Sri Swamiji in Datta Kshetra Yatra, Pam Dattanatha, Bhimavaram, 10 - 12 Jan 2003

  • 10 Jan 2003 - 12 Jan 2003
  • Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India

Datta Kshetra Yatra - Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh

Pam Dattanatha - Navanaatha Kshetra

The next stop in the sacred Datta Kshetra Yatra pilgrimage was in Bhimavaram. Sri Swamiji arrived there on 10th January 2003 late morning and inaugurated the newly built Samudaya Bhavana in the Ashrama premises. The Ashrama in the commercial town is in the heart of the town and is a well known place with the locals. That afternoon Sri Swamiji inaugurated an Andhra Bank ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) in the Samudaya Bhavan. That evening Sri Chakra Puja was held in the sacred environs of the Mother Goddess Lakshmi temple. Sri Swamiji sat inside the shrine and conducted the rituals. Thousands of devotees thronged the Ashrama to have a glimpse of Sri Swamiji. The next morning (11th January 2003) Puja was in the newly built prayer hall. The evening Satsang was in a open air school ground. The Satsang was inaugurated by Sri Venkatramayya, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax department in Andhra Pradesh state. Sri Bethavolu Rama Brahmam gave a wonderful and literarily rich speech about the 60th Birthday celebrations. His depth of knowledge, the delivery of the thought chain and respectable voice was a literary delight. Sri Swamiji gave a discourse and sang Bhajans.

On 12th January, after Sri Chakra Puja in the morning, the trustees were honored. In the evening, Sri Swamiji after arriving at the Satsang place (School grounds) went to the public sitting area and took the wireless microphone and gave a heart stirring speech, begging, cajoling and ordering devotees and people to be Dharmic and lead a pure and contented life. This direct approach of Swamiji walking around the audience and speaking was interesting and had a great impact.

Sri Swamiji left for Eluru after Bhajans at 10 PM.

Sri Swamiji's speech in Bhimavaram - 10 Jan, 2003

Today in this evening time we have the auspicious occasion of the Satsang. Let us for some time perform Divya Nama Sankeertana, the easiest path in Kali Yuga to reach the almighty. Bhajans, Keertans, Music are comparable to Pranayama techniques. Like Pranayama gives better health and life and aid our Sadhana, Divya Nama Sankeertana too do it. God likes Singing. There is no animal on this earth which does not like music. If such being exists, perhaps it is deaf. Even crying babies sleep to good music. Lord Brahma himself sings Vedas through one of his mouth. The bells in anklet of Mother Goddess Parvati Devi sound in perfect harmony. It is that harmony which is the main reason for the balance of this universe. Even a washer man who washes clothes, makes grunts while beating the clothes. These grunts are harmonious. In the big temples of Tamil Nadu, we see large pillars are so stupendous that they make us wonder how it was made to stand. Once a Yogi with the strength of Pranayama taught other workers and made them lift that giant pillar with that Pranayama technique. One still wonders about the techniques used by our ancestors in doing many great things or engineering marvels. It is through such esoteric or spiritual training. In my childhood I saw a giant bull tamed when good music was used. Whether, a scientist or a agriculturist or a businessman, the people in Maharashtra state always chant the name of Vitthala. They have many wonderful stories involving great saints of that state who used music for their Sadhana. You get great peace of mind when you chant this Divya Nama Sankeertana

Many of us today are obsessed by my and mine. This is a giant spider web. We have to get out of this. We are in this confusion ocean. There is a small boat run by Sadguru. Imposing full faith in him, we have to listen to him, live according to him and get in it. Otherwise, we may drown in that confusion ocean. He will train you to say mine is yours and mine is everyone’s. A Sadguru makes his disciple to do many things; Yoga, Yaga, Bhajan, Tapas, Divya Nama Sankeertana etc., Nama Sankeertana is an important thing we have in life.

I am here after three years. This is a auspicious time. I told then that it would be the last visit. It was my intention to make you self sufficient and independent, to empower you. We should not get disheartened by such statements. As Rama Brahmam said earlier, no one can understand the underlying plan of Swamiji. I have changed plans in airplanes i.e. mid air. Swamiji’s plans depends how pure your heart is. The cleanliness of heart is as important as the outer surroundings of your house. It is a miracle that I am here today. The Ashrama in this town is in a very traffic laden place. I remember the services of Mamidanna Venkatrao’s family in the establishment of this Ashrama. Swamiji is in a temporarily accommodation. It is a very noisy place. I am there with much difficulty. .

Sri Swamiji sings :Gana Gana Mulaku Pati yeina"
Sri Swamiji sings “Dum Dum Durga”.

I was told that this town has community feelings and problems. I urge all of you to channalise that same energy on the service to the Lord. Instead of what you are feeling, imagine what God is feeling. Then your feelings will change.

Sri Swamiji sings “Devi Viradrupa Vainatti Neevvu”

Sri Swamiji worships Mother Goddess Lakshmi with lemons
The Evening Satsang in a school grounds. A speaker speaks about Sri Swamiji
Lord Dattatreya in Bhimavaram Ashrama - Pam Datta Naatha
Ganapathy idol in the shrine
Chief diety - Lakshmi
A view of the Ashrama on the busy road of Bhimavaram
A view of the Ashrama Prayer hall called "Sri Math Jayalakshmi Prarthana Mandira"
Sri Swamiji wears a Tavare flower (Lily flowers) garland.
Sri Swamiji before the Satsang
Sri Swamiji standing in public and speaking
Sri Swamiji holds water in this sliver conch before Abhishekam
Sri Swamiji ties a Shvethaarka Raksha
The eye soothing greenery continued throughout the tour
Diabetes detection camp in Ashrama
Sri Swamiji with Mamidanna Kanaka Rathna, the donor of the Ashrama land
Sri Swamiji after inauguration the ATM of Andhra Bank
The Raga Ragini Trust book stall
Sri Swamiji made a sudden visit to a small watch shop in city
Sri Swamiji inside the clock shop
Sri Swamiji spiritedly speaks about different vegetables and their nutrients in connection with the diabetes camp
A pensive Swamiji whipped the consciousness of people with strong worded speech cautioning them to abandon wanton and wasteful attitude.