Sri Swamiji in Datta Kshetra Yatra, Satsang in Petthapuram's animal fair grounds,19 Jan 2003

  • 19 Jan 2003 - 19 Jan 2003
  • Peethapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sri Swamiji’s discourse on 19th January 2003
Satsang in Peethapuram’s animal fair grounds

Sri Swamiji while speaking leaves the stage and walks to the audience. There are thousands of people spread across the sprawling animal fair grounds in the town of Peethapuram. People watch Sri Swamiji coming to them in disbelief. 

The more you become a servant, the God blesses you more. He becomes y ou servant when you humble yourself. Showing your ego is a giant pitfall. Sadguru does not bless you until you do Namaskara to him. You can learn this from Harishchandra and Vishvamitra story. Self-surrender is important. What is it? Offering you. That is self-surrender. Who is Datta? Datta dedicated himself to the world. Datta Tattva is very special. Try to understand it. You may wonder what is this Maya? Why was I born? Why am I in suffering? Is it my entire fault? Why was I given these pleasures and pains? You may appear to be a saint (according to you). But still you suffer. Why? Because, you have unnecessary attachment over small and big things in the world. You should be like a Kamala flower. It blooms when sun rises and it folds back when Sun sets. In Ramayana, child Rama’s eyes are compared to this flower. Heart is a fruit. An apple. An orange. A papaya. Body is a Tulasi leaf. A Bilva leaf. Body dries up like a leaf. Our tears are the Abhisheka to the lord. This is Indriya Puja. We are undergoing all this because of our desires from other lives. When we cannot offer in this life, how can we know from other lives? It is a big mystery. Kill your ego. Then only the inner light shines.

To find relief in this messy world, you have to have your perspective fixed. When you learn the story of Amrita Manthana, the first thing that came in the churning was poison. It caused unimaginable torment to the world. Then Shiva drank it and rescued the world. Datta will Bless and rescue us if we deserve. He was the teacher for many greats in Puranas and Sri Pada Vallabha was a great saint who was the incarnation of Dattatreya. You all are blessed to be in his land of Peethapura. Yesterday I told in other speech. I requested them to help others. We have to be benevolent to others. We have to develop liberal attitude. When we say “universal brotherhood”, it should not stop in the speech and should be translated to real life. I am sure every one of you in this mammoth crowd can help one other person in their lives. At least give the poor your old clothes. Poor people live in unimaginable conditions. City dwellers who claim to be great devotees should go to villages. Help them to do Anagha Vrata and spread the message. Inform and educate them. There must be so many teachers in this crowd. I am sure you all can coach and teach one poor boy and meet his education expenses.

Datta’s mother was Anasuya. She was the mother for the trinity. She was without ASUYA. Hence ANASUYA. One without jealousy. 
Datta’s father Atri means one who has come over three bad qualities. Today is Purnima (Full moon day). We all are blessed to be in this sacred town. Those who live in this world should understand the greatness of this place. Then you all will be greatly Blessed. Go to Datta temple daily. If that is difficult, go weekly once. I am sure Sri Pada Vallabha walked on this same land, which we are sitting today. 
This sprawling field is an animal fair field. We all are animals of God. We are the cows of Lord Krishna. We do not know when our lives end. You were born with a return ticket. (Some one touches Swamiji’s feet). Don’t touch my feet. Why? Because all the powers and sins of people who come to me end up in this feet. That is why it is sacred. It is like electricity. Be careful. Meditate for two minutes. Close your eyes. I will be able to read your aura system when you are in deep concentration. One’s vibration can go up to 40 kilometers. It can affect the atmosphere. One can expect rains then. Keep meditating. 
After three minutes. Swamiji chants
Chitta Shuddhi helps to clean your intellect. You can wash it with Nama Japa (Bhajan singing). 
Sri Swamiji returns to the stage

Sri Swamiji sings “Gana Gana Ganapathy”
Sri Swamiji sings “Namo Namo Guru Datta”

A great saint sang in Marathi language. What did he say? Of God what did you give me? A habit to comment and criticize. I should stop this somehow. O’ Krishna – Help me. The six internal enemies who make me dance madly to the whims and fancies of the world. Many say – I cannot pray because I am busy. This is sheer stupidity. Because even ants have time. Why don’t you have time? How are you busy? Watching Television? Doing unnecessary things? Everyone can find time and pray. Please do it. Sri Rama made monkeys work for him. Monkeys are one of the most restless animals. If they were able to work, then you too can do it.

One day all the discrimination of caste and creed in India will go away. I will come again and work for it. It is this caste system that has eaten away the Indian originality. This system is a curse for India. I will work for its eradication. 
You should be physically fit. Get up at 5 am daily. It becomes a habit. It is a very good habit. Then go for a walk for one hour. Chant the name of God while you walk. It is good Puja. Physical fitness is important. God will help us if we can help ourselves. 

Sri Swamiji sings “Nashtamaite Aite Kaani”

Don’t be disheartened by losses. You should resolve to plan, work and earn better. What is a loss? Relatives are around as long as you have wealth or fame or power. You should not be over generous. Sometimes even family members distance you. But keep the company of the God and Datta friends. The world may shoo you away. It may ridicule you. It is the habit of people to ridicule when you suffer. When you fail, there will be a thousand advisors who give free advise about how you could have avoided this pitiful situation. But where were they earlier? But you will have the company of Datta’s will and Datta friends. 

You may get ill health. You may be sleepless because of family worries. Because the family tree, the family snake keeps you awake out of fear. Your attachment to relatives is sometimes overzealous. But they are the big seeds for delusion and disappointment. 
Three days ago a Datta devotee called me and spoke “Swamy, I lost my husband and my business. All my relatives are ridiculing me for having a Sadguru and losing husband. But your devotees are the source of strength. Your stories and discourses, which come on television everyday, have given me the strength. Many relatives whom I never knew existed are appearing daily. Thanks Swamiji. “ This was her experience. This is the company of Datta friends. 

Many devotees outside India thank their diseases and ill health. Because of it, they came to Swamiji. Not only did they get well, they even got introduced to spiritual living. You need strength to encounter that illness. Most of suffering is psychology related. Ramana Maharshi’s cancer story says it all. Today many of our illness are over treated with medicines. You should more often develop mental strength to encounter even dreaded diseases.

Sri Swamiji sings” Namo Namo Guru Datta – Narul Surul”

When even great Devathas and saints worship you, there must certainly be some special effect in you. This Bhajan explains Datta and his ornaments. The weapons in Indian God’s hands have scientific meanings. Many make fun of it. It is very wrong. Many make sarcastic comment that Hindus worship rats and elephants and eagles and what not. Hindus see godliness everywhere. 

Jaya Guru Datta