Sri Swamiji in Datta Kshetra Yatra, Satsang in Nellore, 29 Jan 2003

  • 29 Jan 2003 - 29 Jan 2003
  • Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sri Swamiji’s Satsang – Nellore Ashrama, 29th January 2003 - Evening Satsang

Sri Maha Ganapataye Namaha
Sri Sarasvatyai Namaha
Sri Pada Vallabha Narasimha Sarasvati
Sri Guru Dattatreyaya

Sri Swamiji sings “Paahi Paahi Gajanana”
Many of man’s parts are in pairs. Hands, legs, eyes, ears, kidneys and so on. They are for balance. They are like Ida Naadi and Pingala Naadi. The Brahma Naadi controls all other organs. We also call it as SHAKTI. The Shakti is very subtle and formless. To meditate and to get energy which moves us and to give strength to our tongue to express ourselves, Nama Sankirtana is a good method. Thinking about God head is also a good method.

Divyanama Sankirtana is one of the methods. It is not the only method. Others may chose other methods, Puja, Mantras and so on. God can be reached by many paths. No one path can claim sole right. Once a westerner asked me “Swami, why do Indians have so many denominations? Why do they wear different marks on their body?”. I replied saying body is a temple and we have to take care of our temple. Different denominations are there to say that the God head has many paths and all lead to the same result.

Sri Swamiji sings “Sri Lakshmi Maa Lakshmi”

The Bhajan is very special. When the Bhajan says “ You are swinging in supreme bliss in the thousand petal lotus, it means not lotus flower. It means our Sahasrara. Those who meditate understand what I say. You all never meditate. When you close your eyes all that comes in your mind is your debts and your family problems. Dhyana Siddhi comes after decades and decades of meditation. You should not worry about vacillation and instable mind. You should continue for decades. Then only it comes. Our Karmendriyas are very active in life. Many start to sleep when meditating because the Indriyas are sitting on them and forcing them to fall and sleep. That is the state of affairs. Like Kumbhakarna you sleep. When Hanuman went to Lanka the first time in search of Sita Devi he searched many places. He even entered the woman complex of Ravana’s palace. But in one of the smaller complex in the palace, he heard the sounds of Narayana Mantra and Puja Mantras and the sweet smell of incense which was pleasing. Hanuman was surprised and when he went there he found Vibhishana, the younger brother of Ravana. See the paradox. One mother and the three sons are so different. Each contradicts the other. Ravana the devil minded, Vibhishana the great Vishnu devotee and Kumbhakarna the eternal lazy. All three performed penance and they all sought different boons. See the paradox. In Phillippines, there is a special massage system where they massage only your hand fingers. They say that the two hands has connection with the whole body. This science has diminished and today there are many cheaters who fake that ancient art. In India recently there was a inivitation for Swamiji to witness a Phillippines doctor perform operation with massage and that he would remove tumors just by waving hands and the claims wouldn't stop. Swamiji laughed. Isn't this crazy? In this age of scientific temperament people are still so gullible.

I remember a story. There was a coconut garden. A thief was planning to steal some coconuts from a very richly coconut yielding tree. He came and stole. The garden owner decided to catch him and went to the market to check if those special coconuts would be for sale. He found a person selling them. He inquired and the seller became frantic and started to stutter and claim that he brought them from his own village. The garden owner said that he had left the coconuts in the tree because there was a giant serpent living atop the tree and it had bitten many workers who tried to remove the coconuts and all of them had died. The owner asked “did it not bite YOU?” The seller became nervous and said “I felt something but I was not sure. Saying this, he fainted and fell.

This is the trick of those doctors. They lie and deceive you. Many don’t like Swamiji because Swamiji is straight forward and do not give false hopes. Swamiji many times does not answer your questions directly. Swamiji is not a small time street smart astrologer. Swamiji is there to guide you in your spiritual journey. I help you with your mundane problems only to divert your mind to the spiritual. But many get stuck in these. What to DO?
Many suffer from tension. Meditation is a good practice to divest yourself of tension. Enjoy a sunrise. Enjoy a Sunset. You never get up till it is 8.

Sri Swamiji sings “Govinda Kanna”

That’s why saints say that one has to forget himself while meditation. You should even forget your own breathing. Kumbhakarna used to sleep like this. His breathing while snoring was so powerful that even his servants would be blown away. One has to have control over how much he sleeps.

Sri Swamiji sings Jai Jai Kapeesha