore Ashrama - 30th January 2003

Is Astrology and horoscope true? Is it a true science? Naamakarna is address. Anna Praashana is an auspicious beginning for a healthy intake of food. Naming ceremony is a happy event. All faiths follow it. All traditions consider the birth time as an important event. God is beyond time. We the mortals are bound by time (Kaala). We have a fixed numbers of breaths. Our Praana is in the control of Yama. Every inhalation and exhalation you do, loses one in your total count. You should not get angry because you inhale and exhale faster when you are angry. Your own anger can be your enemy. Taking the birth time into consideration, which also involves the various parameters like the month, year of birth, the planetary position of that precise moment is calculated. Every second of existence will be influenced by different vibrations being emanated by countless stars in our galaxy. Astrologers follow different methods and cast your chart. They also say which star is beneficial to you and which star may not be beneficial for you. Everyone on this earth hails from different planets from former lives. When we say your Graha Bala (Strength of a particular planet) is weak, we mean that particular planet may not be beneficial to you. Then, can a Shanti Homa for that planet heal the situation? The influence of a particular planet is specified for a fixed amount of time. Doing Shanti Homa of that particular planet, you get extra strength to bear the fruits of that time.

Many times we wonder why a marriage conducted after extensive horoscope match go foul. That is because the chart would have been faulty or the astrologer who checked it is a hoax. Astrologer must be versatile with some knowledge of astronomy also. Then only is he strong. Those who take three-week astrology course claim to be great astrologer. Also people are taken on a ride when there are mass Homas for a particular planet and to remove its ill effects. It is especially true if the planet is Saturn, Ketu or Raahu. People must understand that all sciences have limitations. All your problems cannot be solved by astrology alone. Astrology is a great and important science. But we also have to ensure that the science is kept alive by good and genius astrologers. Many of them fleece the public these days. That is why so much discussion and stormy arguments on the pros and cons of this science. The whole science is dependent on the faith of the person and the strength of the astrologer.

You will not need anything in life if you lead a life of truth, helpful and simplicity. Guru Bhakti is yet another great missile in your armory

Next question – Is Saaligraama Puja helpful? I will give the answer in the evening Satsang. Bhakti Mala – The Ashrama news magazine contains many of such answers to everyday questions. I just joked. I will speak on Saaligraama now.

Saaligraama is available in Gandaki River only. It is said that a great saint by name Brinda reached the feet of Lord Krishna as a Saaligraama. There is a special inspect which constantly sounds OM, Jeem and it is inside. Many of the Saaligraama have small quantity of Gold inside. The insect has taken that form after thousands of years. The insect living in that black stone constantly sounds the Beejaakshara and fills it with great vibrations.

As usual there are fake Saaligraamaas. Recently there is a spurt in the availability of Saaligraama with water body inside. A true Saaligraama test is – Place the Saaligraama between two copper plates. When chanted Mantras, the Saaligraama turns. The insect long dead inside would have created a Chakrani inside. The energy of that insects Beejaakshara chanting would have beneficial effects.

There are several ways to detect and classify the type and nature of a Saaligraama There are Vishnu, Narasimha, Ambika, Shiva and other types of Saaligramas. Saaligraama immersed in a copper cup with water for one night and drinking the same too has benefits.

Why should not one touch Swamiji’s feet? Is it out of Madi? Or austere? Why don’t you touch fire or electric wires? In Swamiji’s body or feet, Swamiji would have taken the bad vibrations of people who come to me in all good faith and hope. Swamiji does not want you to touch unannounced and get those vibrations. When I am prepared, I allow touching the feet. You can even hug me. But, I must be prepared to do it. Let me make it clear. I cannot stand smoker or an alcoholic. It is like going to an operation theater in a hospital. There are some rules you have to observe. Like wise with Swamiji. Actually I don’t want your Namaskara or your devotion with its physical attributes like hugging etc. Simple devotion, love and affection and yearn is enough. But what to do? There are some hard devotees who aspire for touching. In Datta Sampradaaya (tradition), more emphasis is given to Padukas (foot wear) than to the actual Paada (feet). Even in Ramayana, Bharata took his brother (Rama)’s Padukas as the true representative. It is like you take the Arati flame and consider it to be the light of the Lord. It also means that your troubles should melt like the camphor with which the Arati is burning.

Many are wary of this Arati concept because they are expected to put some small money in to the Arati. They are more worried that the person standing next would put more money. It is self-conscious.

There are many hidden devotees who have helped Ashrama. We are grateful to them. We should never forget those who help. Never expect more. Be happy and grateful they considered you to be help worthy. You also develop the attitude to help others. When a beggar comes to home for help, do whatever you can. Be grateful to God that it is not you who is coming for help and it is someone else.

Jaya Guru Datta